
Chapter 1

"Hey, Bri! Look at Jansen, oh!"

I rolled my eyes to Nicia. My best of the best friends. Her cheeks flushed as she watched her new crush at the cafeteria door. Well, I'm used to it. He might be just her taste for the week.

"Bri, he'll come here!"

I looked at the men of the grade 12 students who had just entered the cafeteria. Girls flocked on their way and flaunt their cheapest styles of flirting.

Lil' do they know that they looked like poor chickens!

Jansen, the leading walker in the group, feels the popularity. I had just shook my head in dismay. Really? Is it a big deal for such a grown up man like him? Wait, he's a playboy kind of. So I must say no....he's still acting like a boy below his age.

"Jansen, Faye wants to have a picture with you! "

"Ivan, when will we repeat that yesterday's date?"

"Reply to me Jansen, oh, please!"

I hear a lot about the women who pay attention to the group. I was just shocked that I didn't have anyone on the table with me anymore. I searched for her and got annoyed when I saw her pushing other students just to make her way to Jansen!

I feel like she is still cursing some who are trying not to let her in. She then raised her middle fingers both hands to them.

Fuck it, Nicia. What you are doing is disgusting.

I saw that she escaped but soon that crowd threw her up because the grade 12 girls who were bigger than our grade 11s just flocked. I smiled as I watched her frown as she returned to our table.

"Damn that Darcy! She's trying to catch Jansen's attention! She's a tart! "

I smiled, "Are you saying that you're a tart too?"

She stared at me and looked at her crush who had been swallowed up by the commotion. "I am not! I trust that guy is inlove with me,"

I impatiently lifted my head to catch her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her. Seems that this poor little model is too proud of herself. Her overflowing confidence will tumble her to nuts.

She sucked at my reaction.

"It's not because just the man texted you he's in love with you. You know if he texted you, he might texting a hundred women at once,"

"Are you saying that he has a hundred at a time?"

I shrugged. She picked up the orange juice and half-drank it. I crossed my arms on my chest and glanced at her and then to Jansen, and to her again.

"Let it be, you do not belong to one another," I mocked laughing. Her chinitaeyes widened and she rubbed her nose.

She's irritated now, "And what's wrong with her? That Darcy of yours?" she sighed and finished the pasta on the plate. She pinned her eyes at me while drinking water.

"Oh, c'mon! Almost every body knows that, 'that' girl is really flirty!"

"Nicia!" I disobey.

"What? Sam told me that Philip's courting her," she said even though I did not know Philip. "The 9th grade hearthrob. Disgusting,"

"E' what? She's just beautiful,"

She made a face, pissed. "You can be pretty and not flirty at the same time,"

"Is she really like that?"

She took the bag over the table. She covers her side for the safety of her sinful mouth.

She wander around. "She's also dating your boss's son in Ace," she spilled the juiciest bit of gossip.

"Really?" I'm curious. "Who's there?"

Those three siblings are all handsome. I'm not crushing on anyone of them but I really appreciate the beauty of those Martins. They has their attractive eyes that can hook every girl's attention.


"Which of them?"

"I heard it's about the youngest,"

I leaned on what I found out. The youngest, then the one who is about our age. I was sixteen when I started looking for a part-time job. It was last summer when I entered Ace Grand Hotel. I'm in need. Although, Mama and Papa were capable of supporting me I still want to help and brace my luxuries. I was fifteen when my parents decided to separate. Not with any annulment nor divorce. Simply, physical disconnection. Since we're living in Makati, Papa stayed in our house there while Mama went back to grandma's house here in Las Piñas with me.

My father grew up from a filthy rich family, Mom's just average. But beacuse he got my mother pregnant at their young age, Mom didn't had a chance to work abroad and elaborate her degree. She wanted to be a professional chef then, now she only raised a two-storey café. And it's okay with me.

My father's family is in field of transportation businesses. That's why we owned the ORT. Ortiz' Rational Transportation. Under this, we have the shuttles, be it the buses or the vans. We do owned trucks too in assistance with our second business. The OREM, Ortiz' Rational Electronics, Engines and Machinery. We're making steels and irons, tires, engines, and a car itself.

"That guy looks nice,"

She powdered her face and used my nude handkerchief on her face.

"We are not close but I think they would look good together," I added and shrugged.

"Darcy is beautiful everything will suit to her," she muttered to himself. "But I hate her,"


We got up and went through the other door because Jansen and his group was still in commotion on the other side. I turned to look at him and found him looking at my companion. You would think that Nicia is still a legitimate suspect. Nicia's right.

Jansen likes her. It's evident.

