
Saiyan God | Book Two

this book continues Saiyan God | Book One. you can read it if you want. either way it starts off the adventure of the Saiyan know as Kara in the world of Attack on titan.

Godkii · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs


Book Two

Volume 3

Ch. 50 Hunt



The pastor said the throne belonged to Historia

Krista was no more. The secret was out and now it's her duty to succeed the throne

The good thing is I won't have to worry about the military police always being on our ass

But if Historia succeeds the throne then that means I..

-Four days later

I set the wood down beside Sasha who was starting a fire in the fireplace

We stopped by a cabin, heading to Trost district

I haven't heard from Historia since last we argued

Carla moved into Trost and Historia wanted to visit her before everything went down, but I kept making excuses, up until she stormed off on me

Who the hell do they take me for?

I can't bear a responsibility like that…

"I think you're ready." Sasha breaks the silence


"To be King… err.. I mean… everyone looks up to you. Connie, Jean, everyone. I don't see how it'll be any different from like… everyone else in the kingdom…" she gives me an awkward little smile as she twists her words trying to make sense "Erwin is right. Y-You're the best fit for the spot."


I hold my arm out, offering her a glass of whiskey

Ever since back then…

Everytime I see her smile she reminds me of… Petra

"Oh.. I umm…"

"C'mon just a-"

Before I could finish a window explodes

I yank her down and I shield her from all the debris as a firing squad lit up the cabin from the outside

"Ahh-" I cover her mouth as they rained the last of their bullets into the cabin

I quickly pull her up

"C'mon" I grab her wrist and I lead her to the back door

Just before they kicked the door down I jump into the room over

An MP was climbing through the window

I slam my feet on his chest, knocking him back outside

I snatch his rifle before stomping on his head

I train the rifle at the guy who was turning the corner and I pull the trigger, blasting his face at point blank

"K-Kara, y-you killed him…"

I cock the gun once more and I peek around the corner

They were entering the house through every door and window

"Sh-shit" I huff

These bastards

How dare they..

I have to take them all out

But how?

"What are you doing? We have to run, Kara. There's too many of them!" Sasha whisper-shouts


"I'm not running!"

That thought hadn't even crossed my mind

"What are you talking about?" She grabs my arm "please, I don't want to die!" She begs

"We're not going to-"

"Over here!" Someone shouts


What am I thinking?


I look around

"C'mon" I grab her wrist

We hurry through the forest, running through bushes, branches, whatever it took to get as far away as we could

"K-Kara, w-wait I can't.." Sasha groans

"No we have to-"

"I can't keep up!" She gasps

I slow down at the foot of a hill

We could hear the shouting and howling getting closer

"Y-you're too fast, I-I can't" she huffs

"Alright…" I look around "just… c'mon"

I pull her over my shoulder

"W-wait what?!" She gasps as I turn around

"Kara, y-you-" but I carry on before she'd finish

After a couple of hours we stopped by a river and I started a little fire

"What?" I ask after catching Sasha's gaze. "Wait.. what happened to you?"

Her white button up was stained with blood

"Y-your shoulder…"

I set a hand on my shoulder

Then I reach behind my back

There was a small bullet hole on my shoulder blade

Just then, the adrenaline that was hiding the pain wore off and my arm began feeling sore

"Shit" I grumble

"I-I have a pocket knife…" she pulls out the knife and flips the blade

I nod

I pull my shirt over my head as she sits down behind me

"What is it?"

"Oh… n-nothing" she sets her hand on my back

She carefully digs the knife into my back

It took her a couple tries but she actually managed to get the bullet out

After burning the wound shut she helps me rinse off

"What?" She asks

"Your shirt, take it off"

"Wh-what?" She blushes

"It reeks, we'll never lose them like this"

"M-maybe but…"

"Hurry up" I raise my tone

"O-okay" she nods

After she rinses off as well, we continued through the forest

About two hours later we found ourselves at the foot of a cliff

"C-careful!" Sasha gasps

"Almost" I huff

We were just over the edge

I hold onto her waist as I do a muscle up with my my other arm and I manage to pull us up

"Agh, shit" I gasp after dropping her on her back

"Y-you did a good job" she awkwardly pats my back as I rest my forehead on her shoulder

Her legs were still locked around my waist and her arms around my neck

I sit up

"You're heavy" I huff

"Oh… Thank you?"

