
Roses of Betrayal

Amara, a celestial being, escapes a 200-year house arrest to explore the human realm with her bodyguards Mo Yue, Kane, and Ryo. Their journey encounters possessed acquaintances, demons, and the mysterious Kayden. Tensions rise with the arrival of Husani, revealing unexpected connections and family dynamics. As Amara takes commissions to earn celestial currency, she faces the threat of the Celestial Skies and delves into a world of illegal betting houses in a demon city. The plot intensifies with kidnappings and an unexpected reunion with Kyan, weaving a complex tale of fantasy, intrigue, and celestial politics.

Arcy_Warcy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 14, Banquet Appearance.

They arrived at the Celestial Gates, Amara felt like she was witnessing the feeling of nostalgia. She hasn't seen the Gates in several years. She isn't really excited to see everyone and everything again, it feels like hell. Celestia isn't really a place that deserved to be called a heaven in her opinion when the Gates opened everyone around were starting to whisper to each other since she was in Alijah's carriage and not her own. Some started to speculate that they might be a thing while others think it a discharge on Alijah's name that she had come with him. Amara didn't listen to them however Alijah didn't take this the right way. Alijah was cursing under his breath and Amara found it funny that he took it personally instead of her. To her it didn't mean a lot so she wondered why he is mad for her even though he should've expected this. As the carriage got into place Alijah stepped out first and gave out his hand to help Amara to get the carriage. One of the gossiping people was talking too loud about Amara's appearance. "Her dress might be beautiful but her tinned skin does not match the colors she is wearing." Alijah heard this comment and called the man out to repeat it again if he dared but he had decided to stay quiet. Amara actually wanted to comfort him herself but Alijah was two steps ahead of her. Annoyance was written all over Alijah's face before storming off with Amara hand in hand, confusion was written on her face but she didn't mind what he'd done for her. They stood together in front of the Ballroom because Amara asked him to stop and calm down. "I understand you're mad but there is no reason for you to be mad for me." She had told him while trying to get her hand back while he wasn't facing her. "Isn't this the reason you had asked me to come? To protect you!?" He said not want to let go. "That was my first intention but I do not want to cause an unnecessary scene that could ruin your reputation." She already had felt bad that he had to go through all this stuff before she was locked up, she does not want this to happen yet again. "Our relationship goes first before anything else…" He mumbled. "Can you repeat that while facing me?" Amara asked. "It was nothing." Alijah said before letting go and shy away from her before entering the Ballroom together with her. "Princess Amara and Arch-Celestial Alijah have arrived." The announcer yelled out, the minute they stepped in the room all eyes were on her. Many were in awe of her beauty while others think she is doing too much. Whispers started to surround them more and more which Amara had expected. Perhaps she should've found a way to decline the invitation she thought before noticing prince Nolan walking up to them. "Who would've thought Alijah would be your partner." He said in a surprised tone while Alijah bowed and greeted him, a chuckle escaped Amara's mouth. "It is better to have someone be your partner than not, or am I wrong brother?" Annoyance was written on his face before he answered her. "Being alone is not a bad thing." Alijah laughed while the two were bickering over and over again until the announcer spoke up again. "His and Her Majestys have arrived." Everyone started to bow down to greet them except Nolan and Amara, they only gave each other a side eye before standing next to them. His Majesty gave them a sign to stop bowing and raise their heads. "I, King Ethan, want to thank you all for coming to my wife, Queen Serena, Birthday Banquet. You all may resume your conversation." Everyone immediately began to pile up the gift table with everything they had bought for Serena, everyone was enjoying their time but they couldn't help but glance at the group of Royalties and Alijah. They seemed hard to approach, all of their different auras together felt heavy. Some started to wonder what they could talk about, perhaps business or when Amara got released? They were craving to get a bit of details of their conversation. However their conversation was much lighter than people made it out to be. "Have you two been slacking off from your training?" Ethan asked with a dead-serious face, Nolan looked over to Amara and started to get sweaty hands. "I've been locked for years with zero equipment." She tried to reason with her Father while Nolan decided to remain quiet, Ethan looked at her for sometime while she didn't understand why and started to feel a bit uncomfortable. He sighed before looking away, confusing Amara even more, he is supposed to be her father but why is he acting like a child? "I will start training you guys personally again to be prepared for the random summonings." Chills went down their spines, the thought of training with him already scares the shit out of them. "I understand you are not their father but must you be this harsh on them?" Serena spoke up while sighing. "They can easily build up their strength and stamina without your help Ethan." Amara and Alijah couldn't help but laugh at her commnet while Nolan tries his best to comfort his sad looking father. Serena apologized for his behavior and quickly excuses Ethan and herself from the scene leaving behind the trio. Alijah offered Amara and Nolan to get drinks and that he would get back, now the 'siblings' were left behind. An awkward silence hung