
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Club Recruitment

"Why do I have to wear this outfit?!" Cocoa yelled to Eli as she examined the outfit the girls had her wear but he just chuckled and began to help everyone try to recruit new members for the Newspaper Club, "I'm a proud vampire and I shouldn't wear embarrassing things like this!"

"You look cute though." Yukari told her with a smile and her face turned red before she quickly lept away from them as students flocked around the girls and Eli, making it where they couldn't see Cocoa and Yukari run off.

"You ok Eli?" Moka asked him when she saw the look on his face and he shook his head as he became uncomfortable with the attention the female students were giving him until he was suddenly pulled back by Mizore.

"Where's Yukari and Cocoa?" Eli asked as he was being dragged away and they realized they must have run away when the students began to gather around them, "I'm gonna go check on them."

"That's probably a good idea. Cocoa handles attention about as well as you do but she doesn't have your self control." Mizore told him once they were out of the crowd and he gave her a nod as he walked towards an open window. She watched as he vaulted over the windowsill and gracefully land on the ground below.

'The quietest place would be the roof', His inner half said and they switched places before jumping above the school. They switched back as he landed on one of the spires and saw Cocoa calmly talking to Yukari. He sighed in relief before quickly leaving the area so they wouldn't notice him. Eli quietly walked around the campus for a while until he heard someone talking through a loud system and curiously made his way to the source. He was surprised to see the Karate Club holding a competition for money and was about to try it out himself before he saw Cocoa walk up to them.

"No way little girl. The Karate Club isn't meant for girls like you." Eli heard the member hosting the competition tell her and he walked onto the stage himself, "Oh we have an actual challenger!"

"I'll make a deal with you." Eli said as he pulled out his wallet and showing it to the members, "I want you to put as many of those tombstones as you can on that stack and if I can't break all of them then I'll match your prize but if I win then you get on your knees and apologize to these girls."

"Deal!" The host yelled with a wicked look in his eyes and all of the students watched as the stack began to tower over Eli, "There's over thirty tombstones here! Can our brave contestant do it?!"

"Wait. I recognize that guy." One of the students said as Eli smirked at the tower, "That's Eli Akashiya! He's one of the guys that took down Kuyou!"

"Brother..." Cocoa said as he gave her a smile before he lept above the tower and slammed his fist into the stack with enough force to destroy it, the stage and part of the ground, leaving everyone in awe.

"Apologize." Eli told the members with a smug grin and all of the members involved with the contest got on their knees and bowed their heads to Cocoa and Yukari, "Now where's my money?"

"Here." The host said with a scowl as he handed him the fifty thousand Yen and he immediately gave it to the girls with a small smile. They gave him a confused look but he began to walk away until Cocoa grabbed his sleeve and he looked at her over his shoulder.

"Thank you Brother." Cocoa said in a nervous tone and he gave her a nod before walking away while listening to the muttering students.

"That little girl is Eli's sister?" One of them asked with a surprised look and Cocoa realized the reputation Eli held as she saw the students looking at her with wide eyes, "Maybe we shouldn't mess with her."

'That group is probably going to go after them.' Inner Eli told him in a serious tone and shrugged at the idea, 'If the leader of the Karate Club gets involved then they'll be in danger.'

"Cocoa can handle herself just fine. Those guys just pissed me off." Eli told his other half as he continued to explore the club stands spread throughout the campus until he felt a large, familiar demonic energy suddenly appear and, thinking Moka and the others were fighting, quickly made his way to its location. His eyes widened when he saw an adult version of Cocoa getting ready to fight several Karate Club members before she turned into a young child in the middle of her attack and their leader smirked as he pulled his arm back. She froze when he swung a powerful punch but it was instantly stopped by Inner Eli and the other members couldn't help but cower from his dark presence.

"You've got a lot of nerve attacking a little girl." Eli told him in a bone chilling voice before letting his fist go and looking over his shoulder at Cocoa and Yukari but didn't say a word, "Not to mention my younger sister."

"Woah, woah! I wasn't actually going to hit her!" He explained quickly and Eli raised a brow at him, "They told me she forced them to bow at her feet and I just wanted to teach her why you shouldn't disrespect my club!"

"If you ever try to intimidate my sister again I'll make sure you learn your place.," Eli said as his pitch black energy washed over them before it vanished as he returned to normal and he turned to look at Cocoa and Yukari, "I don't what you did to yourself but we're going back to the others before you get in anymore trouble while in that state."