
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

Love is

June 2, 201910:34 pm

Moon turns on the stereo.

The song sounds like an old style French song, like something you would hear in the streets of France.

Moon spins arounds and picks up an empty glass. Her friends look at her as if she was a madman. Moon wraps a blanket around herself as if it were a toga. It seems like she has on a smile that couldn't be wiped off easily.

"Love, love is a beautiful thing. Just like the colors that we see or the pleasures that we feel. A wonderful feeling that pulls you in more and more. In France, the country of love, we breathe love on a daily. Love is the truest feeling in the world."

Moon normally never talked about love or was in love ever, which shocked her friends. One of her friends, Rose was the only one of all her friends that could ask.

"And why do you suddenly believe in love?"


Moon stopped and smiled.

"Love is the kind of feeling that your heart kind of gets when you don't even know what to do next. And love is a kind of rush that you would never feel before just like when you go to the sky to soar. Love is like a sweet drink on a hot summer day, feeling good and making you smile. And everything else da da da da. And love is all that."

Her friends noticed what she was doing, and one by one, they made their own verses, just like Moon did.

"Love is when your heart starts to beat out of your chest and then love starts to fill up the rest."

"And love gives you hope in your life, and you hope that love will come true."

"Love is looking for the missing piece in your life."

"And he's the sun to my Moon."

"Whatever is it, you know, you know."

"And love is...."

"All that."

The six friends that were around Moon turned into twelve. Just like Moon, the music in the background was making them fall in love with love. Moon's large room were the perfect quarters for dancing, apparently. Moon just let her body take control while her other friends followed suit. Two of her friends grabbed one of each of her arms and put her on her bed. Another one of her friends takes the glass out of her hands before it shatters to the floor.

Once on the bed, Moon makes many ballet turns, yet she has never done a ballet class in her life. Everyone else jumps and spins as Moon gracefully spins on top of her bed.

"Wherever you are, you know, you know, that love is all that!"

Their natural body choreography has got to be more intense and requires more jumping around. Moon's smile hasn't faded, it has gotten even bigger than it was before.

"And love is, all that."

Moon falls on her bed. Her smile cannot be smeared off of her gentle features. She falls asleep almost instantly.