
The Crimson Sword

Nezumi was on the chore of the beach he tried his system menu he choose the shop then the item column He sherached for a ship he was a fan of pirate of the caribbean so he decided to buy the famous BLACK PEARL as his main ship it's price was 60.000 SP he also wanted a small boat like the one ace had named striker with 5.000 SP he bought the two of them putting the BLACK PEARL in his Inventory now he has 300.000 SP remaining .

He would start his journey in the one piece world there are several groups Marine /Pirate/Revolutionary..but the best of them was bounty hunter and shishbukai or YONKO he was no hero although he admired the mugiwara pirate but he didn't care about crimes that marine and tennryubetu does he would rather join the shishbukai and sail in the sea hunting pirate with bounty earning point as he was told by the system that all the bounty are considered Missions but if some of them cross his path he would erase them He would also sail to reach raftel to gain SP as the ultimate goal of the one piece world.

Nezumi made a plan of starting as a Bounty hunter to make some reputation.

On top of his striker he started his journey he knew he was in the grand line but were should he go first .

After one year the Pirate of the grandline were no longer safe not because of the marines but because of the bounty hunter named "Crimson Sword" every pirate who met his path were beheaded none of them was able to escape let alone fight him with his reputation Naturally Nezumi deed Reached the Marines .

In the grand line a ship cut into two piece could be seen the pirate Captain was begging for his life "please don't killl me I will do anything please plea..." before he could finish his word his head was no longer on his shoulder Nezumi sighed "that should be enough so they notice me" .

Today the marine headquarters was busy , Many marines admiral vice admiral were in one room discussing .

Sengoku spoke "after the fall of the Warlord crocodile in alabsta on the hand of Monkey D Luffy .." he was interrupted

by a loud laugh "hahahahaha that's my grandson" sengoku was angry he shouted "Shut up garp your family always cause problem" garp replied with another laugh"hahahahaha"while eating donate

Sengoku ingored him and continued" as I was saying one of the spot of the shishibukai is not occupied after the fall of crocodile so we are here to discus about who will be the new Shishibukai" after he finished talking everyone was silent till AN admiral The Red Dog Akainu spoke " what about The crimson sword the Bounty hunter pirate are afraid even of his name and he seem to hate pirate as he behead them " after hearing what Akainu said many person in the room noded Songoku also noded he was going to suggest him but Akainu had the same idea "it's decide then we will send an invitation to the CRIMSON SWORD to join the Warlord organization".

Nezumi was holding a letter the envoy was the world Government the marines his plan was a success he would now became Shishibukai " mmm so I joined the crazy World Government that would give me some authoritie whitout using strength should I make an organisation myself " he accepted the offer and sent a Positive replie.

The replies reached sengoku the next day it was announced to the world in the newspaper.

in a certain ship with a Leon head Robin was reading the news paper when she saw the news about the new Shishibukai she called to Luffy "Luffy it seems that crocodile was replaced already"

Luffy jumped toward Robin and the other crew member gathered around her as they saw the news NAMI said" Crimson Sword the cfamous Bounty hunter of the grandline". hearing the world Bounty hunter everyone looked at zoro he didn't like it so he said " What" they all turned then ussop spoke "he was a bounty Hunter Now he is one of the Shishibukai and he is in the grand line " the crew looked at ussop wanting to know what did he want to say then Robin said" we are in the grand line and he is in the grand line so we might bump in to him"

chopper cried with fear in his face "no way the grand line is to big " luffy grinned and said "don't worry i will protect you " after that robin informed them of the other important news in the news paper then everyone had gone to do his job Zorro training NAMi navigating Sunny while Ussop watching from the watch tower for any pirate or land.

Should.he meet Luffy crew or not ? Let's see in the next chapter

TheRedMooncreators' thoughts