
Roses of Betrayal

Amara, a celestial being, escapes a 200-year house arrest to explore the human realm with her bodyguards Mo Yue, Kane, and Ryo. Their journey encounters possessed acquaintances, demons, and the mysterious Kayden. Tensions rise with the arrival of Husani, revealing unexpected connections and family dynamics. As Amara takes commissions to earn celestial currency, she faces the threat of the Celestial Skies and delves into a world of illegal betting houses in a demon city. The plot intensifies with kidnappings and an unexpected reunion with Kyan, weaving a complex tale of fantasy, intrigue, and celestial politics.

Arcy_Warcy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 13, Veils Of Echos.

Amara was confused on why they were asking her about this, it is not like she would know because she does not have any knowledge or information about who she is herself. The dimly lit room, surrounded by an ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from her very being. Her eyes were shut, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she grappled with the excruciating pain coursing through her body. The air crackled with an energy that hinted at the extraordinary nature of the healing process taking place within her. In the midst of this arcane scene, a mysterious lady hovered over Amara, her hands moving in intricate patterns as she channeled energy into Amara's broken core. Her appearance was otherworldly, with long flowing hair that shimmered like strands of moonlight, and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly intensity. This enigmatic figure, whose name was yet unknown to Amara, seemed to be sacrificing a part of herself to mend Amara's shattered core. As the healing progressed, Amara's consciousness floated between realms, and she began to catch glimpses of memories that were not her own. Visions of battles, ancient wisdom, and a connection to a divine force played like a dream before her eyes. Amidst the flashes, a face emerged, the face of the mysterious lady healing her. The realization struck Amara like a bolt of lightning. "Trinity..?" she whispered, her voice echoing through the mystical chamber. The lady, now identified as Trinity, looked at Amara with a gentle smile. "Yes, Amara. I am the one you once were, and now, I am the one helping you become who you are meant to be." Amara's eyes widened with understanding. "Reincarnation," she murmured. Trinity nodded, her form flickering as if caught between existence and fading away. "I am the echo of your past, and you are the vessel of my future. But our time together is fleeting. I must share with you what you need to know before I disappear." Amara's pain intensified, but she focused on Trinity's words. She felt a connection beyond the physical, a spiritual bond that transcended time itself. "The night at the banquet, you must not use your Mana powers until the appointed moment," Trinity warned, her voice carrying a weighty urgency. "Serious consequences await if you defy this counsel. The threads of destiny are delicate, and your choices will shape the path ahead." Before Amara could pose the question burning in her mind, Trinity continued, "Amara, the one you seek in the depths of your heart, holds secrets untold. Trust, but also question. The dance of fate is intricate, and you must navigate its steps with care." As Trinity's form began to fade, Amara's pain reached its zenith. "Wait..!" she pleaded, desperation in her voice. "I have so many questions." But Trinity gently shook her head. "Answers will come in due time, Amara. Cherish the moments you have and the people who walk alongside you." With those parting words, Trinity dissolved into a cascade of shimmering light, leaving Amara alone in the sacred space. The pain gradually subsided, replaced by an overwhelming sense of purpose. Amara awoke from her deep slumber, finding herself within the confines of the Mana Core, the mystical room where her healing had transpired. Uncertain of what awaited her, she spent the next four days and three nights in a meditative state, delving into ancient texts, and losing herself in the rhythmic flow of dance. The impending birthday banquet loomed on the horizon, and Amara prepared for the festivities, anticipating both the joys and challenges that awaited. In her moments of solitude, she reflected on Trinity's words, yearning for the night when answers would unfold. As she honed her skills through meditation, reading, and dance, Amara couldn't shake the feeling that every step she took was guided by forces beyond her comprehension. The intricate dance of fate awaited its next movements, and Amara stood at the precipice, ready to face the mysteries that lay ahead. The days unfolded slowly, each passing moment bringing Amara closer to the pivotal night. Her meditations delved deeper into the recesses of her being, seeking understanding and clarity. Ancient texts whispered secrets of forgotten realms, and the rhythmic cadence of dance became a language through which she communicated with the energies surrounding her. Amara's connection with Husani remained elusive during the waking hours. The three brothers Mo Yue, Kane, and Ryo acted as vigilant sentinels, obstructing any attempt at conversation during daylight. Yet, as the sun dipped below the horizon, they would find solace in clandestine night conversations, exchanging thoughts and emotions under the veil of darkness. Nights brought with them sparring sessions and duels, an arena where Amara tested the strength she had amassed over the centuries. Among these challenges was the desire to confront her own vulnerability, to understand if the passage of time had weakened her essence. An idea formed in her mind – a two-on-one duel against Mo Yue and Husani. Initially met with hesitation and disbelief, Amara's proposal was eventually accepted. The night was shrouded in a dense silence as they faced each other on the training grounds. The air crackled with anticipation as the clash of swords and the dance of magic echoed through the stillness. Amara moved with grace and precision, a testament to the centuries she had spent honing her skills. The battle raged on, a symphony of strikes and counters. The brothers fought with determination, but Amara's mastery over the arcane proved to be an insurmountable force. As the final blow landed, a victorious aura enveloped her, dispelling any doubts that lingered. In the aftermath, Amara stood amidst the training grounds, her chest heaving with exertion. The brothers, though defeated, wore expressions of respect. The night had become a testament to her strength, a tangible reminder that the echoes of Trinity resonated in her every move. Yet, victory did little to quell the questions that stirred within her. The banquet approached, and with it, the promise of revelation. Amara continued to immerse herself in preparation, each day a step closer to the dance of destiny that awaited her under the moonlit sky. The day of the banquet had finally come, Alijah had come over to the house of where Amara was staying. When he came he felt sorry for Amara's environment and asked her to come and stay with him for sometime. But she had declined his kind offer. "If I choose to stay with you, they all would follow me like little ducklings." Alijah laughed at the joke and couldn't agree more with what she had said. They gossiped about the Gods and Celestial Ones of what they had been doing for the past 400 years Amara was not surprised with how many are today. "Ah! Amara before I forget to ask…" He said while putting eyeshadow on her face. "What is it?" She asked. "There was this mad man on Celestial's gate more than once asking for you when you were locked up, if i remember correctly he was dark-skinned with a bright eye color. Do you know of him?" This description sounded very familiar but Amara couldn't think of someone who was like that except… "No I do not, why are you asking?" Her answer disappointed Alijah a bit. "Well he had destroyed many belongings of some of the Celestials and went on a malicious temptron when he heard you were locked up in a place." …oh! "The man also had an undeniable strong mana wave level that it even shocked your mother and father, the guy also broke down Celestial gates. Everyone demanded for your return but it was denied… Crazy right?"