

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Dragon Migration

Onyx watched as the girls slowly dug out a trench even though he offered to help Applejack and Pinkie declined. "So, how have you been, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled while looking around at the various things. "I have been good. I message Princess Celestia about the watchers that were put on me."

Twilight drooped over in sadness and sighed. "Her words were that because I broke into one of the secure wings in secret, I deserved to have watchers on me, but she would leave it up to your watcher."

"So why on earth are we out here for the Dragon migration Twilight?" Onyx looked at them digging a trench and sighed when he noticed Spike in an apron. "Nice apron Spike."

Spike smiled, happy for the compliment, and looked at the girls doing their own thing. Twilight responded to Onyx's question. "It is better to watch for outside instead of the town itself, and we should be just fine. I mean, there has been no attack in over 300 years."

"The reason there has been no attack is because Celestia went around to all the elder dragons and beat them until they signed a magical contract, Twilight." Onyx explained, remembering the stories he had read. "She beat and destroyed over 500 elder dragons and terrified the entire race into the ground, when the last dragon destroyed one of our towns."

Twilight and the girls were surprised by Onyx's words. Twilight thought about an incident that happened earlier. "What about the dragon that camped out near us to sleep?"

"That was a dragon sleeping near us, not in the towns, if he had raided Celestia would have destroyed him and salted his bones." Onyx smiled at Twilight and the rest and snickered at the shocked faces. "You do realize that Celestia is our protector of pony kind, right."

Onyx was surprised that Rainbow showed up. "Where were you, Rainbow?"

"Trying to get Fluttershy to show up and watch the migration with us." Rainbow complained and looked at the trench in the ground. "Everyone else is here, so I thought maybe if we were together, she would be fine, but she straight up threw me to the ground and ran from her house."

Onyx snorted and started laughing at her reaction. "That is hilarious poor Rainbow got thrown to the ground by Fluttershy."

Rainbow blew a raspberry at Onyx and went to help her friends. "Yeah, yeah… Laugh it up, Onyx."

Twilight looked at Onyx and was surprised that he was out here. "So, what are you hoping to see, Onyx?"

"I am just watching this migration because it was interesting." Onyx replied while looking at the sky and sighing before climbing into the trench. "Are you getting in Twilight?"

Twilight nodded and climbed down the steps to the trench. Onyx moved over to the side, sat down in his fold-up chair, and brought out a book. Twilight slowly opened her mouth, most likely to ask a question before Onyx spoke up in explanation. "I can easily look at them when they show up, Twilight."

Twilight looked at the camouflage everyone was wearing and looked at the dirt. "Is this camouflage a good idea, girls?"

Onyx started laughing at Twilight's words. "Twilight, we look like bushes, and so we should be fine, but we are just inside of Ponyville line markers, we should be just fine, Twilight."

He heard something rolling on the ground towards them and saw Rarity pushing out a massive red rug. "What is that you are wearing, Rarity?"

Rarity smiled before spinning and showing her pink camouflage. She spoke up after her twirl and smiled at the girls. "What do you think? Do I not look totally fabulous, Onyx?"

Onyx sighed. At least Rarity will be fine in the trench before the girls started lambasting Rarity about her choice with jokes. Onyx watched Twilight teleporting the fluttering paper and red carpet back to Ponyville.

He quickly looked up when he heard his first dragon and smiled at them and looked and saw teenage dragons and other various dragons with no elder or ancient dragons. Onyx sighed because Celestia ran a terrible culling on the dragons when she enforced the contract.

Onyx watched as one dragon smack into the other and quickly ducked down into the trench before hearing the fire blast over the ditch. Applejack was looking at Rainbow, who was slightly smoking. "So still think they are not that impressive."

Rainbow snorted while looking at the dragons. "The word that comes to mind is more like fierce."

Spike smiled while he finished up cooking their snacks. He spoke up, happy that the girls were willing to complement dragons in his opinion. "Yeah, we dragons are super fierce."

