
Chapter 2

"How dare you still attend school? The thickness of your face!"

"I would love to see her in jail with her evil father!"

I clasped my hands in restraint. Just one day after the news broke of Papa's arrest, I learned that it was widespread in the two provinces. In Makati and here in Las Piñas. I was absent yesterday and but just so happened today Nicia picked me up at home.

"Let them be. They have no idea of what is going on,"

With tears in my eyes, I left the classroom and headed straight for the farthest kiosk. She followed me ...

"Stay away Nicia, you will only be affected by their anger towards me."

"Hey, don't worry! I don't care about those,"

"I don't want to go in, Nicia,"

"Shush, don't feel like that. Tito Max is innocent until proven guilty,"

I nodded, "And that's not going to happen,"

I cried silently so nobody would noticed. But because they hate me, I know they still see me. They don't let me down anywhere in the school. It hurts, because I have no choice but to cry. At home and even at school. Mama has also been in Makati for a week but I still have no news. Grandma didn't tell me anything either.

"Mrs. Juana Emilia Argente Martin already spoke for the current issue about that inhumane ambush happened last February 20, 2011, the suspect, Shan Maximo Ortiz that result to the death of his father and his brother,"

I gritted my teeth while watching the news flashed. How dare them broadcast their unproven news! I want to shut their channel down.

"It has not been proven yet but the evidence is loud..." she countered.

I off the television.

Lumaglag ang luha ko. She's my boss at the Ace. I owe her a lot before but I can't look at her now and listen to her allegation for my father.

"The Argentes did not really agree to let us post bail,"

It was a sad morning for me. Mom just came home. It was almost 3 weeks after the explosion of that issue. Nothing has change, my schoolmate were still avoiding me like I was carrying a virus. Except Nicia, ofcourse.

Weeks, months and so on passed. Dad is still in jail and I have not been able to visit yet. The first hearing will be held on May 12. Dad will finally be heard somehow!

"Tita Claret said we're not allowed inside, Bri,"

My tears are already flowing when we're inside our car. I was out of court and Nicia was with me. The case is being heard now.

"I'm hoping for a better progress. I want freedom for my Papa,"

"I want it too. Let's pray for that,"

I don't know how I managed not to rush inside. I shed million of tears not bothered just to ease the pain.

"Some are coming out,"

My heart skipped a beat when I saw my father surrounded by the police. He was in a hand cuff and dressed in an orange shirt.

I closed my eyes to the pain it caused.


I hasten to bring myself out of the car. Nicia's stalking behind and keep on yelling my name. I ignored her and let myself dazzle with the camera flashes.

At first no one noticed my appearance, so I have to pushed them away to get rid and see my poor father.

"Papa! Papa!"

My tears fell. I felt like a child when they all looked back at me. I carried the weight and heartache as I looked at the man in front of me. He has a stubble now, he aged a bit and looked unhealthy far from the man I saw months ago.

The cameras flashed and the outside of the court rumbled. I saw my Mom beside our attorney, stiffling her sobs.

"What are you doing here, darling?"

The tears left for me burst. I hugged Dad even though people around me were holding me back.

"Claret, get Bri!"

"Is she your daughter, Mr. Ortiz?"

"Bri, bumalik ka sa sasakyan, anak,"

I hugged him tighter. Scared that I might lose my father again. "Pa, you're kind, aren't you.... come back home, please,"

"Mr. Ortiz, your daughter isn't allowed here!"

I don't know who that came from. I hear different unfamiliar voices and they both want to get me out of there.

"Bri, let's go,"

Mom pulled me but I put more emphasis on Dad. He almost fell but the police in the back supported him. I even stepped on a pair of chic shoes and looked up at the owner. He's wearing a white button down polo revealing his chest a bit with a gold round necklace and black pants. I can't see his eyes because his wearing a black aviator.

Maybe he's just my age or older than me? Why is he allowed inside? Unfair!

I turned my back on him still in tears.

"Bri, your Dad will be transferred. Come on," attorney.

I was stabbed again by the news.

"Dad hasn't come home yet?"

I looked up at Mrs. Emilia Argente Martin, her soft porcelain skin and sophisticated moves screams elegance and wealth. She's in a black con dress and a wayfarer. She removed it and looked at me.

She sighed. "Your father deserves to pay for the death of my father and my brother, Bridgett,"

She's the first born in the family of Argente. Daughter of Juan Felipe and Esmeralda Argente. As far as I know, her brothers are Juan Matteo and Juan Lucas. Juan Matteo died at that ambush together with their father.

I didn't know she can still recall my name. Besides, it was a year ago.

"Mrs. Martin, can I request to you? I'll work in your company for free....for my whole life, if you want. Just set my father free," I pleased.

I could no longer hear myself because I was crying even louder. "That's stupid, it's between life and death. He killed two in the family. Small compared to your father's lifelong incarceration!"

"But....he's innocent!"

