

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Seeing The Girls

Onyx was sipping his apple juice in happiness because it was giving him that little sweetness and heard the door open for the front door. 'Cranky boy was in town surprisingly quickly. It has only been 2 days since heart and hooves day.'

Pinkie walked in, stomping in annoyance, and Onyx slowly setting his stuff down got ready for mount Pinkie to explode. "I do not understand why he does not want to be my friend; I mean, everyone in Ponyville wants to be my friend Onyx."

Onyx nodded along and watched as she spoke out in anger and injustice at the world in annoyance. "Pinkie, Honeyplum, some people are naturally like that, and you know how I am, and the only reason we became friends is that I ended up in bed with you fully clothed, but you know how I am."

Pinkie nodded in agreement because Onyx was strangely serious about sex even though you are fine as long as you do not get someone pregnant before courtship. "I know, Onyx, but you have to understand even though that happened, we still ended up friends."

Pinkie was pacing as she remembered the start of his sentence. "What the heck is Honeyplum anyways, Onyx?"

Onyx snorted because he knew if he threw something nonsense in the sentence, it would cause her to slip up and slowly calm down. "You like it? It is my idea for a nickname for you that only I can say you know as a pet name for you and me."

Pinkie looked at Onyx and slowly turned it over in her head. "No, I do not think it fits me, please pick another one, something less Desserty."

Onyx nodded while Pinkie started saying random pet names in quick succession and refocused on the task of making friends with Cranky Doodle Donkey. "Why don't you go talk to Twilight? She probably can help you much better than I can, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded her head because Twilight always gave the best advice when she was having trouble with something. "Thank you for pointing out Twilight for me, Onyx?"

Onyx nodded his head and was surprised that she kissed him before running off to go talk to Twilight. "She really needs to lay off the sugar."

Onyx slowly walked up to the lab and smiled at his various projects before feeling the slight flare of his magic punishing him. "I wonder why it has gotten less painful."

Onyx hummed and ran some tests on his magic and could not find out why he was feeling less pain. "Most likely something I will never be able to figure out."

Onyx looked at the picture of him and the girls around the dinner table at Heart and Hooves day. "I really enjoyed this night."

"I could go visit the other girls and talk with them." Onyx nodded his head before deciding to walk over to Rarity's first. "I wonder what they are doing?"

As Onyx was walking through the town, he watched as the various ponies waved at him and went about their day. He could not help but wonder what his language will be worth when he finished it. As Rarity's Boutique came into view, he could not help but smiling. When he entered, he saw Rarity moving cloth to and fro quickly and watched her dance to unheard music. "Onyx, welcome to my shop, darling."

Onyx nodded and walked over to her sitting area, so he was out of her way. Rarity quickly pulled everything over to the side of the room and quickly made her way over. "Thank you for waiting for me to clean up Onyx."

Onyx nodded and slowly poured them both tea. "I was just wondering how you were because Pinkie is trying to make friends with Ponyville newest resident."

Rarity smiled while she sipped at the tea Onyx had poured and looked at him curiously because it had only been a few days since Heart and Hooves day. "I am doing great dear, just yesterday I got an order for five dresses from a woman that truly does not understand color combination, I mean, really, she wants everything the opposite of her coat."

Onyx smiled while listing to her because it was always enjoyable to be around one of his herd mates. "Sounds like a real challenge, Rarity."

"You have no idea Onyx. I just do not understand this woman's fascination with opposites." Rarity complained while sipping at her tea, already imagining how much harder it was going to be to please this woman. "And what is strange about her is that she is baby blue, so she wants things in pinks and reds, and it would not be a problem, but it is causing her to look so weird in them."

Onyx nodded slowly because it sounded like she was difficult on purpose. "Is she being annoying on purpose?"

Rarity shook her head. "No, she is not because when she first showed up, she came in wearing a red-dressed, a deep red wine."

Onyx snickered because this was sounding worse and worse the longer Rarity talked about it. "Well, I am sure you can handle it, my dear, because you are the best fashionista in the county."

Rarity nodded and quickly kissed Onyx on the cheek. "I would love to keep talking, Onyx, But I truly must get back to work."

Onyx watched her run back to the room which she was working out of. "See you later, Rarity. I am going over to Applejack's."

Onyx closed the Boutiques door and quickly made his way over to Apple Acres and watched as Cranky walked through the town. "Evening."

Cranky looked at the Unicorn talking to him and nodded back and continued his way, and Onyx made his way over to Apple Acres and thought about how he looked suitable for his age. 'Cranky defiantly has a travel build.'

As Onyx walked up the steps to Apple Acres, he saw Applejack napping under a tree. "Good evening, Applejack."

Applejack smiled up at Onyx, surprised to see him out and about slowly teasing him. "What are you doing out here, stranger?"

"Looking for some information on how my herd is doing." Onyx smiled and laid down on the ground next to her. "Pinkie is currently having one of her must be friends with this person now episode's."

Applejack smiled and looked up at the sky, just basking in the evening sun. "Sounds like she is have a good time and having a lot of fun."

Onyx nodded his head, confirming her words. "What about you? Rarity currently is in the grips of a crisis with a client that just does not understand color combination. Still, she is having a lot of fun making it work."

Applejack looked at the trees and smiled. "The trees and food are looking good, and it looks like we are going to have a good Harvest this year."

Onyx smiled, happy that Applejack was getting everything she wanted. "How is the barn coming along from my payment of the rebuild."

Applejack laid her head on Onyx's arm and looked up at him with happiness. "The barn is nearly done with it's rebuilds, so we should be perfect in a few weeks."

Onyx nodded his head while looking at Big Mac playing with Applebloom. "How are those two? Big Mac still getting tractor work and Applebloom still having trouble with her Cutie Mark."

"Big Mac is getting a took off work to make his tractors which is giving a big supply of money to the farm, thank you for that, by the way." Applejack smiled and snuggled closer before answering his second question. "Applebloom has still not found her Cutie Mark, but she is still trying and not letting it get her down."

Onyx nodded his head before resting his eyes in happiness because it was sounding like everything was perfect with his herd today, and there were no problems whatsoever. "Than today is a good day, and we should just enjoy it."

Applejack nodded while they basked in the sun and quickly fell asleep together.