

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Time Travel

Onyx looked around before he sensed a massive blast of magic in the library and thought about it. 'Is today the episode in which time travel happened? Which is a massive, terrible thing that she did even though she now is stuck in a little loop.'

When he was working on his book, he deiced that a chapter and episode sounded good, and it would take a few chapters for this volume. As he was writing it out, he heard something smashing in the house. "Pinkie, are you okay?"

Onyx slowly stood up, leaving his lab, when he heard another noise in his kitchen, which surprised him because Pinkie was not responding to his inquires. As he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, he was surprised to see Rarity there. "Rarity, what are you doing here? I thought you were Pinkie Pie, no wait, what are you doing in here in the middle of the night? It is 3 am."

"I was… coming over to surprise you, and well, I knew Pinkie is over at the Cakes looking at the twins and was maybe hoping that you were awake, and I could surprise you." Rarity twirled her hair at him and moved her body in what she hoped was seduction instead of awkward movement. "I was hoping that tonight that we could, you know?"

Onyx smirked and picked her up by the hips causing her to wrap her arms around his neck. "Oh yeah, and what if I was not awake?"

Rarity smiled at him and rubbed her hands up and down his back. "Probably just planning to snuggle with you."

Onyx carried her towards the stairs and up to his room. "Well, I am sure we can have as much fun as you want."

Rarity let out an airy giggle about what was going to happen before Onyx watched as she acted like drunk or maybe dosed with something. "Rarity, did you ingest anything at all?"

"Oh yeah, my parents brought back some really good alcohol that makes me really giggly and made my body so hot." Rarity slowly stripped her shirt and jacket, leaving herself in her bra. "I need you to scratch and dose my itchiness Onyx."

Onyx was surprised because it sounded like Rarity had taken an alcoholic aphrodisiac which was extremely rare in Equestria, so he was surprised. "So, was it extremely sweet Rarity?"

Rarity giggled even airier and looked at Onyx with smoldering eyes. "Are you going to take me upstairs or keep asking me questions, Onyx?"

Onyx looked up at Rarity because the only way to help her was to give her was what she wanted at this moment in time. After all, he was already there. "Well, I shall just have to give you everything you want tonight."

---Next-Day Twilights Library---

"So, let me see if I am understanding this just so I could repeat it out loud." Onyx spoke with the others watching Twilight pace back in forth in worry. "Your future self-teleported back in time to warn you that you were running out of time about something."

Twilight nodded while listing to Onyx, Onyx watched her walk back and forth before speaking again. "So, you want us to figure out what she was trying to say before she teleported forward in time?"

"Exactly Onyx, thank you for paying attention to my complaints." Twilight smiled and looked at the girls and saw that Rarity was shifting around. "Are you okay, Rarity?"

Rarity smiled while blushing at Twilight. "I am simply fine, Twilight. I was just working late last night, and when you sent the message that you wanted to talk about something, I tripped on my way over."

Pinkie looked at the shaking Rarity and smirked because Onyx told her what happened last night before she could tease Rarity. Twilight spoke up. "Well, if you are sure, Rarity, but If you need to go home and rest, this is extremely important."

The girls laughed at Twilight freaking out before Pinkie spoke up. "Twilight, we will not be able to help you because we have no idea what could cause you to look like you describe because it is not something that has happened to you."

Twilight sighed at Pinkies' logical words and looked around almost as if there would be a hint about what could happen to her immediately appearing out of the ether. Onyx sighed because this was important t,o Twilight. "Twilight, if you do not have enough time, have you thought about the clone spell?"

Twilight blinked before remembering the warning about it. "You are only able to use it for 4 hours a day and will be unable to function for 2 hours after it ends, but you get 8 hours with two minds."

Twilight hummed and hawed because it was technically the best spell for her situation, but at the same time, she has never thought about learning it. "I do not know, Onyx. I have never cast it before."

Onyx snorted at her ridiculousness. "Twilight when we as Unicorns started learning magic, we knew no spells at all… you do remember it right."

Twilight blinked before thinking about her time learning her first spells and smiled in happiness when she had cast her first spell and remembered the way her magic had reacted to it. "I guess I can look it up and attempt to cast it later."

The rest were curious about the spell and what it did. Applejack was the one to ask because it sounded interesting. "What is the split spell, Twilight?"

Twilight answered them while looking at her various spellbooks. "The spilt spell as Onyx called it is technically a spell that is considered high level but at the same time not. The reason for this is because the spell was extremely taxing on the body even though you can cast it with one look over."

The girl's eyes slowly glazed over while Twilight explains the many reasons it is marked as high it was in difficulty listing. Onyx snorted, watched the girls look more and more out of it, and smiled at them. "It can be a problem and have random effects if you use it longer than four hours and do not give yourself the rest afterward."