around them for a couple of seconds before Nolan decided to speak up. "Did Alijah freely offer to come with you?" Amara, in response showed her hand where he kissed there, Alijah left behind some Mana traces. His mouth was wide open in response, he felt grossed out by this idea. And told her to stay away from him a bit more than she normally does. She could only laugh at his disgusted face that he was making while Alijah came back glaring at him. "How could I deny an opportunity like this?" He said with full confidence Nolan stared at Amara then back at him. "You've got it all wrong." Amara quickly said before his mind started to trail away from their reality. It was understandable why he came up with that conclusion however Amara wouldn't dare to be THAT close with him. She had always had this ominous feeling that there was something strange about him but she doesn't know what it is exactly. Before she could continue her thoughts someone else came to the trio. "I hope you don't mind wanting to join in." That voice… It was Aire! The three of them exchanged a quick glance before he could stand in front of them. Amara quickly decided to ignore his presence right in front of her and decided to talk with Alijah the entire time instead if Aire only would speak to Nolan. "What can I do for you tonight Viceroy Aire?" Nolan asked him, trying to stand in front of Amara and Alijah. "Please drop the formalities since I am technically a status underneath you." Aire asked before sighing. "I have to refuse this offer, now answer my question." Aire laughed a bit at his straightforward reply. "I'll cut to the chase Eldric Nolan, I simply wanted to see your 'sister' since I haven't seen her in so long." Nolan gave him an annoyed stare before looking behind him and smiled at Aire. "I am sorry to disappoint you but it seems like MY SISTER has just walked away with her partner." "Oh? That's strange, since when did Amara have a partner?" But he was quickly cut off by Nolan. "It is Eldrica or Princess Amara for you, know your place." Aire put up his hands in a playful manner and gently held his head down a bit. "Dear me, please forgive me for my ignorance, Eldric Nolan. However we are siblings after all so I think it wasn't improper of me to call her just her name." Nolan looked with pure disgust at how he was acting in front of him, he was speechless for a couple of seconds before saying: "What the fuck is your issue." Amara was surrounded by many people who were saying that they felt sad for her after she was locked in that house for 200 years. She is slowly starting to wish it was longer because it was more peaceful when she was inside. Now she is only surrounded by trouble and random strangers who claim to know her history in high detail. And what's more strange is all these people surrounding her, they claim to feel sad for her but in reality their intentions are pure evil. She started to feel annoyed because not only were they invading her personal space but also not having time for herself. She glanced over to Alijah for help which made him start thinking, leaving Amara completely helpless until one lady started to speak up. "Princess Amara, are you still able to dance like the old days?" Everyone wondered the same and she started to feel this heavy pressure. "I might look a bit uncomfortable but I think I still can." She said softly. "Can you dance to the next song? I heard it will be your favorite one!" Someone else had voiced. "Will you all clear the dance floor for me by then?" they all looked at each other before saying: "Yes we can!" and they started to leave one by one and telling everyone else in the banquet hall what they had planned, Amara knew this was to embarrass her. Since she said that it might not look good, Alijah placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. "I like men who are able to help me in situations I can't control." She said while removing his hand. "What is that supposed to mean?" He whined while looking at her confused. "I really was thinking of ideas that would've been appropriate to help you out of that situation." Amara sighed. "You were slow this time." She said as she slowly started to make way to the dance floor with Alijah following her. "You can stay in the crowd and I'll dance on my own." Alijah agreed with no questions. The song was slowly getting to its end and everyone started to leave the dance floor while Amara stood in the middle. As her favorite song Crimson Serenade started to play she got into her position. She decided to use her mana to create some special intro. The grandeur of the banquet hall unfolded like a tapestry of elegance, adorned with cascading drapes and sparkling lights. Amara, clad in a gown that mirrored the celestial night, stood at the center of attention. The musicians played a haunting melody that reverberated through the hall, setting the stage for a dance that would weave its own magic. As the first notes graced the air, Amara's body moved in sync with the ethereal music. Every graceful motion told a story, a narrative of passion and skill that held the onlookers captive. The room fell into a breathless silence, the only sound the soft rustle of fabric and the delicate echoes of Amara's dance. Amara's skin, a rich and radiant shade of ebony, glowed under the warm lights. Her dance was a celebration of identity, a testament to the beauty found in diversity. Yet, amidst the enchantment, whispers of prejudice began to crawl through the crowd. A few misguided individuals, fueled by ignorance, started making disparaging remarks, tarnishing the magical atmosphere. "Everything about her appearance is perfect besides that dark skin of hers." A man blatantly said while some agreed and disagreed. Her dark skin is something special and makes her easier to shine in crowds. At the fringes of the dance floor stood a man of mystery, his features obscured in the shadows. Dark-skinned with golden eyes, he observed the unfolding scene with a quiet intensity.