Rainbow and Applejack snorted because of the Apron that he was wearing. They slowly started teasing him about what he was wearing, causing Rarity to speak up in defense of her good friend Spike. All it was doing was causing Onyx to watch and smile and look at Spike. "You know they are just having fun with you, right Spike?"

Spike looked up at Onyx and watched the dragons behind him, and sighed. "Yeah, I know Onyx."

Onyx watched the girls argue about various things while Twilight and Spike watched the different dragons fly over them. "Hey Twilight, have you noticed it yet?"

Twilight was confused and tried to realize that there was something different about what they were seeing. "I do not understand Onyx?"

Onyx sighed and patted Spike on the head while studying the dragons in the air. "There are no purple dragons like Spike up there in the migration."

Twilight blinked and immediately roved her eyes over the migration looking for spikes coloring up there, and saw nothing even close to him. "Why are there no purple Dragons?"

Onyx sighed and looked at Spike, who was starting to look desperate. "I have no idea. I know color does not matter to a dragon. It is like us ponies in that respect, but the color is hereditary, and there was nothing like Spike up there."

---Time Skip next morning---

"So let me see if I understand this alright. You want to run off and join the migration of dragons because you could not find any information about dragons in the library." Onyx explained the thought process about what he was trying to get across. "You realize that I am not trying to talk you out of this, Spike, but this is crazy. You are a baby dragon still, and there were none even close to your age in the migration. In fact there were none between certain ages, most likely parents with young dragons of their own."

Spike nodded his head and smiled before deciding to explain. "I have to do this, Onyx. If I don't, I might miss the next one."

"Spike, most of those dragons were old ones and young adults and teenagers." Onyx explained, slowly trying to make him understand how this is such a terrible idea. "Are you understanding the words coming out of my mouth?"

Spike nods his head, showing he understands because as much sense as Onyx is making, he must do this. "Onyx, I have to do this. It might be my only chance to understand this part of myself."

Onyx sighed because it is looking more and more like he was not going to be able to talk him out of this. "Fine, just do not say I did not warn you when this inevitably goes crazy. Do you understand me?"

Spike nodded and picked up his stuff before Onyx spoke up, interrupting him one more time. "Be careful, Spike, and remember where you came from and who you are understood?"

Spike blinked for some reason that resonated deeply within him. "Thank you, Onyx, for understanding, and thank you for being there for me."

Onyx snorted while watching him walk out of the library while the girls were already planning to take off after him. "When on earth did, I become the father-figure to Spike?"

Rarity was the only one who had heard him. "When you decided that you would help him with his various problems and whatnot. Also, you are totally going to follow him, aren't you."

"Of course, I am, and I am bringing my armor to protect myself, of course, but that does not mean that if he does something done, I will not give him a talking to." Onyx looked extremely serious and joked about certain things.

---Time Skip Dragon hoard location a few peaks away---

Onyx sat at the top of the peak in full armor, quickly within range to reach and interfere if it goes wrong, and watched the girls interact with the young dragons barely into tweenhood. "What on earth are dragons that young doing here?"

"They would be our children, young Pony." A feminine dragon spoke up behind him, causing Onyx to turn and see tiny dragons, but that was only because they had somehow shrunk themselves. "Greetings, young man, which one is yours?"

Onyx watched them and sighed before pointing at Spike. "I tried to talk him out of coming, but I do not have enough information about what he is going through to help him, but it looks like he got caught up in childish roughhousing. Instead of looking for information."

The few males nodded and watched the children interact with each other. One of the mothers spoke up and asked a question. "You know they will not hurt him, not, really, right?

"I know. But I was worried about some of the old-timers as they were." Onyx acknowledge that he could do nothing while surrounded and sighed. "Of course, his other friends have disguised themselves in a not too badly disguise."

