
The fall of a beard

Nezumi kept following Sengoku till they reached a big room sengoku opened the door and entered Nezumi did the same after that sengoku left .

Entring the room he was met by the 7 Warlord setting each on Thier own chair Doflamingo was wearing his pink outfit and sun glace while laughing creepily on the other seat Boa Hancock was looking at him coldly as he did the same they were all there expect mihawk .

Advancing and taking his seat no one talked to him then Doflamingo broke the silence " wanna play " while a game of card was in his hand looking at him Nezumi muttered " interesting I think we would get along very well " so they started card game while waiting .

The meeting processd normally Then Black beard entered following Sengoku who said " Teach is from now on a new Warlord he would take the place of Moria as he captured Firefist Ace " hearing what Sengoku said some had a angry (jinbei ..)expression while others were indifferent but among them was one with a happy expression it was Nezumi .

why not his prey just arrived all that is left is to catch it he would then take the YamiYami Devil fruit from Teach it was a piece of cake to catch him using Haki alone is sufficient.

In the meeting they talked about the upcoming war with white beard and how to counter it Sengoku said that all of the 7 Shishibukai has to be present and thos who doesn't come would no longer be considered as a member of the Warlord organization .

Everyone was eaving so Nezumi jumped to his ship and sailed in the ocean after passing the horizon he stored his ship and He stood in the air

yes he was flying .

with "Auto Cultivation perk" he broke through to the King realm and gained the ability to fly he used his Kamui and dissapeard with a vortex .

In the vast sea The Pirate Known As BLACK BEARD or Marshal D Teach was sailing with his crew his plan was going in the right direction he would take advantage of the war so he could kill White beard when he is tired, he lifted his hand to the sky and shouted :"I will Realise my dream no one will stop m.." but then whitout warning his hand was cut and fell to the ground then he heard a loud laugher accompanied with a cold voice " how are you doing Blacky" Teach look to his left and he saw one of the 7 Shishbukai the Crimson Sword he shouted " why did you yo.." before he could continue his beard fell he immediately shut up the member of his crew now gathered on the deck looking at Nezumi ready to attack but Teach was a smart person he knew he and his crew had no chance of winning so he was thinking of a way to get himself out .

Nezumi saw the expression on their face so he smiled "you can fight among the winner wouldn't have to tried my sword"

hearing him they all tensed and took some distance from each other But Teach used his fruit power to attack with his Black hole attack and he shouted them in the head after that now on Black Beard Ship.there was only 3 people remaining Nezumi,Teach,and Shiliu the guardian of impel down it was a fierce fight but teach Won he laughd" I won I won.." then a hand pierced his heart he shouted "why why " Nezumi smile disappeared as he said " I said wouldn't use my sword but I never said I will let you alive ".

Ding{Devil fruit detected demanding permission to absorb }

Nezumi said " does weakness of devil fruit apply to me"

Ding{No host is a cultivator and host soul is Powerful and couldn't be suppressed by the devil that reside in the fruit }

"then absorb it".

Ding {Host acquired The Yami Yami Devil fruit controlling the power of darkness }

"Now let's go gather point in that war"

"system how much is the cost to travel between world "

Ding {Host would need 1 million point use it to Travel but if host reach a higher level in Cultivation he would be able to travel using Energy alone }.

Resting for aweek in marine ford in the main time a war was occurring opposing The strongest men in the world of one piece white beard To The marines To save ace.

using KAMUI Nezumi dissapeard from The town he was in and appeared at the center of marine ford but no one noticed him as he was suspended High in the sky Looking down at the war.

What should our MC do help them save ace or ..?

TheRedMooncreators' thoughts