

"You can't expect him to accept your request that easy!" she said hysterically.

Her voice irked my thoughts. I got my hand off the mouse and glanced her direction. I lowered my gaze and swayed my swivel chair, stopped from what I was doing. Then put all my weight against the backrest of it.

She sighed and her concern was more pronounced now.

"Are you even thinking? You should atleast asked me then, so I could gave you a good advise!" she spat, chuckling.

I massaged the side of my temples because those things she's all telling to me now were really giving my head an ache.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with that? I added him as a friend on 'social media'."-I shrugged, quoting in the air and rolled my eyes. "You see? Just that," I gave highlight to the term, consoling my pride some more.

"Just that," she mimicked with sarcasm. "Really, Bri? Aren't you ashamed of what you did to him? You told me you're gonna put some effort to regain from what happened before between you two! You're acting too fast,"

She put a palm on her forehead while giving me an obviously, disapproving look.

She left the sofa and went straight to one office chair in front of my desk and then occupied the left one. She sat loudly as if everything like that innocent chair would make her really irritated. Damn, yeah. She's irritated to me.

I groaned.

"Yeah, I know! I'll do that, Nicia. Okay? Say...this will gonna be my first step,"

I leaned on the table and clasped my hands. "Don't you think that will be easier? That way, he'd noticed me for sure!"

I winked after I defended myself.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't you even think about it, in that way, he'd be disgusted with your action! To you, specifically!" she yelled while pointing at me.

I was surprised there.

I also didn't really think it was a good idea to add him to his social media accounts, from his insta, fb, twitter, name it. But other than that, I have no other way to think about him and get his expensive attention...No! I mean....grab a chance to have a catch-up with him... howsoever.

But the thought of me...planning to make some efforts for the pain, trouble and devastation I caused him 4 years ago makes me want to step out.

I looked at Nicia who's now checking her make up through her cellphone.

She grabbed my gaze and stared pissed. "You're still doing your heart before your brain act, bitch!" she shook her head.

I kept my eyes on him. I still can't get what he wants to convey. Or...she's just right? I used my heart over my brain?

Stupid, Bri.

I shook my head a bit because I still can not realize why she kept pushing to me that I did something wrong. My intentions were pure. No malice.

Really, self? Oh, God.

Yeah, no malice. It should have no malice at all.

Nevertheless, I gawk at the clock on my rectangular mirrored table. Shoot, it's 12 noon! I off the computer and take my time to keep the sheets over my table. I'll just have a pen with me for now.

"Are you going to eat your lunch now?" she noticed me fixing my things up. The irritation was still there, vividly plastered on her face.

I shook my head as an answer. I gave her another look. She's now standing proudly in front of me with her new light retouched make up, holding her purse.

Yikes, you need to freshen up Bri.

I can sense her undetachable stare then I shrugged it all off. I picked up my bag and took the cheek tint, powder, nude lipstick to prepare.

Her eyes still narrowed, remained on me.

"You have no shame in the body," she sighed.

She turned her back on me and became preoccupied with the nude blinds of the room. Maybe she knew I was going straight home after this schedule.

She also removed my key card from the power source and faced me again. I finished my face and got my bag ready.

"You are not really ashamed of him anymore,"

I felt so little when I heard it with her tone laced with disappointment.

I also know that she does not want to be irritated at me like this, it's just because I was probably in too much of a hurry, and come up with such an impulsive action...I couldn't almost remember why I'm doing this, maybe because...no, for sure he hates me. So much.

And because of what I did...he could smoothly think that I was begging for his attention...not that I am not.

But, argh! It's really that embarrassing! I should atleast know then!

I closed my eyes in lingering frustration. "You're starting to realize your shits now?"

I pouted. She��s really better at making deciding at all aspects than I am.

"Next time, I'll consult to you first," I accepted the defeat then put the bag in my hand and headed for the door.

I grabbed the handle and stormed out together with the irritated lady behind me. I could almost hear my laughs inside but I'll just hang it there. She's too cute when she's this stoic.