Thank you?

God, she's an idiot

After realizing she was still naked from the waist up she shrieks and curls up into a ball

I lay down beside her and I try getting some sleep

An hour into the night and I was still awake

I couldn't sleep

I turn around

Sasha was shivering

I wrap an arm around her waist and the other carefully around her neck

I pull her in and she tenses up immediately, but doesn't say a word

After a couple minutes she stopped shivering and I managed to fall asleep

After the rest of the night flew by along with another horrendous nightmare I woke up to the sun shining in my face

Sasha had turned around in her sleep and was hugging me

Her face was plastered onto my chest and she was drooling everywhere

After setting her aside I let her sleep for another hour or so as I scoured the forest for something to eat

I came back with a deer

After tossing the intestines over the edge I finish skinging the rest of the carcass

After doing so I cleaned out the rest of its insides until I came across its heart…

It almost reminds me of…

"Mgh*" Sasha grumbles

I wipe the blood off my mouth

"Whuahhh?!" Sasha sits up. "That's deer! You can't eat deer like that!" She crawls over as I rip the thigh off

"Sure you can," I take a huge bite, "shee? Nom-nom-nom" I chew in her face

"You're going to die!" She lunges at me

"Agh* What the hell?!" I push her face back and I hold my food aside

"No! You can't eat it raw. Seriously, you'll die!" She tries reaching around my arm

"Nobody's going to die" I take another bite

"Eeee* no, no stop!" She kicks her feet "Armf!" She bites my hand

"Agh?! What the hell?!" I yank my hand back

Only she was biting so hard her forehead slams into my chin as I did

I fall back

She crawls on top of me and she manages to take the meat away

"No, bad!" She bumps my forehead with her knuckles

"Kgh*" I grit my teeth "you…" I sit up

By the time I turned around to confront her she had already started a fire

She blows into the dry grass, adds a bit more along with a few twigs

She grabs some rocks and creates three walls around the fire and adds a little roof over to act as the stove

She was biting her tongue the same way Petra would when she worked her torn jeans

"Tch*" I smack my lips

I give up on trying to fight her for it and I just sit back

After we finished eating I sit back under a tree

Sasha joins my side and hugs her knees, covering her chest

"How did you… how did you do it?" She asks


"Kill.. those men back there…"

"Oh… I just.. did. You know?"

She looks away the moment our eyes met

"It was either them or us, Sasha. If I'd let them shoot me. They would've gotten to you."

"Then why did you want to keep.. fighting? Did you want to kill all of them?"

"I mean.. you didn't even hesitate… have you done it before?"

I throw an arm around her neck

"Do you know what is the most dangerous creature to walk this earth, Sasha?"

"A… a umm.. bear? O-or a Titan?"

"Humans… Hesitation is the single most greatest mistake you could make when you're face to face with one." I pull her hair back behind her ear. "If you want to survive, you do whatever it takes. You got that?"

She nods

This woman..

Making me rethink my entire life with all these questions

We wandered around for the rest of the day

She was trying to figure out which way was Trost and I was just trying to enjoy the little time I have left away from all the headaches

"Bath? Again?" Sasha asks

"We haven't bathed all day. I'm all icky" I pat my arms

"Krista said you shower at least three times a day, sometimes even four to five times. Is that true?"

"Why's it matter?"

"Just… I don't know…"

"Hurry up." I lead her through the trees

"Hey," I push through the bushes and towards what sounded like a waterfall

"Whoa, it's a waterfall" Sasha jumps right in and I walk in behind her

Sasha backstrokes all around the pool as I scrubbed myself with a rock

We spent the rest of the day swimming and inside the waterfall

At nightfall we found a cave not far where I started a fire

"D-d-d-d-d" Sasha shivers "th-that w-w-was a b-b-bad I-ide-idea"

"Hehehe" I giggle not as bothered with the cold as she was

I mean we didn't have towels or fresh clothes so really, it was a horrible idea

I open my arms

Her face turns beat red but she realizes her best shot at surviving the night was in my arms

She shimmies inside and I rest my chin on her shoulder as I hold my hands out to the fire

We sat there in silence until her stomach cried out

"I'm hungry" she grumbles

"We'll catch another deer tomorrow"

"I-I want rabbit a-and maybe some porkys too"

"Yeah… okay…"

"Wh-what?" She asks


"Wh-what is it?" She asks again

"I don't know.. guess I could… I could get used to this, you know?"

