
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

True Vampires

"You want me to help track down a group of thieves?" Eli asked the Headmaster as he examined the dark room and he gave Eli a wicked smile, "I don't see a reason not to I suppose."

"Then we should go ahead and get started." Ruby told him as she walked towards the door and Eli sighed as he followed her out. Eli wasn't surprised to hear the order from all students to get inside the main building from the intercoms and the two weaved through the crowd of students filling the halls before running into Yukari.

"Thank goodness I found you two! Tsukune and Moka might be I'm danger!" Yukari told them with a panicked look and Eli already figured what she was about to say, "Cocoa brought Moka to the dungeon at the edge of the school to find the phantom assailient and Tsukune followed after them!"

"Ruby where's the dungeon at?!" Eli asked in a worried voice and she quickly told him the location before he sprinted out of the school building at full speed. It took him longer than he hoped to find it and he allowed Inner Eli to take control when he heard the sounds of fighting inside. He jumped off of the walls, ceiling and floor to increase his speed as he navigated the dungeon and Cocoa seemed to be the only one who felt his demonic energy closing in on them at high speed as the others were dealing with a fake Kurumu.

"Brother!" Cocoa yelled when he slide to a stop next to her and caught the attention of the others, "That guy is a member of the group that's been attacking people and they took Tsukune and Sister!"

"Are your hurt at all?" Eli asked as he kneeled down to her height and he felt his anger begin to rise when she looked at the floor, "I'll handle it from here but you're going to explain to me why you came here afterwards."

"Eli watch out!" Kurumu yelled as the doppelganger suddenly dashed towards him with Kurumu's mimicked claws out but he was instantly knocked into the wall by a powerful punch from Tsukune and Eli saw that Ruby and Yukari had finally made it to them. He stood up and watched as Tsukune easily overpowered the fake Kurumu before the doppelganger pulled its shirt open, causing Tsukune to stumble back with blood coming from his nose.

"The weakness of all men are wome-" The doppelganger was cut off by an anger filled fist from Eli and he tried to process what happened as he slammed into the wall. He didn't have time to recover when Eli kneed him in the jaw and he coughed blood when Eli suddenly threw him into the floor before kicking him down the corridor.

"You made a bad call." Mizore said as the doppelganger got to his feet and Eli sighed as he watched him sprint around the corner at the end of the hall. The ground at Eli's was destroyed as he chased after him but stopped when Inner Moka walked back around the corner before she suddenly kicked him in the face and launched him past the others.

"I'm one really lucky guy! Who would have known this girl had this much power hidden away!" The doppelganger laughed while holding Outer Moka by her head and Eli wiped the blood off of his lips as he got to his feet, "With this power I can take you down no problem!"

"Now," Eli started as he glared at the doppelganger and they walked towards each other, "I'm mad."

"He can mimick her strength so be careful!" Kurumu yelled as Eli swung at him and the fake quickly parried his fist but didn't have time to react when Eli grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the wall. He kicked Eli in the head and forced him to let go before they began to trade blows that increased in speed with every swing.

"His attacks aren't affecting Eli at all..." Yukari said as Eli began to dodge the doppelganger's fists with ease before they saw the real Inner Moka standing behind the doppelganger with a grin and he saw that Tsukune had removed her rosary as he lept away from them.

"What's Wrong? See a doppelganger or something?" Moka asked as the two walked towards him with smug grins and his blood ran cold as their crimson eyes seemed to peer right through him, "I can't believe you let a copy of me actually land some blows."

"I let him think he was evenly matched with me since I knew you'd want to kick his ass." Eli told her as they stood over the fear filled monster and she chuckled before kicking the fake in the jaw, "That looked like it hurt."

"I'd tell you to learn your place but I doubt you can hear me." Moka told the unconscious doppelganger as Eli returned to normal and Tsukune handed her the rosary before they both looked at Cocoa, "Maybe he wasn't the only one that needed to."

"I'm sorry. I thought that if I could make your other half fight that you'd come out." Cocoa explained quickly and Moka shook her head with a small smile as she sealed herself away, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"That isn't something you can force to happen Cocoa." Eli said as he kneeled in front of her and she was surprised when he flicked her forehead, "You need to understand that there are some things in this world that you can't change no matter how much you want them to."