
RWBY: The Silver Eyed Gamer

Our main character dies and gets the gamer ability. He then gets thrust into the world of RWBY. Watch as he goes through his new life in another world. ___________________________________________ I am not going to display all the abilties of the gamer like hp, stats, exp, e.t.c. It would take to long and I'll have to show it for everything so it's just easier for me personally

Asce · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 7

" Its like one big slumber party. " Ruby said.

" It is. " Yang said.Ruby then looks around.

" Though dad wouldn't approve of all the shirtless boys. "

" I know. " Yang said while looking at all the boys before looking back at Ruby.

" So what's that? "

" I'm writing to my friends at Signal. "

" Aaawwwee. That's so cute. "

" Yaaaaannnnggg. "

" All right. So did you make any friends? "

" Well I meet a girl named Jeanne. But then I meet Weiss who equals to a negative friend. " Ruby said with a frown.

" Well what about Nova. That's another friend so plus one. " Yang then looked at the door. " Ruby look over there. That's Nova right. "

Nova came inside with his mask shirtless. He was 5'11 feet tall, has silver hair and eyes, and has a six pack. They couldn't see his full face because of his mask.

Ruby looked at Nova and was Blushing like crazy. Yang was drooling as she looked at his body.

' Holy shit he's hot. ' " Ruby your sharing him with me. " Ruby blushed hard.

" Yang it's not like that. "

Nova on the other hand had a dilemma.

' Sigh there's no where to sleep by myself. The only place is over with Blake or with the dumbasses who are trying to impress girls.


Sexy kitty for the win.'

Nova then walked over to Blake.

" Can i sleep here? " Blake looks at him.

" As long as you stay quiet? "

" Okay. "

Nova then sits down, puts on his headphones and starts to read. Nova and Blake enjoyed the comfortable silence between them. Nova decided to talk to her.

" So which book are you reading? "

" Its a book about a man having two souls inside him. "

" Read that book it's good. By the way did you get to the part where the line ' You arnt fooling me. I can see the ears. Wear a thicker bow or wear a hoodie'. " Blake body froze. She went into overdrive as the person next to her knows about her secret.

" Relax I won't tell anyone but there will be people who don't care about your extra features. " Blake looks at him before noding.

" Hello I believe you two meet before. "

Yang came up while dragging Ruby.

" So cutie what's your name? " Nova just ignores her listening to music. Yang is getting angry while Nova just reads his book. However Yangs patience ends but before she punched him Ruby goes up to him and Taps his shoulder. Nova looks up and sees them.

" You say something? "

At that point Yang lost it and tried to punch him. Nova saw it coming and caught it. She gets surprised before he let go.

Ruby just looked shocked as no one caught her sisters fist before.

" How did you do that? " She asks with a surprised expression.

" I raised my palm and caught her fist. "

The three just looked at him.

' He's trolling us. '

" Anyway why are you here? "

" Oh that Ruby needed more friends so I brought her here. "

" Yang why did you tell them that. "

" I see. Well that's fine as the person next to me needs friends so talk to her. " Blake looks at him while glaring with a face that says ' I will get back for this. ' Nova just eye smiles.

Yang Ruby and Blake ended up having a conversation which somehow got them to know each other better.

' Well looks like I had a bigger effect than I thought. Jeanne is talking to Pyrrha. normally and Blake is getting along with Ruby and Yang. It's only Weiss who hasn't changed but it doesn't matter.Plot will take care of that. '

" Hey some people are trying to sleep. " A voice yelled. It was Weiss.

" Oh god it's you again. " Yang and Weiss said at the same time.

Nova on the other hand was not in the mood to deal with plot so he did the most reasonable thing. He knocked both of them out put them in their beds and then went back to reading.

Blake and Ruby were to stunned to move. They just started at him.Nova looked at them.

" What? "

" Did you have to knock them out? " Ruby asked.

" Yes. "

Blake and Ruby just kept quiet before going back to talking with each other. Nova decided it was time to sleep so he did.


When everyone was asleep Nova was awake trying something.

' Observation haki should be possible. If I combine sense with my aura I should be able to see other people outlines when using it and use it to predict attacks.Thanks to EN I don't have to worry about anyone sensing my aura.

No use trying to worry. Let's just start. "

Nova used his aura with sense. When he used his sense he extended its reach by extending his aura.Once he got the balance he managed to see the outlines of all the people in the hall.

' It worked!! Yes!! When using aura I just know that someone is in is there since they are touching my aura. Let's keep this up for another 2 hours to increase my familiarity with it.'


Then rose over beacon and everyone was woken up by a over esscentric girl with orange hair and has the hobby of smashing legs.

" Wake up. Wake up. It's morning. It's morning. " The girl shouted.

" Nora calm down. " Another girl said. She had long black hair with a pink strip.

This was of course Nora and female Ren who is named Rin.

Nova woken up by Nora decided to get up but when he tried to he felt something on his chest. He saw Ruby hugging his waist. Nova just stared blankly.

' Sigh she needs to wake up. '

Nova then proceeds lean close to her ear.

" Ruby monsters are going to eat your cookies. " Ruby snapped her eyes open and looked around for the monsters.When she saw no one there she pouted at Nova.

Nova just went up to her and poked her forehead Itachi style. Ruby then massaged her forehead.

" You were hugging me in your sleep I needed you to get off so I used the method on how to do so. "

" But did you have to use cookies."

" Would you have responded if I used any other food? "

" Probably not. "

" Then I made the correct choice. "

Nova then walked away. Yang on the other hand was thinking of ways to tease Ruby as she caught her hugging Nova.

Nova went got ready and headed towards the cliff for initiation after having breakfast.

' Welp let's get some levels. '



Level: 67



Customised gun: Revolver, Railgun, grenade launcher, mini rocket launcher, sleep gas canisters


Exploding knifes

Customised sword that uses dust to coat itself in that specific dust. Ex: Lightning dust. The sword gets coated in lightning and gets extra cutting power.


Aura: Mastered all forms of Nen.

Semblance: Shadow Soverign.














130000+ shadow soilders