"He's not!"

I burst into tears. That's right. He will not give me. But, I'll make sure the innocence of my father will be presented. His right will be proven. The days passed and we were not ready for my birthday. August 10. I'm seventeen now. It's not like before that there was always a party held in hotels. It doesn't matter, tho. Papa's case has no progress yet. Celebration is unnecessary. However, Argentes we're serious about unbailable case until my father sang for the truth.

"Happy 18th Birthday, my love,"

A dark year passed again. Only now have I been allowed to visit Dad. Mama's sick so I went alone here.

"Thanks, Pa,"

Tears began rushing down again. Dad comforted me and kissed me on the side of the head. "I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, Bri. To you and to your Mom. You must be enjoying the teenage years left to you. But because of me.... you're suffering,"

I shook my head, "Argente's weren't even. I hope they let you post bail since they have no evidence,"

"I did it,"

My ears are ranging in flame. "Y-you did... w-what?" I asked, scared.

"I killed the former Senator, Juan Felipe Argente," he said, almost taking my breath away. "But I didn't mean that,"

"You didn't mean that?" I mocked him.

"Believe me, Bri. I didn't mean it,"

I walked away from him, still wary of those who might hear us. "You killed him! You said it yourself! Which from there you did not mean?"

"Matteo is our target,"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So you have your allies," I shook my head, unable to believe that the man I had trusted for eighteen years had done so.

He remained silent.

"Whoever your purpose is, Pa, you have killed a human. Not just one, but two," I hissed. "You will admit it in court," I decided with finality.

"I know, dear. But, please, not now,"

I stared at him.

"And when!?"

His shoulder were shaking. I can't bear at his reasons now. I hate so much those people who say bad things about him, then he'll be like this? I almost begged to Argentes just to pull out the case. God, I was literally consoling a criminal.

It hurts to admit. My Papa is a criminal.

"Admit it, Pa. I feel sorry for you,"

I stood up and stared at the cake with the candle still on. I blew it and turned against his direction. I saw a guy on my way. He was standing on the door frame, next to him were two policemen. He's wearing a white V-neck shirt in suit with blue faded jeans and styled by his gold round necklace. It yells money. He smirked and frowned.

Our eyes met but that did not last long either. I doesn't even know him.

"Excuse me," I decided to walk out passed the guy.

After that, I never pay a visit to my father again. The more I learned that Mama knew she was guilty. I felt betrayed by my family. The thought made me sick every single fucking day. The remaining days of my highschool life was terrible after that ambush. And when I entered college.... it was awful. Even now I know that my father really deserves to be imprisoned.

"Happy Birthday, Bri!"

That was the last thing I remember from our bar last night. Last night was all blur to me. I'm with Nicia and Ate Nissan, her sister. And my new found friends. Yeah, I make friends but I didn't open myself much.

It's my broken trust speaking. I'm still broken, I wont let anyone ruin me for more. I have poured all my trust. I can give nothing more.

"Hot coffee for my birthday girl," I sipped on my mug.

"Thanks, Ma,"

"You're home too late last night, Bri,. It's not good for a teenager like you,"

I groaned. "I'm already nineteen, Ma,"

I browsed on my facebook account and got surprised to a certain post in my feed.

"Papa has already admitted that he is guilty?"

I tear up the moment I saw the comments. He really surrendered to the law!

Mama nodded and turned around in tears, "He did it for you, Bri. He wants to give you a presence. And he knows you want him to surrender to the law. That's why,"

I listened to her and waited so long for my delight. But I can see no trace of joy within me. It sucks bigtime! I wished for it! I should be happy, right? Then, why am I feeling so blue?

"Good for h-him," my voice cracked.

There's no room for regret, I know. This is the right thing to do. But even so, I was still hurt by the fact that he might have been in prison for life.

I worked to gain my normal life again. Supreme Court did a very well job because my father was sentenced to be jailed all his life. His testimonies made him more guilty.

All the more, even though his accomplice has not yet been seen, Makati and Las Piñas have calmed down on that issue.

I persevered in my studies and occasionally helped at Mama's café. We no longer have a good relationship with Papa's family. They were mad at us. Thinking maybe we tolerated Dad.

Our living gone harder. I was just thankful for my bank account from Papa. I am not keeping an eye to it then, but I find it convenient this time.

"You will not work there!"

I followed her into the kitchen, "Mom, I need that. It was only two months, plus I already had an experience there,"

"They'll just make you suffer,"

"Ma, naman., It's been years. They only got angry with Papa then, okay? We even got angry with them when we thought they were just emphasizing Papa,"


"Mom, trust me. One more thing, Nicia is with me,"

Mom can do nothing as I planned to accept the job call. Ace Grand Hotel is beyond a good offer! It's just a summer job and it would be a great help to me in my studies.

I'm hoping for a good interest in life. I understand their anger towards my father. Family always comes first. And now that it's over.

We should move forward. All of us.