"Jesus! You're already twenty two, Bri. You must be thinking first," she faced me. She equated me while walking and walked fancy. What else can I expect from my bestfriend? She is a big time model.

I shrugged a lil'. "I've thought about it hundred times,"

Irritated she turned to me again before we entered the elevator. When I pressed the button, she just spoke in time.

"Then you're not thinking enough!"

I sighed at her and typed for my secretary on the ground floor to tell the valet that we would use my car.

"He would be bothered by your request. He will think that despite what you did, the thickness of your face still have the guts to act like that!"

She didn't stop nagging beside me, and even recalled the past that I already forgotten. Instead of listening to her, I first exchanged messages with my secretary. According to her, she've already asked the valet and the car's now ready. I also asked if the Head of the production team had arrived who was absent from Monday until yesterday due to the severe flu. We really need him in here because the laborers are more efficient every time with his guidance.

I can do it too, though. But I'm that busy and I can't focus on them every hour.

"I'm going with you for lunch," she finally announced after long ceremony of scolding me.

"I will still supervise first the newly made machines. We don't own their time, in a week now they were expecting us to send the first batch,"

Not that I have problem and doubts with my team... We can afford it... But we still have a lot of clients and are also urgent.


She's smirking yet still not releasing me though after left the elevator.

"You don't tell me... you do not want me to eat lunch with you? God, Bri! You do not want me to have lunch with you because I am telling disagreement about what you did," she concluded.

I laughed at her because she's too cranky even though now was cold because it was raining again.

I nodded at the welders who raised their hand and immediately waved when saw me.

"Good afternoon, everyone." I greeted and peeked at the steels that only need a little work and could be boarded for the client.

"Good afternoon! Nice work, guys!" Nicia greeted them as well and walked faster when noticed that I went to see the tire makers. "You, bitch! I'm going with you, whether you like it or not. We're not yet done talking," she declared and pulled my hair.

"Ouch!" I glared at her and turned to Kuya Jaime who was fixing the tires.

"Is that the order of the Cruzes?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. The pick-up truck will arrive later for this,"

He was still busy checking to see if there were any faults or holes in them. "Can't you wait for it, Ma'am?"

I lowered my snout and shook. "Maybe not anymore, Kuya. I will go home after eating lunch. Mom is waiting for me and I also have another client meeting later,"

"Oh, really?... Okay, I can manage this, it's all on me. Be careful, Ma'am, Ma'am Nicia..."

I bid them goodbyes, Nicia also said goodbye to them and we passed.

"Do you really need to leave your building in Makati? Its obviously bigger than this,"

I nodded with her question while waving goodbye to the workers. "That was independent. I was meant for here and the Manager was there to manage. Surely, this new built building needs me most of the time," I replied matter of factly.

We stormed in the lift again for the ground floor.

"Yeah, if you say so... And I know you're aware that he's here," she stated. She looked back to check for my reaction. I maintained my blank expression though my knees started trembling. "He's serving the St. Luke's Medical Hospital," she added.

I slowly nodded. Wondering what to say.

"C'mon, Bri! I know you're still affected. I know even if you don't tell me, he still is! It's still him over four frickin' years!"

I was worried for myself even though no one could hear us in the elevator. So from the third floor I stayed silent. Then I turned to her when we reached the bottom.

"You also know that I do not hope from his feelings...it's just me. And our past that keeps on haunting me. I want to give regain because I want to pay for all that I've done. That's all," I said with finality.

Praying that she would believe.

"I dont think so," she smirked.

"Trust me, Nicia. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less."

She didn't buy that. I know I couldn't convince her for now. I'll just prove it to her then...and to him. That I've regretted all absurd things I've done before.

"Hi, Jackie!" Nicia shouted when she saw my secretary waiting for us at the front desk.

She has been my secretary since I started and I brought her with me here because her father is also here. Kuya Jaime, the one I talked to earlier.

"Hello! Good noon, Ma'am Bri...Nicia,"

They were really close starting from where we're in Makati.

