
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 5

Currently Nova is in jail mentally preparing himself to meet Ozpin the most broken man on the face of the earth. Well mentally. At this point he doesn't hesitate to send children into battle to help save the world. But it could also be because he knows that children who try to save the world get something called plot armour which protects them from threats. So right now Ozpin is 50-50.

" If it was up to me you would be sent home with a pat on the back... " Ruby smiles. " And a slap on the wrist. " Glynda says while using her riding crop.Ruby jumps back in fright due to the sound.

" Anyway there's someone here to see you. "

Ozpin then enters the building holding a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.

' If it wasn't for the fact he knows Rubys parents and family I would probably think he is a stalker. ' Nova thought.

" Ruby Rose, you have silver eyes. "

'Scratch that he is a stalker.'

Ozpin then turns to Nova.

" As for you Mr...." Nova just ignores him and continues reading his book. The room was silent as Nova just casually keeps reading.

" Don't be rude in front of the professor!!" Glynda yells. Nova just read his book.

Ruby being the kind hearted girl she is shakes Nova. Nova looks at Ruby before looking at Ozpin and an angry Glynda before pulling out his ear buds.

" You say something?"

Glynda tries to jeep her cool while Ozpin just stares at Nova with a blank expression while Ruby tries to hold in her giggles from looking at Glyndas face.

" Yes what's your name young man?" Ozpin asks.

" Silvers.D.Nova "

" I see well can both you tell me where you learned to do this?" He shows a video of Nova and Ruby vs Romans henchmen.

" Signal academy. "

" Self taught. "

Ozpin puts on a surprised expression.

" They taught you how to use one the most dangerous weapons ever made and learning this amount skill by yourself is impressive Mr.Nova.

So who was it at signal who taught you? "

" Well one teacher in particular. My uncle Qrow. "

' I wonder what to make for dinner?'

" So that's what your scythe reminded me of.So what's a adorable little girl like you been trained to handle that weapon? "

' Lets see. It's either I have ramen or a burger. '

" Well I want to be a Huntress. "

" You wish to slay monsters?"

' Hmm if I choose ramen I could add different toppings like chicken or anything else.'

" Yep. Just like in the stories where the hero beats the bad guy and keeps everyone safe. I want to be a hero."

' But I could also make a burger and make it with more topping and sauces. '

" Tell me do you know who I am? "

" Your professor Ozpin headmaster at Beacon."

' I'll have the burger but I'm also craving fish so I'll have some fish. Sushi and Burger for dinner. '

" Hello. Do you wish to join my school? "

" More than anything. "

" Okay. "

" Wait what? "

At that Nova finally stops thinking about what he wants for dinner.

" Congrats red he says your joining early. "

" Wait really??! Yes!!" Ruby gets excited.

Glynda has a displeased expression as she doesn't think Ruby is up to the mark when it comes to enrolling at Beacon. Ozpin just smiles and turns to me.

" What about you Nova? "

" Sure I'll join. "

" Great the bullhead for Beacon leaves tomorrow so go get some rest. "

" Okay. Wait. " Ruby looks at her scroll. " No I have to go or I'll miss the bullhead home!!" She then sprints out the door.Nova just looks at the empty hallway before slowly getting up but Ozpin stops him.

" Can you tell me what you know about this?" He asks while showing you the silver spear scene.

" My grandfather told be that I'm part of a warrior race called the silver eyed warriors. "

" I see. Where is he now? "

" He's dead. " Nova said with I sad look in his eyes

" I see my condolences. "

" Don't worry about it. He lived a good life. Well anyway I'll see you at school headmaster."

" See you tomorrow. "

Nova then walks out the door and heads to his hotel room he ponders a very important question.

' Which version of RWBY am I in? So far everything is the same. Looks like I'll have to go to Beacon to see if there are any major differences.

But first let's have dinner. '

He then made some sushi and a burger before going to sleep.


Nova is currently on the bullhead heading to Beacon. Right now he is listening to music on his scroll ignoring everything around him.

' Looks like it will be a smooth ride to Beacon.'


The ship suddenly starts to shake. Everyone looks outside and sees 3 nevermores attacking the bullhead.

' The universe just loves to prove me wrong doesn't. ' Nova thought.

He then heads to the door of the bullhead before opening it. The rest of people just watch as Nova then whips out his gun and shot the first Nevermore.

The first one then screams out in pain when Nova then jumps onto the nevermore and stabs it. He then forces it to fly towards the other 2.

The other 2 follow Nova and try to pry him off the back of their friend. Nova dodges each attempt before shooting one in the eye with his railgun. It goes straight through and destroys it's brain.

The second one starts to follow you so Nova then forces the one he's riding to dive at straight at the other. As they were about to collide he kills the one he's riding before jumping onto the back of the last one.

On the bullhead the other students just take their time to get back their nerves. They then here a noise. One student looks out the window and sees a nevermore charging towards them.

" Back away from the doors. " He yells.

Everyone gets away from the door as it bursts open as the nevermore slides into the bullhead. When the smoke clears they see the person who risked his life for them standing on the nevermore.

Nova then cuts the neck of the nevermore killing it before walking to his seat. He takes out his scroll and headphones, put them on, chose a song and started reading his book.

The rest of them just stare at him. Before long the bullhead arrives at Beacon. Nova steps out and admires the view.

' Yep real life totally beats animation. Let's see what happens during my time here. ' Nova thought.