
Rudra of Wizarding world

this is novel of Rudra adventures in Harry Potter world how he slowly grows into a magifientwizard capable of traveling in void . this is not entirely focus on Harry Poter. have you ever wondered is Harry Potter is just a Childers book with samll power level come and explore this book to see the myths and various existence hidden in shadow in Harry Potter world. come and explore hidden myths and existing adventures of rudhhra and his friends

kaushik_vatsavayi · Book&Literature
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1st birth day of rudhra

Rudra is now approaching his birthday as gazing through the window he recalls the last year

He spent it since his birth.

The first few months he spent in his mother's loving embrace he felt that his mind is exceptionally clear in 2 months and he could learn everything very easily. He also knows that he can feel a peculiar energy and he came to know that a void walker gifted him with a special type of void physic. It will increase his understanding to a very high level and once it is fully devolved he will be getting heaven heaven-defining understanding and his body potential is almost infinite. He is still trying to understand the physics.

He recalled how happy his mother and father were when they reached out to him in his third month and how happy they spent time with him.

He started walking at 11 months.

And he only be able to explore a few rooms on his floor.

Since it is a war period outside the mansion they decided to celebrate his birthday with the people in his manner to avoid the location of the manor being leaked.

As Rudra is going downstairs he is greeted by his grandfather and his parents he Saw his grandfather often in his previous year and his favorite thing for his grandfather is to play with him with various magic

As He went to the hall he saw a massive half-foot cake with all kinds of decorations and family elf and staff waiting eagerly for him.

He received birthday wishes from everyone As he cut the cake.

He is given a toy that can change into various forms by his father.

He is presented with an ancient-looking ring by his father who tells him that it will protect him from danger.

He is also presented with a very marvelous and ancient necklace by his mother who tells him that it is their clan heritage.

After his birthday party, his grandfather told him about their brief family history.

Their ancestor is Osatnes he Is a very skilled alchemist and a legendary wizard and we also have the bloodline of Merlin and Morgana.

We changed our last name several times in history because some people are after us for our heritage.

Now we are using Hermes.

We are one of the most influential hidden families in the world and we have extensive connections with Wizarding societies all over the world in almost most of the strongest and ancient Wizarding communities. Unlike Wizarding families who consider themself sacred family, we interact with both nonwizards and wizards.

You must remember never to underestimate the muggles

And unlike other Wizarding families if a squid appears in our line we provide him support to integrate into muggles and we do not alienate them

Most of our alchemistic business is inspired by them.

And we have the most famous and skilled bloodlines in our bloodlines each member of our family will start awaking a bloodline starting from 10 years to 30 years we may awaken different bloodlines in that period so most of our family members have at least grand wizard strength by the time we reach 30 and we have characteristics of not losing strength even we age we will always be at our peak.

You also have 1 uncle and 1 aunt.

They were in Egypt and America respected I asked them not to come until the. War is settled here. They are early waiting for you.

Once war is settled you can meet them.

He also said various famous wizards came from their line.

Famous scientists like Newton also came from their line.

While listening to Grand's story he slowly drifted into sleep

Next, Rudra got curious about his mother's family and how she met his father so he asked her.

Mother narrated to them how the family's first ancestor is said to be born with the blessing of major gods of Hindu like Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, etc.

Later their line is mixed with various demigods devas asuras and yogis. Their line is famously known as devasur.it is said that they will get their asura characteristics awakened when they reach 9 to 13 years and they also awaken a deva power at that time. some people will also awaken Yasha Gandhara or yogic line powers.

They are very famous in the Indian magical community and his grandfather is one of the most powerful guardians of the Indian magical community they also have a huge influence on Vikram University where many people from Asia and Europe will go after school.

We will also go to major schools in the world as exchange students. I met your father when I came as an an exchange student in my fourth year. After some time we spent time with each other we fell in love and we got married after graduation

You also have 2 uncles and 1 aunt.

Our line is usually resistant to various curses but depending on the bloodline we awaken we may be susceptible to some curses which will hurt us.

In one battle with the dark lord, he cast a very powerful curse on me which will slowly weaken my vitality and it will endanger me to give birth.

Since this is a lineage curse my father told me that the only chance for me to break the curse is to give birth to a child full of pure love and the child must also have pure love toward me

Thanks to your love now I am cured of the curse and you saved me

Rudra felt very happy and proud knowing he saved his mother