She tenses up


God, she's an idiot

I dig my head into her shoulder

A life as pure as this

Who wouldn't?

Don't get me wrong. I still want to tear Reiner and Bertolt apart but…

This right here doesn't sound half bad

"K-Kara, what are you-" she whimpers as I caress her thigh

"What about you, Sasha?"

"Oh… uhh… y-yeah"

"Sounds nice, doesn't it?" I rub my cheek on her face

"Mhmm" she nods

I slide my other hand down between her thighs

"Wait…" She whimpers


"Wh-why are you doing this?"

I sigh

"Just thought we'd have a little fun" I shrug "you know," I tilt my head "while we're out here, just the two of us."

"B-But…" she gulps

"C'mon, look." I lean in

"I-I… uhh."

Her face turns beat red as I dig my head into her neck and I lead her hand onto my thigh where my cock was bulging

"D-d-d." She trembles

"You ever had one of these? Ever seen one?" I tilt my head

"N-n-no, umm…" she shivers as our lips get dangerously close

"Just have a look." I peck her bottom lip

"O-okay…" she grabs my waistband

I lean back as she pulls my pants back enough to expose my cock to the thin cold air

I watched as she curiously poked and flicked the veiny shaft

"Oh-oh, God." She whimpers after realizing even that was riddled with scars

"Tch." I smack my lips before pulling my head back

"S-sorry I didn't mean to." She grabs my arm

"I don't need your pity, Sasha."

"P-pity? N-no, I-I just- it-it caught me off guard is all."

"I-I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to make you feel-"

"Forget it, alright?"


I turn towards the fire

A few moments later she shimmies into my arms, squeezing my cock between our warm bodies

"Hm-hm." She cracks an awkward little smile

I pull her head in and I slip my tongue between her lips

Clearly she's never done something like this so she does her best to play it off by caressing my cock

After stopping for a breather I pull her hair back as I sat up

I led her face straight for my cock where she quickly began sucking and slurping like a hungry animal.

"Gah-ha!" She gasps before I spit in her mouth

"Mmh." She whimpers as I stumble to my feet and I walk her like a dog towards the caves entrance

"Wh-wha-." Before she could even ask I pin her shoulders to the ground as I shoved Myself inside her

"Ah! Gah!" She cries as My cock almost bends every time it slams into her cervix

"B-bh-bhh K-Kara p-please, Kara p-please." She cries as she piss and squirts on My balls before I pull out and nut on her back

"Z-zz." I shiver before laying on My side

After catching our breaths she pushed Me on My back and got on top of Me

I pound her like a hungry dog until morning before sleeping half the day and waking up snuggled by the dying fire

The following day we got some rabbit and a wild pork just like she wanted before fucking like we were just another pair of wild animals eating and having sex after every catch or really for no reason whatsoever

"Gh-ghr-ghk." She chokes on My cock before it slides down her throat

Her eyes roll back and she tries to cough or gag but refuses to pull her head back on her own

"Fucking-." I thrust Myself deeper as I trip on My ass

Her eyes get red and teary just before I fill every square inch of her throat with My semen

After bobbing her head a few times she coughs it up and legs it decorate her face as she gasped for air

She wipes the semen out of her eyes before she began stroking, spitting, and slurping

Despite all her efforts it shriveled down to 7 inches and she began playfully chewing and slapping herself with it

I lay back and stare up at the morning sky

It's been four days.

It's only a matter of time till they-

"Kara!" We hear Mikasa

"Sasha! Where the hell are you?!"