"It's not good Jackie. I'm annoyed with your boss here,"

She just can't stop rebuking me until here. I assumed we're done talking. Oh, I just thought.

"Will you please stop it?" I rolled my eyes. I picked up the log book while they were talking and confirmed that Kuya Polly still had not entered. The Head.

I managed to list all the materials in my phone's note that are inadequate for the production. I turned to them and saw how they giggles over something they're talking about, they're hitting each other's arm while laughing hard.

"Okay, girl I'll gonna send you the name of our new co-model! God! He's a hottie!"

"Thanks, Nicia! I'll look forward for that,"

"Jackie, we'll leave now. I'd wait for your certain texts about some client calls or whatsoever, aright?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Take care! Nicia, the model, don't forget!"

I laughed at them both and pushed the double doors of the building and headed to the car park.

"Where do you want to eat?"

She pouted and climbed fast on the shot gun seat. My forehead creased immediately. "You're not gonna bring your car?"

She shot up her brow. "Ofcourse! I still wanna talk to you,"

I sighed at the knowledge that she still hadn't finished preaching to me. I turned around to attend to the driver's seat of my Bentley.

She stared at me until I turned on the machine.

"Oh c'mon, Nicia! I just added him," I stared at the fact that he would still not give me silence.

I looked straight at the road as she was busy on the phone. I started thinking about it again. Did I really do something wrong? Frustration is eating me now!

While the traffic was still bumper to bumper I took my note pad on the dashboard and wrote down the materials I had typed to buy. I will give it to Mang Alfredo later to find a way.

"Fuck it! Ate Nissan seems to be giving birth," she turned to me confused and turned back to her cellphone. She hastily draw a call for someone. "Hello My?"

Oh, her Mom.

"How's she?...Im with Bri," she slapped his forehead. "But... I left my car at the building!"

I sneered to evident worry on her. "I can drive you there, Nicia."

She frowned and glanced at her watch. "But Tita's expecting. I can't let you ruin a slot, Bri. It's a jackpot client, right?"

I pouted, she was right. But now it is more important that I take her there to her sister who is giving birth.

She talked to Tita again and I did not understand their plan.

"Take me back. I'll take my car. Then go straight to your house."

I knotted my forehead. "Like seriously? Is their hospital far away? I can just drop you off there, then I'll go home after. Since my meeting is at three o'clock, don't worry I'm good."

Though, I'd need to prepare. I couldn't let her go alone. She's with me and I can still drive her there. She buy her time to think and when cars started to move she spoke.....

"Fine, please take me to St. Luke's. Ate is in labor. Mommy can't calm down, "

I rolled my eyes at what I heard. When I turned to her she was already laughing. I did not know how to react while driving with my sweaty hands.

"I c-can...do t-that," I stuttered. Shit!

She held her belly as if she'll gonna die anytime soon. She's laughing nuts!

I rolled my eyes to hide my nervousness. "I told you...I c-can do that," I tried to form a voice before I crouched down.

"See? You just heard the name of that hospital and you're nervous! Tsk,"

I shook my head to her and drove along the end of the Avenue. I was silently praying for our nearing encounter. I've never been well prepared for this moment! Though, I rehearsed a form of greeting that I might use when we see each other. But still....

I can't believe that I would meet him now. Today! Not so sure but really....

Really damn possible!

"Go, Bri! Make fun of your friend request to him, "

A new kind of nervousness erupted in my chest! We will not just meet. He may have seen me added him two days ago.

I gripped at the steering wheel for more support to my emotions.

Beads of sweat rushed on my forehead down to my cheeks. Nicia bursted out laughing even more as if celebrating our upcoming meeting. I want to hit her but I can't.

My mind's clouded with the idea of me in front of him!

How shall I react? What is a kind of proper greeting for him? Should I say 'Hi' first? Or 'whats up? Is it way better if I'd smile the whole time?

I shivered. "It's weird,"

She laughed at me even more and I can't understand why she was so irritated with me lately and now he is very happy. "You shouldn't have done that. Think, if he still doesn't want to see you, would he want to have communication with you?"

