

THEY REJECTED ME and I BECAME SACRED. If only that night didn't come, maybe my family will love me again, maybe I won't see hate and disgust in my parents' eyes, maybe my brother and I will become inseparable again, maybe my sister won't become a bitch, maybe he and i will be together. SO MANY MAYBE'S Rosemoon pack , I loved it and now I hate it . My family is the beta's family. They loved me until I couldn't shift that night. Everyone left me . He left me, I thought parents loved their child regardless of anything, i thought mates are meant for each other, apparently mine didn't, MY PACK DIDN'T LOVE ME AT ALL. To be in touch with me: Instagram's username: b.sowunmi. Join the discord sever to chat with the author and other readers : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd

Sowunmi16 · Fantasy
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61 Chs


I didn't hear of any problems at the tea party two days ago, but yesterday I got Brittney's party invitation from the maid.

It seems she was not happy that I was able to avoid any trouble, and now she wants me to come to her territory.

After looking at the flowery glassine envelope, I dumped it into the trash without a second thought.

'I would be a fool to go to her tea party,' I thought.

My parents and Aiden work with the lycan king to find the vampires.

It seems it has not been easy to find them, and including me in the search won't improve the problem, besides, Aiden told me when they found them, he would notify me, that for now, I should take this as a break from killing rogues and training, but I still train regardless.

Sarah advised me to go to a village and enjoy sightseeing, and I could take the driver since he knew all the places in the kingdom.

I packed my stuff in a duffel bag for a two-day trip since Aiden says I am not needed here and can leave to enjoy other areas of the kingdom, and besides, I need a change of environment.

Sarah also gave me an envelope, and I should go to the inn there and give this to them, and they would attend to me well.

I left the cakey bakey shop with packaged delicacies and told the driver to start driving to a village with good scenery.

The vehicle moved for ten hours and passed 'Argos,' a name written on the signboard. It marked the beginning of the village, and I noticed the change of scenery as we moved.

The village does not have many infrastructures as the capital, but the scenery here is pleasant.

There are houses made of small bricks scattered everywhere, unlike the capital's castle-like buildings like count Hilton's, streams, farmlands, busy small markets, and gardens.

I passed many of those.

The vehicle entered the parking lot of a hotel.

I got down, stretched my body with my hands high above my head, and stared at the building with Argos hotel engraved on the signboard.

I took my duffel bag and walked inside the building with the driver behind me.

The decor is not expensive looking, but it is better than my expectation.

I walked to a person behind a reception table with 'receptionist' written on a small signboard placed on the table and gave him the letter.

He took the letter and read it.

''Welcome to Argos' village, ma'am. Please wait for me to call an attendant,'' The receptionist said professionally after dropping the letter on the table.

He left the table to call the attendant.

I sat on the waiting chair, lined up with other chairs before the table.

The driver stood beside me.

After a few minutes, the receptionist came with a female attendant and guided me.

''If you need anything, please ring the bell by the bedside.'' She said as we stopped in front of a room.

I nodded, ''Thank you, you can go.''

She bowed her head and left.

I looked at the driver who was with me and said, ''Sarah said you know everywhere in the kingdom, so please take me to a pleasant scenery in the village tomorrow,''

He nodded and left.

I closed the door after entering the room and placed my duffel bag on the bed.

'No dust,' I thought.

The room is not flashy and expensive-looking like the castle but better than I expected.

I picked up my cakey bakey package and enjoyed my cakes with satisfaction.

The next day, I met the driver seated in the car waiting for me, and when I got in, he started the car, and we left the hotel.

The driver knocked on my door at night and asked if I could wake up early in the morning to see a beautiful place. That caught my interest, and I accepted.

''Are you taking me to the forest?''

I noticed the number of trees increased as we entered this area.

''Yes, miss,'' The driver answered.

The vehicle stopped at the beginning of the forest, and I came down.

I entered the forest and noticed the driver behind me.

The forest is the first home for werewolves, and, without the driver, I could find my back to him.

'He might be obeying his orders,' I thought, remembering my mate.

We walked deeper into the thick, dense forest, passing tall trees and bushes, crossing the streams, dodging the branches, and I found a place, an enchanting place.

Scattered autumn leaves from tall leaves on the forest floor in the motion of turning reddish brown. I stepped on an autumn leaf, and a shattered glass's sound echoed in the quiet forest.

My ears twitched at the sound of the birds. They chirped, tweeted, and warbled incessantly.

There was a stream with the translucent water as bound as smooth solid, and the particles of the water reflected a sheer shine of gleam.

I could smell a sweet surrendering scent of the moist morning dew cascades around the forest.

