
Meeting the Strawhat

Nezumi was now using The BLACK PEARL sailing in the grandline setting in the deck reading a book about seal "So I can use seal this way but I still can't some seal whitout buying them from the skill shop like Hirashin of minato" suddenly he detected a ship on his left with his Observation Haki he turned and looked at his left as a cultivator his sense improved and he had the SHARINGAN so his eyesight was powerful he saw a Ship with a head of lion a smile appeared on his face " so Luffy we finally would meet " .

On the sunny Ussop cried from the watchtower " A pira.. pirate Ship ahead"

hearing him all the crew gathered in the deck They were approaching the Ship

all of them had an admiration look on there face the Ship was all Black and designed with a beautiful way as they almost reached the ship they saw a youth reading a book seting in the deck.

Nezumi looked at the strawhat pirate and said "Yo" hearing him Luffy grinned and replied " yoo" .

Robin watched the youth then she said urgently"Luffy he is the new Shishibukai"

hearing her Luffy looked at Nezumi "you are The CRIMSON SWORD " everyone was on gruard Nezumi smiled then said "yes I'm"

Everyone looked stressed but Luffy laughed " shishshishishi YOUR SHIP IS SO COOL" seeing Luffy laughing everyone relaxed .

Looking at them Nezumi was thinking*what should I do about them obviously I can't join them as i don't want to be a babysitter *

Nezumi said " You are Monkey D Luffy Right"

Luffy noded with his head at that time I jumped to Thier ship they backed a little and made some distance between them

he gazed at them and said"do you have food"

Luffy laughed again "shishshishishi Sanji prepare a banket"

sanji went to the kitchen while Shouting "Stupid capitain".

after that They talked about many thing while eating in the kitchen then Robin said :" to Nezumi come Other me to the deck"

Nezumi wanted to know what was her goal so he went with her to the deck when they were alone Robin said " what is your goal " Nezumi replied " what do you mean" Robin this time frustrated said " what is your goal you're abounty hunter why didn't you attack us "

hearing her a smile showed on his face

"your smart but there is two type of people I meet with those i kill and the people I don't kill you and your crew are the second type " but if you ask me why did I came to meet you I just wanted to give you a warning your crew is to weak to enter the New world "

while robin was thinking of what I said Luffy happened to pass by them and heard Nezumi saying they were weak he was enraged he shouted " I will protect my crew with me here no one will touch them" turning his head to Luffy while smiling coldly he said " do what you want "

using KAMUI he teleported himself to the new world it was time to hunt for some point while he was doing that many thing happened around the world Firefist was captured by Blackbeard

White beard would enter a war with the marines .

after sixth month of hunting in the new world he received a call from marines using Kamui a vortex appeared and Nezumi dissapeard with his ship using KAMUI he teleported himself to the marine head quarter MARINEFORD to speak with Sengoku.

On MarineFord the marine headquarter All the marine here Were proud even those with the lowest grade like the whatchtower guard here were high level in other base so they grew arrogant as no one attacked their base for so long.

Suddenly a Black Pirate ship appeared in the center of MarineFord every marine was alerted surrounding the ship the alert bell Ringing .

Nezumi teleported himself directly To

Marine Ford he looked at the marine surrounding him he jumped of his ship and started walking every marine present fell to the ground as he was passing by them realising small wave of King Haki .

Sensing King Haki the higher up were also alerted Sengoku came out facing Nezumi he said " hello Crimson Sword"

Nezumi looked at him with an indifferent gaze and said "hello".

Sengoku didn't know why but he felt pressured by the simple gaze of that person he calmed himself and said "Follow me ".

Iuffy was really arrogant in the series while he did have some luck but still only MC has the right to be arrogant whitout paying the price.

TheRedMooncreators' thoughts