I immediately turned the car around and realized we were here in Western Bicutan. Shit! I'm sweating bullets now! We'll reach the hospital at any minute now.

She grasped for air. "And if he is still angry he might get even angrier if he thinks that what had happened is very easy for you,"

I faced her.

"It was never easy for me," I gritted my teeth.

Tumango siya at tinapos na ang usapan. She nodded and ended the conversation. "If he is angry and mis-understood what you did we can do nothing. Just prove him na you were really determined about that... and you're sorry,"

She has the point, alright. I'll give her that. I never really thought that he might still be angry with me until now. But even if I say I did it because that is what I know is right .... I still hurt him .. My throat immediately blocked and I parked the car tightly.

I locked the door and went inside with Nicia. She sped up her walk, almost forgot that I was behind. She talked to those at the reception for Ate Nissan's room.

"Room 107, Ma'am. 2nd floor,"

She was about to leave when someone called her. "We suggest lift 4 Ma'am. The three first elevators were crowded," she said, probably aware of my companion's haste.

"Thank you, Miss," she turned to me. "I'll just text you, no need to go up. I'll say you just visit after your meeting or tomorrow,"

"Okay. Text me," I said.

"I will. Thank you, be careful going home or will you go home right away?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Of course!"

She giggled again. "Okay, okay ... Im just asking! Since, you're here too,"


He just shook his head and then said goodbye. She kissed my cheek and turned her way to the lift. I also started walking while looking around. The lobby is a bit crowded, maybe a lot of patients or maybe visitors today. The feeling of scared and cowardice I was trying to hide continues to grow.

"Is he here?"

I just laughed and smirked to myself. If he's here, what am I gonna do then? I took off the wayfarer I was wearing after noticed that people were looking at me. They might think what is this for, it isn't summer anymore.

Well, uhm, this was part of my outfit. I kept my feet walking until disturbed by a sudden phone call.


I stopped immediately.

"Bri, where are you? It's 2:20 already! The client may arrive early and be ahead of you, "

Her voice was panicking. "I just took Nicia here to the hospital, Ma,"

"What!? Is she okay? What happened to you?"

I palmed my face. She got it wrong. She's hysteric! My, God.

"Take it easy, Ma. Nicia and I are okay...Okay? Ate Nissan is just giving birth now and she left her car at my building, so I sent her off there,"

She took a deep breath at what he heard, "Oh, God! Darling. I'm worried sick. I thought something happened,"

"Nothing, Ma,"

"Excuse us! Excuse us! Emergency!"

"Oh, shit!"

I ended the call and stepped aside in the middle of their way. I saw a bunch of people and nurses pushing the stretcher near my way. When it got to my status I chased the look until he was rushed to the ER. A bloody man was there! The sticky blood from his face to his chest did not escape my mind.

It was disgusting but his life is at vent of death! I pitied those who experienced such accidents. It must be the greatest cruelty in their life. They can't control it and worst, it can end their life in a snap!

My cellphone rang again. Mom, again. I walked away from the lobby and turned into a hallway and briefly leaned against a medical office door. I rolled my eyes and there were only a handful of walking medical workers in this area.


"I'm sorry, Ma. There's an emergency and I'm blocking their way,"

"Okay, darling. Go home right away. You should prepare for a minute before the agenda,"

I nodded with that even though she can't see me. "I'll hang up. Careful. I love you..."

"Okay.. See you there. I love you too,"


I was startled when someone spoke behind me. My eyes widened and my heart came out at what I saw. The man in a white undershirt and dark pants. His gown was hanging on his right arm while holding a phone in his left.

He's here! Yeah, in front of me! Damn!

His dark brood eyes that makes me feel giddy all the time. His nose that became even more pointed now! His thin curvy lips that was naturally red ever since! His thick brows that emphasizes the screaming beauty of his physique! His clean cut hair! He's here!

After four years....Now, he's here!

I blinked and can not think for a few seconds that I could study his face again for four years I was longing for.

