
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 6

Nova started walking around Beacon trying to familiarise with his surroundings. Beacon in all honesty was a blast from the past. With how technology advanced why would anyone have castle and yet here his one which run by a wizard who may or may not have security cameras in the students dorm rooms.

' I have to test that theory. Ozpin is a stalker but if he did plant cameras into the dorm rooms then that means he has watched team RWBY naked along with Pyrrha and Nora mainly because those are his favorite teams and by that logic Glynda, Raven and Summer when they studied at Beacon. I shouldn't have thought of that.

Screw it let's just enjoy the campus. After everyone's asleep I'll go the roof and see if I can draw something. '

Nova then continued to walk around before a loud boom occurred.

' Sigh. Here I thought I missed it but I guess my bullhead was just early. Meh let's just go troll Ice queen. '

Nova walked towards the scene where Ruby and Weiss meet. When he got there Ruby was on the ground while Weiss was yelling. Nova then walked up to them.

" Is everything okay? " He asked. The two of them looked at him startled since he gave them a jump scare. However a certain black cat was also startled as she didn't even hear him coming.

" Well you see this dolt ended knocking over my dust.... " Weiss explained with a snobbish attitude.

" Okay. I just one question. How did the dust cloud form? "

" Well the reason for that is because she knocked them over...."

" No. That wasn't the reason. First off this is your dust. She may have knocked it over however she decided to help you. The problem was when you decided to shake it. When you shook the container the dust came out. It then came in front of her face and she sneezed which caused the explosion.

So by the evidence the reason why the explosion happened is because of your incompetence. "

" Wah how dare you!! Do you know who I am? " Weiss asked with a red face from embarrassment.

" A dumbass who didn't read the Schnee manual on how to use dust. Speaking of which here you need this more than I do. " Nova said before handing her the manual.

Weiss looked like she was going to throw a fit. She then took her stuff and left. Ruby was just looked at this while giggling a little bit while the black cat also giggled at this before leaving.

Nova turned to Ruby.

" So bad first day Red? "

" Yeah a bit. "

Then a blond girl came up to them which put Novas mind into over drive.

' No you can't serious. '

" Hey my name's Jeanne Arc. "

" Ruby Rose and arnt you the girl who threw up on the ship? " Ruby asked.

' I don't believe it. I'm in a parallel world of RWBY where Jaune and Ren are genderbent. Wait it could be possible that Ren isnt genderbent but that's probably unlikely.

Sigh the shippers for Jaune and Pyrrha and Ren and Nora would have rage quit of they knew this. '


" So all in saying is that motion sickness is a very common problem. "

" Sorry vomit girl was the only thing that came to mind. "

" Well how would you like it if I called you crater face? "

" You saw that. " Ruby said while blushing in embarrassment.

Nova just walked with them while reading his book. This continued until Ruby took out her scythe and slammed it into the floor.

' Not even admitted into beacon and she already caused property damage. '

" Its a what? "

" Its also a gun Jeanne. " Nova said.

" Oh. I have this sword and shield. "Ruby eyes shined as she looked at the sword.

" Cool. No one uses the classics now a days.Nova what weapons do you use? " Ruby asked.

" A gun, scythe, knifes, bombs, and a sword. "

" CANISEETHEMPLEASE? " Ruby asked while putting her face close to his while staring at him with her eyes shining.Nova grabbed her and pit her down.

" Later. "

" Why? "

" Simple because I want to. "

" Aaawwweee." Ruby whined. Nova then pats her head. She blushes a bit.

" For now let's just go to the auditorium. We need to be there in 10 minutes. "

" Oh okay let's go. " Jeanne said but then stopped. " Do you know where we have to go?"

" Yes just follow me. "

Nova then leads them to the auditorium. He looks around and sees female Ren.

' Looks like I was correct. '

" Hey Ruby I saved you a spot over here. " Yang yelled. Ruby looked at her before walking towards her.

" Thats my sister. I have to go.Bye. " Ruby says before walking towards her sister.Jeanne looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't.Nova looks at her.

" Relax Jeanne just go and try to find some friends. Go try talking to that red head over there. " Nova said while pointing at Pyrrha.Jeanne looks at him.

" Okay I'll try. "

" Good luck. We can talk later of you want. Also just try to be yourself when you talk to her." Jeanne smiled a bit.

" Okay. " She then walks off to greet Pyrrha.Nova looks at them and sees that they are hitting it off pretty well.

Soon Ozpins speech came and Nova just looks at him.Once it was finished he headed towards outside to look around the school a bit more. It wasn't even night yet so he just left.


It was now night and right now Nova is making a very important decision.

' Do go inside shirtless while wearing the mask or should I just wear a shirt while wearing the mask? ' Nova asked the jury. He is currently on the desk while having the jury talk between themselves.

They were talking to each other which lasted about 5 minutes before they made a decision.

' Wear the mask but go in shirtless. '

' Alright the verdict is to go in shirtless but wear a mask.' Nova then slams the hammer on the desk. ' Dismissed.'

After getting out of his inner trial Nova then took off his clothes for his upper body before heading towards the hall.