"Ahhhh!" Sasha shrieks behind me after rinsing herself off in the river

"Hey, it's about time" I pat Odin's snout as everyone else followed behind him

I hand Sasha a shirt from Odin's satchel as I throw on some shorts

"S-Sasha?" We hear Connie as well "We thought they got to you"

I go through Odin's satchel for a cigar

After lighting one up I join Mikasa on top of Odin and we head straight for Trost

"Word got out. They know we plan to overthrowing the King" Jean says


"Not only that. Eren was taken into custody" Levi adds


"Yesterday the priest was murdered. By the time we got word Eren was already in their custody" he says

"They framed us for the murder of Dimo Reeves so don't expect a warm welcome to Trost"

"Okay. So where's Hange?"

"She searching for Flegel, Boss Reeves son who was a whiteness to his fathers murder" Levi says

"Shit" I grumble

I was gone for four days and everything's gone to hell

We stopped at yet another cabin just outside of Trost

I was making sure Odin was doing alright before we get going

Armin's plan to sneak into Trost was reckless

It relied on the probability that they don't recognize Sasha to lead the carriage and smuggle us inside

"You're gonna stay right here, okay?" I pat Odin's snout

"D-don't move" Someone says behind me

The hairs on my neck stand up


I got too comfortable

I raise my hands, seeing him and the girl beside him trembling with their fingers on the trigger

I smile

"Those aren't for threats you know."

"What are you talking about?" the chick asks

"The fact that you've taken so long to shoot means you are willing to lose your life. Tell me, are you ready to die?"

He gulps nervously "what are you guys doing? Y-you're the survey corps.."

I sigh

"You didn't answer my question" I reach for the barrel

I point it up as I use my tail to snatch the girls rifle

During the struggle I elbow his chin knocking him on his ass and I manage to take his rifle as well

"Kara!" I hear Connie

"What's going on?!" Sasha joins us

"These two ran up on me." I toss the rifles aside

"MP's huh?" We hear Levi


"I-I'm Marlowe and this is my partner Hitch he introduces himself and the girl

"What's going on? Did you guys really turn on the capital?" Marlowe asks

"What's it to you? It's not like you'd ever believe us" Levi says

"P-please if there's anything.. I know how dirty the interior police has gotten over the years" Harlowe sighs

"Please you have to believe me. I want to help. I know you guys are being set up. I joined the MP's because I wanted to get rid of the corrupted system but I know now that was never possible, if I wanted to do any good I should've joined the Survey Corps"

"Is that right, Harlowe?"

"I-it's Marlowe, Sir"

I look over at Levi

If we play our cards right they could get into Trost without a problem

Levi nods

"Alright Jean" I turn around "see what he's like dead." I wink before going on my way

"Yes, Sir" he replies

We head back to the cabin where everyone was getting geared up

After a few minutes Jean came back

Of course he didn't kill them. Just made sure they were certain they were going to die to see their true colors

"They seem pretty cool, I guess" Jean rubs his cheek

"So what do you know about Eren?" Mikasa asks Marlowe

"Not a whole lot but I overheard some interiors talking about a package being delivered in a coffin.. it didn't make any sense at first, but I mean why'd they'd have so much security for such a little thing you know?" He says

"It has to be him" Mikasa says under her breath

"Okay that sounds easy enough" I stretch my arms

"You're not coming" Levi says


"I don't think you understand our situation, Kara"

"He's right, Captain. They're also looking for you." Connie adds

"Their plan now is to use Eren's power against you" Armin says "look.. you can't transform in the state you're in, it's best you sit back and rest for a bit longer" he adds

"I don't think you understand.. especially you Armin"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Have you ever taken a life?"

He shakes his head

"How bout you Jean? Connie?"

"N-no, Sir" they respond

"If this gets ugly.. and it will. If you can't decide here then someone will die"

"We'll do whatever it takes." Armin breaks the silence

"Y-yeah as much as I hate that idiot we need him on our side" Jean smiles

"R-right" Connie adds nervously

I look at Sasha who was clearly uneasy with the thought

She nods

"Our enemies are rabid animals. Think of them as such and put them down before they can hurt our friends"

-to be continued