
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Shocking Discovery

"Where is she?" Eli asked as he weaved through the students heading to their dorms before he saw her walking alone down the main path of the campus and quickly caught up to her, "Cocoa!"

"Huh?" She asked as she spun around and her eyes widened when she realized who called out to her before she took a few steps back with tears in her eyes, confusing Eli.

"Who are you?" Eli asked with a strange look and he lept back when she suddenly swung a large battle axe at him, "What the hell?!"

"You can't be him so leave me alone!" Cocoa yelled as she swung at him again and she was surprised when the attack connected until she saw Inner Eli's crimson eyes glaring at her while holding the axe between his fingers. She fell backwards when Eli flicked her forehead and she looked at him as if he was a ghost.

"Answer the question." Inner Eli demanded as his demonic presence washed over her and slowly stood up with wide eyes, "That was twice you attacked me out of nowhere so I want answers."

"My full name is Cocoa Shuzen and I'm the fifth child out of five siblings. I can't deny that it's really you because your demonic energy is still just as terrifying as ever." She explained as if she was reminding him of something and she saw the light leave his eyes as he processed what she said.

"So that's how you know me..." Eli said in disbelief as he returned to normal before his face turned serious, "I have one more question I want answered though. What's my real name and where do I fit in amongst our siblings?"

"It's Elijah Akashiya and you're Moka's older brother by a few minutes making you the third of five siblings." She explained in a happy tone and Eli walked away with a wave. He was busy processing what Cocoa had told him when his head started to hurt as fragmented memories of his childhood seemed to rush into his mind. Eli hit his knees when his ears began to ring and he cupped his hands over them as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"Eli!" He heard someone yell as they put their hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see a panicked look on Tsukune's face. The last thing Eli could see as his vision faded was the others running up to them and Tsukune caught him as he fell unconscious.

"How long was I out?" Eli asked himself as he looked around the dark hospital room and his eyes widened when he saw Moka unconscious in the only other bed in the room. The door opened a few moments later and he watched Tsukune and Ruby walk in.

"You're finally wake." Tsukune said with a soft smile and sat in the chair in between their beds, "We were afraid you would be out for a while."

"What happened to Moka?" Eli asked as he tried to lean up but Ruby put her hand on his shoulder and he sighed in defeat.

"While we were explaining what had happened to you she left to talk to Cocoa to see if she knew what could have caused it and she ended up having a similar episode." Tsukune explained as he looked at Moka with a sad look, "Afterwards Cocoa told us what she said to you two and Yukari told us we needed to get Ruby."

"I think there may have been a spell involved that caused you two to forget portions of your life and you two being finding out may have caused a backlash." Ruby told him as she placed her hand inches above Eli's forehead and began to speak a language they didn't understand before giving him a serious look, "I couldn't tell with you knocked out but it seems that there was in fact magic of some sort involved. That being said what can you remember?"

"Everything." Eli told her with a small smile as he rubbed the back of his head and Tsukune was glad to hear that, "It feels like I found a piece of myself I didn't know I lost."

"Good. That means the spell affecting you. Now we just have to hope Moka recovers as well as you did." Ruby told him with a sigh of relief and, as if on queue, Moka began to wake up, "Speak of the devil."

"Where am I?" Moka asked with a groggy voice and Tsukune explained everything as Ruby checked her for signs of magic but told them that she'd be fine as well, "I can't believe we're twins."

"It was pretty obvious when you think about it." Tsukune laughed as he sat back down, "You two have the same birthday, your vampire abilities were sealed away and when they're out your personalities are almost identical."

"Can't really dispute that I suppose." Eli said as he closed his eyes and thought about everything he had forgotten, "I'm definitely going to need time to process that though."

"I'm happy that we have memories like that." Moka told him as she looked at her hand before the door opened and the others walked in followed by a doctor. Eli gave them a summarized version of what was going on and they seemed to having a harder time processing it than they did. When they were released the next morning Eli asked Ruby to let the Headmaster know that he wanted his name to be officially changed in the school records to his actual name and he allowed it almost instantly.