

THEY REJECTED ME and I BECAME SACRED. If only that night didn't come, maybe my family will love me again, maybe I won't see hate and disgust in my parents' eyes, maybe my brother and I will become inseparable again, maybe my sister won't become a bitch, maybe he and i will be together. SO MANY MAYBE'S Rosemoon pack , I loved it and now I hate it . My family is the beta's family. They loved me until I couldn't shift that night. Everyone left me . He left me, I thought parents loved their child regardless of anything, i thought mates are meant for each other, apparently mine didn't, MY PACK DIDN'T LOVE ME AT ALL. To be in touch with me: Instagram's username: b.sowunmi. Join the discord sever to chat with the author and other readers : https://discord.gg/bkWcVw79cd

Sowunmi16 · Fantasy
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61 Chs


Aiden and Derek, with the five warriors, went to the border of the Rosemoon pack, and what they saw had different reactions.

Aiden, the brother of his commander, is used to her brutal killing. He remembered asking her If she was afraid after their first battle of rogues.

"In the battle, It is either kill or to be killed." That's what she said with impassive eyes, not caring if she took a life.

He asked why she had such a mindset, and she said. "I have killed before entering the pack. I ran into a rogue after running away from the Rosemoon pack. The rogue wanted to rape me, and I could not do anything because of my weak body. I killed him with my beast' strength. I enjoyed the feeling of being in the power of someone. When people fear me, it is exciting for me." He remembered the happiness of killing people in her eyes. He thought the people of Rosemoon pack left her no choice but to be with that mindset.

He told his father what she said, and he replied. "That's how she deals with her nightmares of them. By killing bad people like rogues, she feels it is killing them."

Aiden understood what his father meant by that. She can't take revenge on them without evidence of what they did wrong, so she kills rogues to satisfy her revenge. From that day, he understood his little sister and decided to protect her from people like them.

Derek, with the five warriors, did not have an indifferent expression like Aiden. What they saw was a one-sided massacre.

Claws, ripping hearts out of their body, kicking their heads from their body, blood spilling on her clothes, she fought with an indifferent expression with blood on her face.

They saw the reason she was the SANGUINEX by the werewolves.

Aiden moved to help his sister while the werewolves from the rosemoon pack stood frozen at the brutal sight of the battle.

'Something is weird. Rogues don't fight like this, and It feels like they were testing something.' I thought while kicking the side of a brown wolf to a tree.

'Aiden,' I mind linked Aiden.

'You noticed too?'

'Yes, If they wanted to fight the rosemoon pack, they would bring more people, but they only brought in fifty.'

I looked at the rogue, standing far away from the battle, looking at me with a smile on his lips.

I shouted at the frozen people from the rosemoon pack, "Hey, don't just stand there, Kill."

The shout broke them from the reverie, and I sped up to the smiling rogue.

I got into an offensive stance as we stared at each other. I broke the silence, "Why did you come again?"

He smiled, "I expected you to have figured it out, but it seems I overestimated your intelligence." He crossed his arms on his chest.

I growled at him, "What are you looking for, rogue?"

"I don't know. You tell me, SANGUINEX." He smiled continuously.

I growled, annoyed as I sped up to his body to fight him. The moment I reached his body, I heard an eerie deep voice. "I found you, my bride."

I stopped immediately, looking at his pure black eyes before his body dropped to the ground.

I could hear the sound of his heartbeat before picking him up. 'He's alive,' I thought as I went to Aiden and the others.

Aiden was talking to Derek before turning to me as I got closer to them.

The five warriors flinched the minute they saw me and avoided my eyes, Derek just stared at me, and I ignored all of them.

"Carmen, something is weird. The rogues stopped fighting and dropped to the ground. I managed to grab one before he fell. All the rogues on the ground stopped breathing."

"Is he breathing?" I gestured to the one on Aiden's shoulder.

"Yes, he is."

"Remember what Hunter said, and It seems they have a witch," I reminded Aiden. 'And It seems powerful with how many rogues she cast on spells to die.' I added in my mind.

I turned to the warriors and gave one of them the rogue on my shoulder. "Let's go back."

Immediately we got to the entrance of the pack house. I turned to Derek, staring at me from the border for a while, "Alpha Derek, Please take Aiden to the prison cells for rogues, and I will meet him there."

I turned to leave them to change my bloody clothes, but Derek's sentence stopped me, " Do you remember the way to the prison?".

I stared at him for a while before sneering. "Why would I not remember that place? I am surprised you have forgotten what your pack members did to me in that place." I left, ignoring the fearful looks of the other werewolves without turning back to look at his reaction.

I remembered what they did to me in that prison cell, and I stopped going to school after that day. After I was deemed wolfless and abandoned by my family, I became the prey in the pack.

I was bullied in school and at home but not to the extent of physical abuse. It was after that day that the pack members started abusing me physically.

A group of Stella's lackeys dragged me to the prison cell and tortured me with wolf bane and silver. They diluted wolfsbane, ordered me to drink, and threw me into the cell. It continued till they were bored with my reaction of not being fearful of them. I practically lived with wolfsbane in my body.

The rogues' cell made of silver is harmful to any werewolves, I tried reporting my case to anyone, but they ignored me because Stella was backing them and I was an abandoned werewolf.

Should I take revenge? Of course not. The moon goddess is punishing them with the rogues' situation.

Aiden looked at the pale Alpha and the confused warriors. 'It seems the warriors in the pack were new members after she left.' He thought.

"I advise you to leave her alone and don't try anything funny," He warned the Alpha before telling the warrior holding the rogue to guide him to the cells.

He had an idea of what they did to her. He does not understand why they will abandon her just because she couldn't shift. She was a late-shifter, and It wasn't her problem that her wolf came late.

Alpha Derek looked at the departing back of his mate's brother before looking at the warriors.

"Go," He commanded them.

He knew he was mistaken by not claiming his mate, but he couldn't take her as his Luna then.

Now that she has proven worthy to be his luna, he could take her. All he needs to do is make the pack believes Stella does not deserve to be his Luna. She wasn't his real mate anyway.

When he saw his mate, he knew that he had made the mistake of rejecting her, but everyone makes a mistake and learns from it. He learned his lesson, and now it is time to claim his mate back.

What the pack did to her is not forgivable. Sooner or later, she will forgive us.

Derek approved his thoughts in happiness, strolling to the packhouse while ignoring his wolf's warnings of disturbing their ex-mate.