
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

I'm...........a killer?

*mature content in this sceneMay 31, 201911:55 pm

Santiago dropped his knife that was stained with the blood of Lionel's heart. Oh no, this isn't what he wanted to do. Every second thinking about it makes it worse, and then it hits him.

Lionel was Moon's father figure.

Santiago killed Moon's father figure. He started to cry.


No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. Not now, not ever. When he jabbed that knife into Lionel, it was revenge for Fernando, not a thought rushed through his head. He did not know who Lionel was since his back was turned and it was nearly pitch black at night.

He ran to Lionel's dead body and crouched down, hoping that there could be a chance that he would be alive. Santiago could nurse him back to life and everything would be fine. He hoped that it could be possible. Santiago tried everything: CPR, jumping on him, slapping him, rolling him over, trying to stand him up, etc. It only got blood on his hands. All of his blood was rushing to his heart, it seemed like. The white t-shirt was stained blood red, like it was what he actually wore.

Santiago frenzied into a panic. He is in the scene of a murder with two dead bodies, and he killed one of them without thinking. The blood on his hands froze him up even more. He is not just a killer, but a monster. In his eyes, and in other's eyes. His eyes filled up with tears and he hated the world and himself. Why did the world do this to him? Why him? All he did was try to be a good person, and yet, here he is, in the middle of an empty forest surrounded with two bodies of people that were extremely important to many people.

He fell down to his knees and shouted to the sky.

"I deserve to die! I deserve to die! Why couldn't you take me instead! I committed a crime, a horrifying crime, a scary crime, a crime that brings down the name of the people that I come from! I'm a monster to the world now! I would take a bullet for either Fernando or Lionel! My brother and someone who was very important to someone else is dead because of me! I committed a sin, a mortal sin! Not even the purest of holy waters can wash away the blood from my hands!"

The sky was no longer clear as it was earlier in the night, it was cloudy, as if were about to rain. Thunder clapped back at Santiago and Santiago fell down. He couldn't move his body. It aches trying to. For a minute, he was on the floor, crying his eyes out, trying to move but he can't.

He notices the knife that he killed Lionel with again. Second by second, he slowly regains control of his body. He picks himself up and walks to the knife. He knows what he is doing is right, he has to do it. If someone were to take revenge on Santiago, it would be himself.

The sharpest knife in the world is in Santiago's hands. He takes off all his clothes, apart from his underwear, and brings the knife closer to his arms, he is scared, but he knows he has to do it. Soon, the feeling of pain is forgotten and he starts to cut himself. He arms, his legs, his chest, and his back. He skin is decorated with sharp red lines that ooze a little bit with blood. At last, Santiago is finally at peace with himself.

He puts on his clothes and stares at the knife once more. It is the blood of the killer and the killed, the blood that deserved to be she's and the blood that didn't deserve to be shed. A clock tower in the distance strikes 12. He aches so bad, but he deserves it.

The sound of sirens catches Santiago's attention. Oh no, they're gonna catch me and throw me in jail. He looked at the knife that was in his hands, put it in the largest pocket he could find and ran away as fast as he could from the scene.