
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

True Monsters

"There they are!" Tsukune yelled when they saw Ruby and another witch standing in the flower field as the bus drove down the path and full speed and surprised the witches as it slid to a stop in front of them. They quickly climbed out of the bus and Tsukune tried his best to reach peace with the older witch before one of the plant monsters lept towards him from under the flowers but Ruby took it out last second.

"Please I want to believe Tsukune and his friends." Ruby told her with a pleading smile before she was shoved to the ground by Eli and they saw a vine pierce through his chest. He struggled to breath as he tried to pull the vine out and blood splattered over the flowers as vines suddenly burst out of his body in every direction.

"No!" Kurumu screamed as Eli hit his knees before falling on his face and they watched in horror as the dark red liquid pooled around him. She immediately pulled his limp body back as an army of plants monsters flew out of the sunflowers and began to charge towards them at full speed. Once Eli was a safe distance away she and Ruby sliced through a large group of the monsters as they reached the others. Eli watched through his blurry, fading vision as Tsukune begged for forgiveness and the old witch was silent for a moment before pulling Moka towards her by her throat.

"If you want me to consider changing my mind then allow me to kill this girl!" The old witch laughed maliciously as her gripped tightened on Moka's neck and Tsukune yelled as he charged towards them, "I knew you humans could never be trusted!"

"Tsukune!" Moka screamed as the plant monsters began to attack him and Eli puked blood as he tried to get to his feet before Tsukune managed to remove Moka's rosary. Eli took a ragged breath as Inner Moka revealed herself and he could see Kurumu running over to him.

"I'll take these off and you'll be ok!" Kurumu yelled as she rolled his sleeve up but no matter how hard she pulled neither cross would detach, "Why won't they come off!"

"I won't allow you to get in my way!" The old witch laughed as she transformed into a massive plant monster with an explosive amount of demonic energy and everyone, except Moka, was sent rolling across the field. She hit Moka with multiple large vines and slammed her through several trees before wrapping smaller vines around her. She brought Moka close to her actual body and Moka silently glared at the old woman.

"Dammit!" Kurumu yelled as she hit the ground in frustration and tears began to fill her eyes as she gave one last desperate attempt at pulling off the cross, "We need you!"

"No you don't!" The old witch yelled when she noticed what Kurumu was doing and she raised one of the massive vines above her with a wicked smile.

"No!" Tsukune screamed as the vine slammed into them, sending dust and debris in every direction and he hit his knees as he tried to process what they had just witnessed, "She killed them..."

"What?!" The old witch asked when the dust cleared and everyone saw Inner Eli holding the vine with one hand while clutching Kurumu to him, "You're also a vampire?!"

"You had me worried." Kurumu told him with a smile and he gave her an apologetic look before letting her go, "Now go get her."

"Like hell you will!" The old witch yelled as she tried to pull the massive vine away but wasn't able to break free from his grip and, in the blink of an eye, he tore it off. Eli calmly walked towards the abomination before he suddenly lept straight for Moka with enough force to destroy the ground at his feet and the old witch sent vines of all sizes at him to stop his ascent. The others watched in awe as Eli landed on one of the larger vines and ran up it before the old witch managed to hit him in the side, sending him flying into the distance. She laughed maniacally as she began to drain Moka of her energy but stopped when the sound of an explosion echoed from the trees.

"You made a massive mistake." Moka told the old witch with a smirk before everyone saw Eli sprint out of the forest at an unreal speed, "You didn't kill him with that attack."

"You have to destroy her magic item to defeat her!" Ruby yelled hoping they could hear her and Eli launched off of the ground. He hit the old witch in the face with enough force to make the entire monstrosity tilt backwards before ripping the vines restraining Inner Moka off like paper and they both fell to the ground.

"You're different from the last few times you got out." Moka said as the old witch began to recover and he cracked his knuckles as the old witch yelled in rage.

"I don't have to hold back to keep from killing her." Inner Eli explained in an eerily calm voice as they watched several massive vines coming towards them and Inner Moka chuckled before they sprinted under the vines at full speed. The others watched in silence as the two dodged every attack with ease and they both lept into the air as one of the vines slid along the ground. Small thorn covered vines shot towards them but were immediately cut to shreds by Ruby and Kurumu as Eli grabbed Moka's hand and they began to spin at high speed before he threw her at the old witch.

"Learn your place!" Inner Moka yelled as she kicked the book with enough force to destroy it completely and they watched as the monstrosity began to fall apart. Kurumu handed Eli his white cross and he instantly noticed the small crack going across it but kept it to himself as he sealed himself away.