Nicia pulled me with her. "Bitch, are you listening?"

"What is it again?"

She took the minifan from the bag and pointed to herself. She's putting an effort to give me some air too.

"I said, she is really that flirty," she repeated. Didn't she say that a while ago? "She also has a bad habit because she cheats on my cousin and even gets angry when not given answers,"

"That's too much,"

"See? I thought you would still defend her, e'," she averted her eyes.

Oh, so my Nicia's jealous of Darcy beacuse of me! Haha! I smiled ear to ear while her eyes busy on our way.

"She pushed me too on our rehearsal. My ramp was messed, my pumps were broken, "

"Brat," I commented.

"Yeah. She's adopted,"

I noticed that she knew a lot about Darcy who had no other role today but her rival to Jansen. Probably, in reason of their modeling. She is being bullied a lot by that Darcy so I will not counter her again this time.

In the distance I noticed Alex, my admirer in the other section. Uhm, not sure.

"Chocolates again,"

They have not been close yet to our direction and Nicia's prediction seems to be correct. Chocolates again, like what he gave me yesterday.

"Hi, B-Bri!" he blushed.

"Hello, Alex. Where are you going?"

His friends pushed him until he handed me something like yesterday. Nude paper bag. So, he knows my favorite.

"I just want to give you t-this," I reached for it. "I was looking for you in the cafeteria and they said you're already out,"

"Obviously," Nicia chuckled.

Alex blushed even more. Maybe I'm ashamed of my straightforward friend. "That's also different from what I gave you yesterday. I don't know what your favorite chocolate is, eh ..."

I smiled. "It's okay Alex. It's okay for me that you know nude is my favorite. Besides, I'm not fond of sweets,"

He nodded, "Tomorrow again,"

"Oh! Not anymore! It's okay with me. I just accepted but it is not necessary," I said quickly.

Disappointment was evident in his eyes. Nicia kicked me obviously bored with watching. I was also disappointed that his companions were looked at us.

"Sorry Alex, ha. Thank you! We gotta go now. See you guys around,"

We started walking away from those guys. Nicia and I went back to our classroom. We are in the same class so it is not difficult for us to be together always. Even though we are not seated next to each other I do not feel my day is lacking because we find ways. I was thankful for having a sister-like friend. Whenever I have a problem, she's an all ears to listen. She's frank and I love it. I don't need filtered words from people. I want the truth from those true.

"Ma! Why on earth are you crying?"

One afternoon after I got home. I saw her in the living room weeping as hell.

"Claret, your daughter's here," my grandma mentioned.

I looked at her confused as I approached Mama who had fallen on the sofa. She was sobbing and even my presence did not stop her.

"Your father is innocent!"

I can't see her point. She darted her gaze on me. "Bri, you trust him right? We believe on your father,"

I stand still and busy trying to comprehend her mourn.

"Ma, stop crying please. I want you to explain what happened,"

"I couldn't take it,"

Her cries became even louder. She's hurting herself by pulling her hair and banging her head at the edge of sofa. Even though I did not know what had happened, my tears just fell. I let my tears streaming down my face.

"They arrested your father,"

I was shocked and couldn't even say a word. "They, w-what?"

She shook her head and started crying again. My knees weakened and I fell to her side. I glanced at my speechless grandma. She's at the vent of crying too.

"They arrested Maximo, Bri. He is already in the cell and will not be allowed to post bail,"

"What the hell is that!?"

How come that we can't bailed my father out? It's not even possible! We'll get back to them and help my father out of that jail!

"They can't do this to him! My Dad is a nice person. I do not remember his enemy, "

Grandma shook her head. "I thought so too. But Bri, I don't know anymore. I don't understand anymore,"

I organized myself and was determined to rush into any daring to sue my father. All my life I have admired Dad. He's loving and protective to me and even to Mom. So it became a mystery to me why they separated then.

"Where is he? I'll go there and I promise you Ma, I wont get back without him!"

"No, darling. Stay,"

"But Ma, they mistakenly arrested your husband!"

"I'll go,"

"I will come," I was still determined while crying.

"You'll stay, Bri." Grandma stopped me. My tears flowed with irritation. I have to go along. I will take my Dad home! "Claret, please. Fix yourself. Maximo's waiting for you,"

She wiped her cheek and stood up steadily despite the weakening of his knees.

"Who did this, Ma?"

She was taken aback to answer my question. "You can't understand-"

"Make me understand!" I raised my voice.

I badly want to beg for explanations. But she's drowning in exhaustion and I get it. But I would not be relieved if I did not know what was happening. That's my dad! My father is imprisoned there! I cannot tolerate the injustice happening.