
Rubeus Hagrid and the First Wand (Harry Potter Fanfic)

A small fanfic based on some Harry Potter Fan art I came across a long time ago. I had the first 4 chapters prewritten on wattpad but thought I'd move it here to see if people would like to read more. I am trying to stay as close to the lore as possible while still having fun with it. Hope you enjoy!

KunamiV · Others
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4 Chs

New Beginnings

As I awoke in the room above the Leaky Cauldron, I found that I couldn't see. I felt as if I was wrapped in 10 layers of sheets, I lay still for a moment, remembering what happened. I had come upstairs, drank the potion, and laid down in pain, and passed out. I begin to shift, trying to find a way out of whatever I was buried underneath. As I move, I hear Harry's voice speak.

"Calm down Hagrid it's alright. Ron, grab the spare clothes we picked out for him," Harry said, as Ron is off to my left rummaging around.

I can see again, light peeks through the darkness as I finally make my way out of... my own clothes? Yes it's true, I'm now sitting up in bed, finding that I was covered in my own clothes. But it's strange, they seem so much bigger than what I remember. I look down, and I see the buckle of my pants staring back at me, and I find myself lacking my beard, as well as my hair is significantly shorter.

"Harry..." I say in a voice that I don't recognize as my own. "What the bloody hell have you lot done to me?"

Ron tosses me some clothes that seem a normal size. A striped shirt, Faded Blue-Jeans, britches, socks, and shoes.

"Don't have a panic attack Hagrid, but your body is now that of a First Year student," Harry says with a small chuckle. "Sorry about your manhood, by the way, losing 60 years by Polyjuice Potion will do that to you. Now get dressed and come downstairs, we'll be waiting for you at the entrance to Diagon Alley."

Harry, Ron, & Hermione leave the room. Leaving me naked on a bed with fresh clothes and my confused thoughts. I get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. As I step out of bed, I take a moment to regain my balance. My body feels lighter now, my sight no longer reaching the tops of doors, and I feel much colder.

I can only imagine what I look like now, but that thought left my mind almost instantly. As the moment I fully regained my composure, a new thought went through my mind. I'm gonna puke...

The next thing I know, I'm naked in the bathroom floor, puking into the toilet. My vomit a nasty shade of purple and red, smelling the same as the potion I had drank. After laying there for a few minutes, I stand up and flush the awful mixture, then walk to the sink. The water tasted fresh in my mouth as I washed the vile puke taste out, hoping it wouldn't be that bad the next time. As I finish washing my mouth out, I dry my face off, and look into the mirror, jumping in fright the moment my eyes see a young boy.

Never in my life had I been so scared, especially not of my own reflection. I look back in the mirror, mesmerized by what I see. A young, 11yr old boy is staring back at me with a look of horror on his face... No, that look of horror is on MY face. I look at my new face, examining every feature and curve. My hair is the colour of almost a burnt orange, my skin as pale as the wand from my dream, my eyes are a mixture of brown and green, like a tree had its leaves and bark melted together, and finally my skin is dotted with freckles going over the bridge of my nose and some on my shoulders.

I soon realize that I've been staring at myself far too long, looking at the time I find that been in here for 10 minutes already. I need to get a move on so I don't miss anything. As I hurry from the bathroom, I throw on my shirt, undergarments, and pants. Not stopping to put on the shoes, I carry them down the stairs with me, all the way to the brick wall I had passed through so many times.

Harry was there waiting for me, sitting on an old barrel while calmly tossing an apple up and down patiently.

"Hello Hagrid, glad to see you're up and moving. Hope you find that the clothes fit you, Ron did his best when picking them out." Harry says as I finally finish tying my shoes.

"Well, I hope you're ready." He says

"Ready for what?" I reply, not quite understanding what happens next.

"Ready to start shopping for your school supplies, what else!" Harry exclaims, with a wide smile on his face. He then places his hand on the brick wall. It opens at his touch, the bricks shifting and grinding past each other, and vanishing into the sides of the wall. Diagon Alley is now open, and It looks so much different now than what I'm used to. Nothing had changed, yet everything had a different meaning to me now.

"Alright Hagrid, from here on your real name is a secret. For the next 7 years you are to be known by Jasper Woodloch. Don't ever use your real name until you graduate. The only person at Hogwarts that should know your real name is Ms. McGonagall, and possibly the Divination professor. However, should they find out, Ms. McGonagall will either convince them it's ok, or obliviate them." Explained Harry, clearly having planned for anything that could go wrong.

"Well, that's enough wasting time," Harry said and handed me the shopping list.

"I'll come with you and you lead the way on where to go first," Harry said with a smile.

"Alright then... " I said as I looked over the list. "Let's go get the robes first!"

I couldn't believe this was happening, after 60 years I can finally go back to Hogwarts and enjoy it! I just hope that none of the classes have changed too much. I can pass Care of Magical Creatures, but i'm not sure how much the other classes may have changed in their curriculum...