

THEY REJECTED ME and I BECAME SACRED. If only that night didn't come, maybe my family will love me again, maybe I won't see hate and disgust in my parents' eyes, maybe my brother and I will become inseparable again, maybe my sister won't become a bitch, maybe he and i will be together. SO MANY MAYBE'S Rosemoon pack , I loved it and now I hate it . My family is the beta's family. They loved me until I couldn't shift that night. Everyone left me . He left me, I thought parents loved their child regardless of anything, i thought mates are meant for each other, apparently mine didn't, MY PACK DIDN'T LOVE ME AT ALL. To be in touch with me: Instagram's username: b.sowunmi. Join the discord sever to chat with the author and other readers : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd

Sowunmi16 · Fantasy
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61 Chs


I woke up to my mate's face buried in the crook of my neck.

I tried to move, but he tightened his hold on my waist and buried his face further.

''Your majesty,'' I tried to speak.

''Conrad,'' He said.

His breath tickled my neck as he spoke.

I kept quiet, then spoke his name, ''C-Con-Conrad.''

He hummed in satisfaction, removed his face, and stared at me.

I looked up to him with my hands on his chest.

''Are you okay?'' He asked with worry in his eyes, although his face was blank.

I nodded at him.

I felt our relationship changing very slowly.

I can still see him being careful and on guard with me, but he didn't hide his worries from me, and I am satisfied with this until he opens up to me.

I noticed his attentiveness since I woke up yesterday.

''I am sorry,'' He said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I looked at him in confusion at why he apologized.

''If I were attentive to you, none of this would have happened,'' He said with closed eyes blaming himself.

I looked at him and sighed, ''I was at fault too.''

''I knew that Typhon was after me, but I overestimated myself and left the capital, which was the safest place from him,'' I continued.

''You left because of me, right?'' he stared at me, asking.

''If our relationship were good from the beginning, none of this would have happened, but you almost died indirectly in my hands,'' He smiled mockingly at himself.

I didn't know what to say to stop him from blaming himself, but everything he said was correct.

I left because I needed a change in the environment.

He ignored our bond and the rumors of him and Brittney, but he did nothing to stop it. Every noble were watching me, Brittney's schemes and the whole environment were suffocating, and I couldn't deal with it.

''I am sorry. Although we have secrets from each other, please don't give up on me. I need you, and you are the only one that can love me for me, please,''

His blank face cracked and showed his emotions as he begged, tightening the hold on my waist while staring at me.

''I will try to be a good mate, but please don't leave me,'' I could hear agony, desperation, and sadness in his voice.

'Something must have happened a long time ago for him to be like this,' I thought while moving my hand to his back and patting it.

'His hatred for werewolves might be connected,' I added to my thoughts.

He stiffened at my touch but relaxed and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

We stayed like this, me patting his back without saying anything and him sniffing my scent.

I sniffed the scent of blood, and it seemed he smelt it too because of his movement.

He removed his arms around my waist and moved away carefully, ''I will call for the head maid.''

He left the room.

I stayed like this for a while, felt a tear on my cheek, and moved my hand carefully to wipe the tear while thinking, 'I am happy?'

I changed into another hospital gown different from the stained one I wore when I woke up.

I can't dress in my black outfits because of the limited movements of my body, and the healing was slow since strays injured me.

'Hopefully, by another week, I will heal fully,' I thought, grimacing at the sight of the hospital gown.

Sarah noticed my grimace and smiled, ''Miss carmen should hold on for another week till you can wear your dresses.''

She picked up the bandages and bloodied gown and left the room.

I looked at the mirror, nodded in satisfaction at the sight of no stains, and left the room.

I followed the lingering scent of my mate in the hallways and left his room's floor.

I saw Aiden waiting at the end of the floor and called, ''Aiden.''

Aiden noticed and walked briskly to me.

He hugged me without saying anything.

He removed his arms, held my shoulders, and asked, ''Why didn't you mind-link me?''

''Why didn't you call any of us carmen?''

''Must you do everything by yourself! You are not alone, carmen.'' He complained without giving me a chance to talk or explain myself.

He hugged me and said, ''Don't do that again!''

I nodded and allowed him to hug me.

''I want to see Scarlett and Hunter,'' I said to Aiden.

He looked at me and sighed, ''Normally, you are not supposed to be walking, I wanted to visit you, but you found me first.''

He patted my head and said, ''Let's go.''

Immediately after I entered Scarlett's room, she hugged me in tears.

She looked and asked, ''Carmen, who am I to you?''

I replied, ''My mother.''

''Who are Aiden and Hunter to you?"

''My dad and brother,'' I replied.

''Then why didn't you call us for help, Carmen?'' She asked.

I looked at her and couldn't answer.

'Indeed, why didn't I call for help?' I thought.

''Carmen Miller, I will repeat this, you are our family's baby girl, blood or not. Don't forget that, okay!''

Scarlett reassured me.

''I don't know why didn't you call us, but next time don't do this again, okay?'' She said, cupping my cheeks.

She pulled me to sit on her bed, and hunter entered the room with Aiden.

Hunter looked at me and sighed, ''Don't repeat that, and I am talking to you as a father and an elder. Next time, mind-link us for help.''

I nodded at him.

I didn't know why I didn't call for help, but maybe deep down, I was scared.

I was scared of my family's deaths and, most of all, scared of them abandoning me.

But I am grateful for their love, happiness, and care for strangers like me.

They took me in and trained me to become who I am today, and I am happy about that.

''I saw Stella's mate,'' I said, remembering the one that escaped.

''That high-ranked one?'' Aiden asked.

I nodded.

''I think we are being watched by someone of Typhon in this castle because he knew where exactly I was.''

I mentioned finding it weird that the strays and rogues knew where to find me.

''You think there is a spy?" Hunter asked.

''But it won't be easy to find the spy,'' Aiden said.

Yes, it won't. The last time Typhon gave up on Stella because her usefulness was over, but now we don't have a clue.

''We would have to tell the king about this without any alpha or Lycans knowing,'' Hunter said.

I nodded.

''Speaking of king, Is your mate treating you well?'' Scarlett eyed me.

''He didn't allow any of us to come near you,'' She added.

I avoided her gaze and coughed in embarrassment.

''Oh my!'' Scarlett excalimed.

''That blush is a good sign,'' Scarlett said happily in a teasing manner.

I stood up immediately and left the room in embarrassment.

Another chapter for my readers.


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