"I thought why don't you come in. Oh, someone is here,"

My gaze flew to the woman to her right. She's tall but Im taller. She's wearing a green uniform so it makes me say that she's a nurse. Her hair was tied up round with a hair net. Her skin is fair but I'm more than that. Her chinky eyes was perfectly presented by her make-up. Plus her high chickbones, mine's higher I guess. And her pouty lips in a dark red lipstick. My nude is better.

"Ma'am? Are you here for inquiries?" she asked. I tried not to glare at her.

Why would I do that right?

"Uh...." damn!

"Are you lost?" she asked again while the person next to him was quiet and looking at me deeply..

I am...

"That's my room Miss. Excuse me,"

It was as if I had fallen from my stand when he spoke. Only now have I heard his voice a few times that drove me crazy.

God, I missed you so much...

"I-I'm s-sorry.... U-Uno..." I whispered to his surprise.

My mind was telling me that I was sorry for blocking his way to his room....and about my wrongs too. His face hardened while his adam's apple was moving aggressively.

"Doc?" the nurse called him. "You know each other?"


I was about to glare at her when Uno speak to me, "Long time no see, Aloha," he called me by my second name.

I hate it! It was as if we had nothing shared in the past. Still in front of this nurse?! He can just call me Bri!


His cold stare froze my heart. Though I can sense the intensity through his eyes blazing in fire. I can't move. "She's Aloha, baby.. An old friend,"

I parted my lips with that. An old friend!? Me? Oh, you've got to be kidding me Uno! We both know that I am not just a friend! I wanted to explode in annoyance in front of them but I knew Nicia would tweak me, when that happened. I took a deep breath and closed my mouth.

"Aloha, this is my nurse," fuck that possession!

I faked my smile, "Long time no see Uno," I greeted. "Hi girl, nice to meet you," me to his girl.

Im glad there's no hint of dripping acid in my tone. She looked up at Uno and smiled sweetly. I can't bear that they are still here in front of me showing affection!

Ew! Even eye-contact makes me irritated with them!

"Still have to say?"

I was indignant at Uno's question to me. He really wanted to get rid of me in front of her. He couldn't take my presence. It explains how mad was him still to me. My tears began to pooled in my eyes. I hid my hands behind 'cause they were shaking. I blinked tears and smiled sweetly again. That was fake and I didn't care.

"No more. I didn't mean to be stuck here,"

"Are you saying you fell asleep, dreamed and woke up you are now in the hospital?"

I finally lost my tears because of his joke. Even though I couldn't make it laugh, I felt relieved.

"Ofcourse not, I just drove for Nicia. I have to go home too, work is waiting for me. See you around,"

He smirked.

I was about to turn around when my eyes suddenly caught the hook of nurse's hand on Uno's arm. Instead of leaving, I tiptoed and kissed Uno on the left cheek.

"It's nice to see you again...after ages. I missed you,"

"Let's go, baby. I still have my patients Aloha, please excuse us," my heart pounded as he pulled me away to the door jamb.

"You used to call me Bri, Uno,"

"Whatever you say. I'm a doctor here. So mind to call me with honorifics. Stop bragging the past wherever you want,"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and have a grip to myself.

I shouldn't cry in here. This is public. "I'm proud of you Doc. Argente. So much proud,"

His eyes darkened and his jaw tightened at what I did and what I said. Before he even shouted at me and embarrassed in front of his girlfriend, I had to leave.

"Bye guys,"

I waved at them and finally got on the Bentley with a heavy heart. It hurts so much! I thought I was ready ... or I just wished.

And truth is not!

My tears fell which I had been holding back. There's a sting on my chest that I can't figure out. The burning is unending, it's a continous flame! The pain and regret overcame me! I want to go back inside and drag him with me. I want to be his possession again. I want him back. My Uno. The man that keeps on choosing me over and over again...My Uno.

And it hits me! He was. Was. He's mine before....but not anymore. It kills me to see other girl who took over my place. That's my spot! It may be too late....but I'll try. This time I would compromise.

I'll promise to win back my spot again.