
Rudra of Wizarding world

this is novel of Rudra adventures in Harry Potter world how he slowly grows into a magifientwizard capable of traveling in void . this is not entirely focus on Harry Poter. have you ever wondered is Harry Potter is just a Childers book with samll power level come and explore this book to see the myths and various existence hidden in shadow in Harry Potter world. come and explore hidden myths and existing adventures of rudhhra and his friends

kaushik_vatsavayi · Book&Literature
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Birth of Rudra

In the void, we see a small soul floating since an unknown time and gaint light approaching the soul

Hello, unknown soul I am a walker of the void I travel in the void and I have gone to many worlds I have seen many souls who came to the void but they perished soon it is rare to see a soul like you serving in the void by absorbing a part of the void.

The Mc responds to Walker "Hi Walker of void I do not remember anything I only know that I must try my best to survive I do not remember from when I am here or why I am trying to survive".

The walker responds then I will send you to a world where you can survive and thrive and hopefully one day we may meet again in the void.

We see a giant hole is sucking the soul

Elsewhere in Outages Manor in Landon outskirts, a woman is going through labour in a luxurious room a man is pacing back and outside the room and an old man is trying to calm down the young man

Jhon it is enough you need to calm down and give support to your wife they will be safe and how can you give her courage when you are breaking down?

Jhon responds "How can I calm down Dad you know how dangerous her situation is she is giving birth while bearing that curse we do not know if she will survive until the child is born and because of that damaged war we cannot take her outside we have to make to do with what we have".

We hear the child crying from the room and we see the pale woman miraculously retaining her beautiful appearance and holding the child lovingly. We also see couscous clouds and thunder around the manor when a child is being born as if the world is happy about birth of a child

Jhon came hurriedly to the room and seeing the recovered appearance of his wife he broke down to tears with happiness and asked the wife if Sheets recovered from the curse.

Avani replies "Yes Jhon. I survived the curse I almost went to the death door but I felt like I was hearing the baby's voice that he could not be without me I survived tenaciously and finally I was able to meet my lovely son and I decided to name this child Rudra in honor of the lord shiva,"

Jhon takes the child into his arms and says this to the child" Child your mother's clan suffers from a curse where during child with they experience tremendous pain and go to death door and I am happy to have your mother survived".

The child is looking happy when seeing his father and mother.

The father placed the child slowly on the curb next to the mother.

Rudra is very happy To be born into a new family and he tried to recall previous experiences he observed that he does not remember much of his previous life memories or the memories from the void and he slowly drifted to sleep in my raid of emotions.

Jhon after making sure his wife and baby are asleep goes to fortify defenses.

Due to war joining on in the Wizarding world, they fortified the defences to maximum

And the. Manor exists in another pocket dimension they made sure that all the entrances to inside and outside are closed and it is also protected by a special version of Feduls charm