The girls were surprised before looking at Onyx's explanation because that sounded way better than all the technical stuff Twilight was giving them. "Well, that sounds reasonable, so 2 hours for an extra 4, which sounds amazing."

Twilight grimaced at their words and pouted at Onyx. "That is a gross oversimplification Onyx."

Onyx looked at Twilight, pouting at him, and smiled at her. "Twilight, they do not need to have the full technical details, and it is not like they would ever cast the spell, maybe Rarity, but she only has so much magic the only people that could are you and me."

Twilight pouted because she enjoyed informing her friends about things. "But it is extremely interesting, Onyx, and the girls deserve to know about it all."

'So, now you are no longer that worried about your future self and plan to distract with magic is going great.' Onyx thought to himself and smiled and watched the girls poke Twilight about interesting magic in her books. He slowly leaned back in happiness because it was looking like everything was going exactly as planned.

Pinkie snuck up next to Onyx and smirked at him, and whispered into his ear. "How was Rarity last night, Onyx?"

Onyx felt himself start to blush and peered over at Rarity and saw her smile at him with a teasing smile. He whispered back at her lowly. "And how is it any of your business what I was doing with her last night, Pinkie darling?"

"You did her in the bed at the house. When I was not home?" Pinkie kissed Onyx on the cheek while whispering. "I think I deserve to know what was done in our bed."

Onyx sighed because it was fair and looked at Pinkie. "I will tell you when we get home alright, but I do not want you to use this to tease her about her bedroom activities, alright, and about drinking an alcoholic aphrodisiac, alright."

Pinkie smiled at Onyx and promised that she would not tease Rarity with the information about what she would be told and smiled at Onyx. "I promise that I will not reveal anything that I had to learn from here to anyone else, and I promise not to tease Rarity, okay."

Onyx nodded and started standing up so he could head to his house and waved at Twilight. "Talk to you later, Twilight."

Twilight smiled while teaching her friends and waved goodbye to Onyx. "Later Onyx."

---Time Skip a week later---

"So, you broke into the capital and breaking into one of the secure vaults in secret," Onyx informed, watching the trashed Twilight. "And you did not think that was not a good idea at any point tonight."

Twilight blushed when she thought about all the things she had done trying to fix her problems. "It was probably a bad idea, I admit it, but you know I figured that this would be my best chance to Time Travel, really."

Onyx smiled as he looked at Twilight and looked around for something to describe how dumb she was. "You are a dummy dumb person. You do know that right."

Twilight nodded her head because that was incredibly true. Onyx sighed at her because he looked at the various books. "You do know the only reason you are not in trouble because the princess used you to seal her holes in security."

Twilight winced at Onyx's word and nodded her head. "I do deserve all the words you are saying but come on. She did not say anything to me, Onyx."

Onyx nodded before peering at a shadow and looked at it hard. "Are you going to come out, mister Shadow?"

Twilight looked at where Onyx was looking and was surprised when a pony walked out of the shadow with it dripping on him. "Rune Maker Onyx, if I may ask, how you knew I was there?"

Onyx smirked at him before kicking his own shadow, and someone rose out of his. "I have my own watcher, and he does not come into my house normally, but you have been making him twitchy."

The pony who walked out of the shadow looked at his boss pale in the face. "Understood, Rune Maker, I will speak with your watcher so we may make sure everything is correct."

Twilight watched the two Ponies sink back into the shadows and quickly swished her head to Onyx. "What are ponies doing in my shadows? What are you thinking, letting them slink back into our shadows?"

Onyx sighed and looked at her. "Welcome to the world of being a Pony that has done something worth having a watchdog on you."

Twilight twitched and realized that she is on a list that she was not on before. "How do I get this person to leave my presence."

"My shadow will probably get rid of the most likely Twilight. He is the only one in town. Yours is a new one." Onyx explained and looked at the freaking out Twilight. "Honestly, it is not so bad when you get used to it."

"I do not want to get used to it, Onyx." Twilight complained and looked at the shadows in her library in annoyance. "So, does come into your house and spy on your things and, and…"

---With Solar Dusk---

Solar stood on the roof and looked down at his subordinate. "Why on earth are you here?"

The pony looked contrite. "We knew you place a gag order on Ponyville because of Onyx for some reason, but we had to follow procedure. She broke into a secure vault. We have to keep eyes on her."

Solar sighed because this is annoying and looked at his subordinate. "I will handle everything here and keep an eye on her, so go home."

The pony nodded before looking up at him. "How does Onyx know we were there?"

"Master Shine taught him how to identify me and our magic." Solar groaned at the problems that this would cause. "Master Shine said, and I quote if you are going to be around the shadowy bastards that hunt information for Celestia, you should be able to tell when they are there."

His subordinate looked equally heartbroken because it is rare for Master Shine to give tutelage and for him to give away a spell to identify them means Onyx is his most likely successor. "Understood, I will return to Canterlot and alert the rest."