

THEY REJECTED ME and I BECAME SACRED. If only that night didn't come, maybe my family will love me again, maybe I won't see hate and disgust in my parents' eyes, maybe my brother and I will become inseparable again, maybe my sister won't become a bitch, maybe he and i will be together. SO MANY MAYBE'S Rosemoon pack , I loved it and now I hate it . My family is the beta's family. They loved me until I couldn't shift that night. Everyone left me . He left me, I thought parents loved their child regardless of anything, i thought mates are meant for each other, apparently mine didn't, MY PACK DIDN'T LOVE ME AT ALL. To be in touch with me: Instagram's username: b.sowunmi. Join the discord sever to chat with the author and other readers : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd

Sowunmi16 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


<One, with half-blood of two species shall unite all.>

<One, with half-blood of two species shall conquer all evil.>

<One, with half-blood of two species, shall be a god.>

<A powerful one.>

<More mighty than the creators.>

<Thou shall be the one. >


<Carmen, sorry. I am so sorry.> The same beautiful and soothing voice echoed in the abyss behind me.

''Moon goddess?'' I called out without turning around.

There was silence before the abyss changed to light.

I covered my eyes because of the brightness and opened them to see a golden chair surrounded by white light.

Seated on the golden half-crescent moon chair with two-pointed ends facing upwards was a beautiful woman, pretty woman, or enchanting woman. I didn't know how to describe her because she was too beautiful.

Her long silver hair shined under the light.

She was seated on a chair with a half-crescent moon golden crown with two pointed ends facing upwards, dressed in a long sheath dress with broad shoulders straps showcasing her long leg with a long slit almost to her waist.

The beautiful woman smiled and said, ''I have been waiting for you, my child,''

When I looked at her from afar and had the thought to gaze at her close, something pushed me forward, and I stood below her.

I looked around to see what pushed me but saw nothing.

''You wanted to see me close. The light acted on your thoughts and pushed you forward,''

she explained.

''I wish to speak to you, child, but your mate is worried, and it's time for you to wake up,'' Her voice appeared close to me, and I saw her beside me without a sound of movement.

I looked at the chair and didn't see it there, but I saw the light and no chair.

''We will speak when you find me again,'' She said as I got further and further away from her, and she turned around, walking back into the light.

I opened my eyes to the ceiling, and the thick scent of my mate's wafted onto my nose.

I knew I was in his room.

I tried to move, but I felt something holding my hand, and I looked to find my mate holding my hand, sitting on a chair by the bed, sleeping.

He slept holding my hand on the bed while leaning forward on the bed.

The light shined above the bed, and the remaining part of the room was dark like the last time I was here.

I moved my held hand, and the movement woke up my mate.

He tightened his hold on my hand and woke up looking at me.

We stared at each other for a while till my mate stood to lean forward and hug me in a fragile way like he was scared to break me, I was about to push him, but he begged, ''I need this, please,''

I stiffened at the desperation in his voice, and he took the opportunity to hug me for a while.

He stopped hugging me and stared at me before standing straight, ''I will call for the head maid,''

He left the room.

I looked at the closed door before trying to move, but I winced at the pain and noticed the bandage wrapped around me.

''Artemis, do you know what happened?'' I called to Artemis in my head.

No one answered my call.

'She must be exhausted,' I thought.

I tried to move my body to a sitting position despite the pain of my wounds, gritting my teeth, and succeeded.

A knock sounded before the door opened, ''Miss carmen,''

Sarah looked at me and saw me in a sitting position sweating and exclaimed, ''Miss carmen, your wound will open if you move too much!''

She walked and adjusted the pillows so I could lean on the headrest.

''You needed to see the king carrying you miss carmen with wounds and blood on your body,'' Sarah said.

''I need to change your bandages. It seems the wounds opened,'' Sarah said, staring at the newly stained bandages.

''Sarah,'' I called out.

''Yes, miss.''

''What happened?'' I asked.

''Well,'' She hesitated and looked at the door before sighing.

''I don't know what happened in the battle, but the driver came to the castle with scratches, and without you, the king felt him but didn't feel you, so he took the all warriors in the castle and went to Argos,'' Sarah explained.

"How is he, the driver?'' I asked, remembering what I did.

''He is okay apart from scratches, and he said you kicked him to run. He wanted to come and thank you, but he couldn't,'' Sarah said in gratitude.

''I see.''

''Miss should rest, and you were asleep for two weeks,'' Sarah said, leaving me in the room.

''If you need anything, please ring the bed by the bedside,'' She closed the door.

'Two weeks.' I thought.

''She must be so tired,'' I mumbled, closing my eyes to rest.

I felt someone touching my face, judging by the scent of peppermint with a mix of musk. I knew it was my mate.

I opened my eyes to his hands, caressing my cheeks before fiddling with my hair.

He sat on the crossed leg beside me.

We stared at each other, and I noticed the sight of eye bags on his face.

'He must be tired,' I thought.

''What happened?'' I asked softly.

He knew I was asking about the battle.

He didn't answer till a while later, ''I found you half shifted into a lycan,''

I widened my eyes at that discovery, 'I wanted to shift into a werewolf, not lycan. No wonder Artemis didn't answer.' I thought.

'Two weeks is a long time for her to hibernate if I shift into a werewolf.' I thought.

But that's not the main issue.

''Did I kill anyone?'' I asked.

He stared at me and answered, ''We found you killing the strays, and when you heard us, you dashed towards us to kill one warrior, but I stood in front of him, and you noticed me,''

I sighed in relief that nothing had happened yet.

''You called my name and fainted,'' He said.

''That wasn't you, wasn't it?'' He asked me, still fiddling with my hair.

I looked at him and answered, ''Yes, that wasn't my beast or me. Anytime I shift, this happens. I can't control the power of my beast, so Artemis and I lose sight of everything and kill. But it seems she noticed you.''

When I shift, Artemis takes control but loses consciousness because I am not conscious.

For a host and their beast to shift, both must be conscious. That doesn't happen to me.

So a typical beast that kills awakens and kills everything in its sight.

''What of that man?'' I asked.

He stopped fiddling with my hair when I asked.

''Which man?'' My mate's jaws clenched and asked.

''Her mate, my ex sister's mate,'' I asked.

''Oh,'' He continued fiddling with my hair.

''No one was there apart from you and dead bodies,'' He said.

''I see.''

'He must have fled,' I thought.

I felt a sting on my forehead and saw my mate's fingers in a flicking position in my sight.

''Don't think and rest today. We will figure things out,''

I looked at him and asked, ''Where will you sleep?''

He looked at me, laid his body, wrapped his hand around my waist, and gently brought me to his chest, ''Here.''

''Besides, this is my room,'' He said.

I stiffened at our bodies together and looked at my mate, who was staring at me.

He furrowed his brows and placed his forehead on mine, ''Your face is red. Do you have a fever again?''

''N-No'' I removed my head from his and hid it in his chest, but I am sure my face reddened more.

We stayed like this for a while, and when I was about to sleep, he murmured, ''Don't scare me like that again.''

I closed my eyes to sleep, thinking of him.