

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Heart and Hooves Day

Onyx smiled at the girls knowing they had a question about what they would be doing for heart and hooves day tomorrow. Onyx offered them a seat at his dining table, and they slowly sat down at the dining room table and looked at him. "I do not believe it would be fair to either of any of you if I spent Heart and Hooves day one on one."

Rarity thought about it and nodded her head with the others but decided to speak up first. "So, what is the plan, Onyx?"

Pinkie and Applejack watched as Onyx shifted nervously. "I was thinking we could have a nice dinner with the four of us home-cooked right here at this table."

The girls smiled because they had not had a home-cooked meal date yet, and this sounded more than fair to each other. Applejack was quick to speak up. "That sounds perfectly fair, Onyx, Right Girls."

Pinkie and Rarity were quick to shout out their agreement about Onyx's plans because it sounds much better than anything else, and it would allow them to gather together for the first time and enjoy each other's companionship in a family setting. Pinkie smiled at the girls she was in a herd ship with and spoke up with a cheery-sounding voice. "Onyx, what are we having for dinner that night."

"I was thinking a small pasta," Onyx admitted because that was the only thing he could really cook. "I do not mind admitting that I cannot cook many other things."

The girls giggled before looking at Onyx in thought Applejack was the first to offer up a suggestion. "Why don't we all cook together and make a plate of food for each of us."

Pinkie and Rarity let out low squeals because this meant they could cook a portion of the meal for their herd mates. Rarity looked at them. "I would not mind making the salad."

Pinkie quickly picked out what she was making. "I want to make dessert."

Applejack smirked and looked at the girls and realized that she could make the appetizer for the meal. "I will make an appetizer."

"So, you girls are fine with pasta?" Onyx asked, worried, before watching them nod their heads.

"That sounds perfect, Onyx, and then we can have a nice movie night inside that house." Rarity smiled at the girls because with this, they would be in a cuddle pile most likely. "So, I will need to find a sitter for Sweetie Belle."

The girls nodded because Rarity was the one who primarily took care of her sister while her parents traveled around. "I bet Granny smith would not mind watching both Sweetie and Applebloom, Rarity."

Onyx looked at the various girls planning things out and enjoying themselves, and Onyx could not help but smile that such a fun party was going on and that he was going to finally have his entire herd in his house. "I love you girls and cannot wait for tomorrow night."

They nodded before kissing Onyx's cheek and running off to gather their supplies for tomorrow night. "We will see you two later, Pinkie Onyx."

Onyx and Pinkie watched Rarity and Applejack leave and heading off to do whatever they needed to do for the day. "I will have a much better plan for the next Heart and Hooves day, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded while leaning on to Onyx. "I know you will, Onyx. This was just a mess up, but you owned it, and this will probably be something that happens much more often."

Onyx nodded because any event where the herd cannot enjoy themselves together will be annoying. "I wonder how the people with herds in the past Celebrated Heart and Hooves day, there must be some book that helps describe it and helps with these problems."

Pinkie thought about what her father had done with his two wives and could not help but wonder about it. "I am not a hundred percent sure how my father handled it, but I could ask him so you could have some more information. After all, he had a two-pony herd."

Onyx nodded his head while looking at the sky and looked at her. "You are going to be busy all-day baking, aren't you?"

Pinkie nodded her head because Baking would be something she would be doing all night. "Your pasta should be done quickly. Hopefully, my cake would be done quick enough for Dessert."

Onyx nodded in agreement because he was confused about what she would be making, but she looked at him in teasing. "Not going to tell you what I am making, Onyx."

Onyx snorted at her words because that is just like her and teasing him. "I wonder what Applejack is going to be making, but I can make a guess that it will involve Apples."

Pinkie laughed while Poking Onyx. "That is a sucker bet, and you know it, Onyx."

Onyx snickered quietly and looked at Ponyville outside his window. "I sometimes wonder what I would do without you, Pinkie, because you make my life much more fun."

"You would probably be so deep in your research that your health would be deteriorating and that you would be lonely and probably falling into the Anti-social without any friends." Pinkie looked at him and smiled before snuggling into his arms. "This is the best, and I would be lonely Onyx, and my friends would be in worse shape… You do not understand how close you have brought Big Mac, Astral, and Comet together, do you."

Onyx snorted and rubbed his hand up and down her back because it will be close to a year since he had been here in Ponyville, which is exciting and a year since he had arrived in this world. 'Sorry for taking over your life, Onyx, but I will do my darndest to keep it from falling apart.'

Onyx heard a low mummer in his head and nodded his head because it looked like the original Onyx was becoming his Nightmare like he thought.