The wind caressed my face, and I closed my eyes to enjoy it.

The isolated area in the forest has the appearance of winter romance which blossomed, alluring your mind deep into the enchanted land.

''His majesty came here once,'' The driver broke the fantasy.

I entered the area and replied, ''He found a good place,''

'No wonder he wanted me to wake up early,' I thought while appreciating the beauty.

''Does this happen every morning?" I asked.

''Yes, it does, very early, but only his majesty knows of it,'' The driver said.

My heart fluttered that my mate and I knew something, and no one else was aware.

''He told you to bring me here, didn't he?" I asked, but the driver dodged my gaze and looked somewhere else.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy.

I lay on the forest floor and enjoyed my early morning.

I felt it when we were about to leave. Someone is watching us.

''Come out!'' I growled when I stood up.

Nobody answered for a while before I could hear the crunching of leaves surrounding us.

''You live up to your name, miss carmen.'' A man said with twenty-five Lycans and twenty-five werewolves surrounding the driver and me.

I walked in front of the driver, extended my claws, and got into an offensive position.

''Who are you?" I snarled.

''That is for me to know and you to find out,'' he said, gesturing his first two fingers forward.

The Lycans and werewolves attacked at the signal.

''Run as fast as you can for help,'' I looked at the driver, shouted, and kicked him beyond the battle, and he knocked against a tree but stood up and sped for help.

I blocked the path he took to run from them and said, ''you will be fighting me.''

I leaped and kicked lycan against the tree and turned to claws a werewolf's opened jaw to the side.

I turned to block an attack from a lycan and kicked the beast to another side.

I faced another werewolf coming to me after kicking the lycan baring its teeth, and punched the beast to another, coming to attack me, and both of them hit the tree.

I could feel the exhaustion, but I didn't back down.

I clawed the chest of another werewolf and ripped the heart out, threw it away, blocked a Lycan's claw with my hand on the arms, and threw him away.

I didn't block another Lycan's attack and suffered a slash on my back. I kicked the creature immediately and removed the ripped jacket.

I gritted my teeth to endure the pain and continued fighting.

'They outnumber me,' I thought as I ripped the heart of another werewolf.

The Lycans are more dangerous than the werewolf, and I have killed two.

I continued to rip out hearts, dig out the spine, and kick them against the tree.

Dead bodies and ripped-out organs in the forest surround me as I continue to fight.

I harshly panted as I looked at the remaining thirty beasts crouching and growling to fight me.

Blood dripped from my arms and back, but I endured the pain as I got into a fighting position.

I looked at the smiling man and growled, ''Who are you?"

He chuckled, ''I am sure you figured it out.''

I looked at him as a name flashed in my mind and snarled, ''Typhon.''

''Then who are you?" I growled at him asking a question because his eyes have shades of black and not like the possessed man whose eyes were pure black when Typhon spoke with his body.

''I am surprised that Stella didn't tell you, oh! Yes, you were not close to each other,'' He said amusingly.

''Her mate, you are her mate,'' I asked, more like stated.

''Is she dead already?'' He asked, smiling.

''You didn't care about her, did you?'' I answered, questioning him.

''Why would I care about a used person? Besides, she was part of my plan, and I am sad she didn't wait for me.'' He said, not looking like a sad person.

''Anyway, I didn't come here to talk. I came for my master's bride.'' He said, gesturing his two first fingers forward, and the Lycans and werewolves attacked.

I continued fighting.

I panted as I blocked the attacks from the Lycans.

'I didn't know Lycans were this strong,' I thought as I ripped out the heart from another werewolf and blocked another Lycan's attack.

My movements were becoming slower, but I didn't back down and continued fighting.

''You exceeded my expectations, miss carmen, but everyone has a limit, and this seems to be yours.'' He chuckled and said.

I ignored the man behind me and continued fighting.

'Artemis,' I called out to Artemis in my head.

'Let me shift,' I said as I kicked one lycan and blocked the claw of another, and threw the beast to the kicked one.

'You know,' She tried to speak, but I cut off her words.

'Let me do it. I don't care what happens to my body or who is the other person, but It is better than being taken to Typhon,' I argued.

There is a reason why I shifted once, and We promised each other not to do it again.

I always manage to fight rogues without shifting but this time, it is urgent, or Typhon will capture me.

She sighed, and Immediately, I felt unbearable pain in every area of my body.

I crouched in the middle of the fighting and gritted my teeth in pain.

Red clouded my vision, and I could feel myself losing consciousness.

Before I knew it, I blacked out, and Artemis took over my body with another.