The dragons looked at the weird one in their shape and laughed at the pony dragon shape. "If there was any chance of yours being hurt, we would punish them."

One of the mothers moved next to him, looking like a giant lizard instead of the massive dragon she should be. "So, what information are you looking for specifically?"

"When will his wings come in? When will he begin growing taller? When will I be expecting his hoarding tendency to come in?" Onyx quickly explained all the things he was worried about while watching them burp out massive goats of flame.

The mothers nodded while the fathers snickered because Onyx sounded more like the mother instead of a father. They got it, though, most likely one of the females down there was the mother, and Onyx was up here gathering information while being ready to rain destruction on anything threatening his child. "His wings will come in the second Cycle and his height the third before hoarding will take over in his fifth. How old is he currently in your years?"

"He is currently 16 years old." Onyx answered and watched the play king of the hoard. "Is violence at this level normal?"

The dragons noticed and could not help but smile at the roughhousing. "Indeed, it is for Dragons their age. Spike is not even out of his first Cycle, so he should not be playing here."

Onyx nodded and slowly tensed up before one of the men patted his leg. "Do not worry, they will not be rough with him, trust and just watch."

Onyx sighed and loosened his body. "I am sorry. I know they're your kids, but Spike looks up to me to take care of him. I have somehow become the father-figure without even noticing, and I do not know if I am doing a good job."

The dragons snickered and watched the cannonball, and them accepting Spike as one of them and were surprised by the yell of a raid. "Oh my, They are bringing Spike on a raid… are you fine with this young pony? We could stop this now if you wish?"

Onyx watched Spike smile and play with them. "I cannot stop this, and it is way too important to him to feel like he can do this alone. Nothing will be too damaged in this raid, right."

"Violent raids are pretty much a thing of the past, Onyx. There has been nothing likes that required your princess to leave her castle in over 200 years." The dragons comforted while watching the children play and relax and plan the raid out. "And if it gets out of hand, we will handle it, alright?"

Onyx nodded and smiled at the male dragons around him. "Is what I am feeling normal?"

"Oh, most definitely. When something threatened one my young, I believe it was 4 cycles back I burned and destroyed it to a crisp." One of the male dragons explained. "I made sure nothing would threaten my kids again in that area."

Onyx nodded while sitting back and getting ready to take off after them on the raid.

---Time Skip Night Phoenix Nesting Ground---

"What on earth are our brat planning to do here. The treaty with the phoenixes is significant because their tears are one of the few things capable of healing dragons." One of the fathers explained while they traced the young dragons through the grounds. "If those brats do anything to mess up the treaty, I swear to the great ancestor."

Onyx would have snickered if he knew that the dragons had a reason to be nervous. "Calm down because it seems like this will be just a scare raid."

The parents sighed and nodded their heads and watched the raid happen. "Will you be fine on your own young one? We must chase our kids and stop them from doing something stupid."

Onyx nodded and watched them run off, leaving Spike alone with the egg with their parents hot on their tails. "So, you have seen the raids, Spike. What will you choose now?"

Spike looked at the egg in his arm and smiled at it for some reason. Onyx laid down on a tree and finally allowed himself to relax. "Glad this is over with. I can finally get home and work on my book."

Spike when the other dragons showed up and complained about losing the phoenixes before noticing the egg and getting into a fight with Spike causing the girls to appear and interfere. Onyx looked ready to pounce and watched as the parents were prepared as well before running off when the girls and Spike ran off. Onyx landed out of the tree in front of Spike. Spike looked up at Onyx and smiled at him before sighing. "I am so sorry, Onyx, and thanks for watching out for me."

Onyx patted Spike on the head. "It's fine, Spike, as long as you are healthy."

Twilight walked up to the other side of Spike. "What are you going to do with the Phoenix egg Spike?"

"I think I am going to hatch it and raise it in Ponyville." Spike spoke up and looked at the two people in his life that are influencing him. "So, how are we getting back to Ponyville?"