---Tomorrow Heart and Hooves day---

Onyx looked at the time it was close to one o'clock, meaning the girls should be arriving soon, and slowly set the book down and moved over to the door so he could let them in when they got here. By the time he reached it, he had heard knocking and opened it, seeing Both Rarity and Applejack at the door. "Hey, Girls, welcome. The foods not even started, but I was going to start around three o'clock."

"That is perfectly fine Onyx just wanted to get here in time, so we could set a couple of things down and make sure we had all that we needed." Rarity replied, carrying ingredients and what looked like a home-made dressing for her salad. "I also brought my special blend of dressing for us to enjoy."

Applejack nodded and brought out her ingredients while they followed Onyx into the kitchen, watching Pinkie work her magic while baking. "I am going to be making Cheesy Apple Bites, Onyx."

Onyx nodded his head because he had never had anything even close to what Applejack was describing and watched them get set up. "So, the Salad will take a total of 10 minutes while your Cheesy Apple Bites will take, how long Applejack?"

Applejack hummed in thought before informing them that it would take close to 25 minutes to make them. Onyx hummed and looked at Pinkies Timers about her cake that she is making. "Her cake will take a little over 1 ½ more do you guys want to eat early or want to wait for the cake to be made so we can all eat together without checking on anything."

Pinkie smiled at them and gave her words first. "I would like to just sit down and eat, so I do not have to get up and down multiple times during the meal Onyx."

"How about little after 4?" Onyx offered the girls what he figured was a good time so they could all enjoy it without worry about foods cooking. The girls hummed and hawed before nodding that it would be a perfect time. "Alright, shall we enjoy ourselves?"

The girls quickly started setting their stuff away and sat in the living room listing to music and looking at his books. Rarity asked coyly about Pinkies' situation. "So, Pinkie, what is it like living with Onyx full time."

Pinkie smiled at Rarity and started going about what she did at the house while Onyx was working and snuggling. She talked a lot about what they did while in the bedroom together while Onyx just basked in a feeling he was surprised that was missing for his interactions. 'For some reason, I feel much better with everyone here with me.'

Applejack sat beside Onyx and lay down with her head on his chest. "Did you hear what the cutie crusaders did to Big Mac and Cheerilee?"

Onyx hummed, letting her know he was paying attention and that he had not heard what happened. Applejack smirked. "Applebloom thought it was a good idea to drug him with a love sight potion same as Cheerilee even though Big Mac is dating the other teacher something Cake, I can not remember for the life of me what her name is."

Onyx snickered because that sounded like something Applebloom would do, but now he was curious. "Any idea why she dosed him with a love potion?"

Applejack shook her head and spoke. "No idea what gave her the idea that it was a good idea, but it sounded like they wanted to make Miss Cheerilee a date for some reason."

"So is Big Mac going to go on a date with her and the cake women you were talking about?" Onyx asked while watching the other gossip about who knows what. "I am happy you are here, Applejack. I thought you might not show up or something."

Applejack snorted before watching the other two girls as well. "Well, I am happy to be here as well Onyx, I know I made it sound like I did not want a big relationship, but you know I was just trying to make it sound strong, you know that right."

---Rainbows House---

Comet looked at Rainbow as she brought out a special lunch. "I know I am not the best cook, Comet, but I tried hard alright, so if it sucks, I want you to be honest, alright."

Comet nodded and was happy about the way their relationship was going so far and really had no complaints about anything. "Everything looks delicious so far."

Rainbow smiled before kissing Comet on the cheek and running off to grab something.

---Fluttershy Home---

Fluttershy quickly gathered the animal's special food just for today and saw Angel Bunny looking up at her. "Hello, Angel Bunny, are you ready for your special food."

Angel slowly nodded while he looked at everyone eating in the place and could not help but notice that Fluttershy was once again without a mate. He could not help but feel saddened for her. "What is wrong, Angel Bunny. Do you have a tummy ache, I really hope you start to feel better."

---Twilights Library---

Twilight snuggled herself under her warmest blanket with a good book and could not help but sigh in happiness because even if she had no one to enjoy the day with, she had Spike. "How are you today, Spike?"

Spike smiled from where he was eating his special treat and looked at her in happiness. "I am feeling amazing, Twilight."

Spike looked around happy before sighing.

---Ethereal Realm---

Discord and Harmony, for once, were playing on a regular chessboard instead of the board where they put their avatars on. 'Happy heart and hooves day, Discord.'

Discord slowly took a picked up a piece and moved it. 'Same to you, Harmony.'

They snickered because, at the end of the day, they only had each other.