
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Outcasts

"You got attacked by a group calling themselves the Outsiders?" Eli asked Tsukune as everyone except Moka sat around one of the outside tables, "Do you think they're the reason Moka isn't here?"

"I hope not." Kurumu said in a concerned voice and Tsukune quickly stood up with a serious face before going to check her dorm room, "Shouldn't you go with him?"

"Are you here Mizore?" Eli asked as he looked at the bushes behind him and they saw her hand wave at them, "Could you keep an eye on Tsukune for me?"

"Ok." Mizore said as she stood up and he sighed as he stared at they sky. Kurumu could tell Eli was worried about them even though he seemed composed on the outside and she put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

'If they did have something to do with Moka's absence then Tsukune is going to after her.' Inmer Eli told him through his rosary and he glanced at Kurumu to see if she heard his other half talking but it was clear she hadn't, 'Moka's blood is tearing him apart from the inside and if he goes then he'll undoubtedly die.'

"I'm going to talk to Gin. You wait here for Mizore." Eli told Kurunu as he stood up and she gave him a nod before he walked away. He wasn't surprised to see Gin surfing through a box of papers in the club room and he immediately noticed the serious look on Eli's face.

"What's wrong?" Gin asked as he put a stack of papers on the desk and moving the box to the floor, "You only have that look when something bad is going on."

"What can you tell me about the Outcast group that hangs around here?" Eli asked him with a serious look and Gin gave him a confused look, "We think they may be coming for Tsukune simce he beat a few of their members."

"They're a group of hybrid monsters that hate pure bloods like us and if they are after him then he's in a lot of danger." Gin explained in a tone that Eli had never heard from him before, "I suggest you stay with him at all costs.

"Good to know." Eli said as he walked away to find Tsukune and he was becoming increasingly worried about Tsukune and Moka's safety. Between his body's current condition and the Outcasts being after him Eli wasn't sure if he'd be able to save him this time and he quickened his pace until Mizore suddenly walked out of the bushes in front of him.

"I followed Tsukune and Moka around like you asked me to and some weird guys took them to an old school building roughly in that direction." Mizore told him with a calm look as she pointed towards the forest and he thanked her before he began to run as fast as he could. It took him longer than he had hoped to reach the old building and he could hear the sounds of fighting inside before one of the walls was suddenly destroyed.

"You better bring out that vampire strength if you don't want to die!" Midou yelled as he raised his deformed arm above his head and Tsukune's eyes widened in fear as he swung at him before Eli suddenly kicked Midou in the face, making him take a few steps back from the surprise attack, "You're the other vampire that Saizo was talking about!"

"So that's why you came after Tsukune and Moka?" Eli asked as he walked towards the lumbering monster and Moka noticed a small light coming from Eli's white cross as his eyes turned crimson, "I'll kill you for laying a hand on them."

"Good luck with that!" Midou yelled as he seemingly appeared next to Eli and sending him flying into a wall with his massive arm, causing him to cough blood on impact. Eli spun out of the way when Midou tried to hit him again and he punched him in the side but Midou gave him a sadistic smile before grabbing him by the face. Moka and Tsukune watched in horror as Midou slammed Eli's head into the ground several times and Tsukune started sprinted towards Moka while narrowly avoiding the other Outcasts. Midou dropped Eli when he saw Tsukune running and Eli put his hands on the ground under his head before pushing himself upwards and planting both of his feet on Midou's chin but he just gave Eli a wicked smile. He crushed Eli's leg with his massive arm, causing it to break instantly and whipping him into the ground without remorse, causing his bones to break on every impact until a sudden release of demonic energy caught Midou's attention.

"Get off of him!" Inner Moka yelled as she kicked Midou in the face and sending him flying though ome of the walls on the opposite side of the building. The other Outcasts turned the sprinkler system on as Moka beat Midou around with ease and both she and Eli felt pain course through them as the water poured down. Eli put his hand above his face as he laid on the ground and saw that both of his crosses now had large cracks going across them. He immediately grabbed both of them and began to pull on them to force them off as Midou got the upper hand on Moka. Eli heard the crosses crack again and he yelled as he pulled as hard as he could, catching everyone's attention. Black electricity began to spark around his rosaries and the sound of metal breaking echoed throughout the building before bats suddenly swarmed in and covered Eli as he slowly stood up.

"What is this demonic energy?!" Midou asked as Eli's presence washed over all of them and they watched the bats fly out of the building, "There's no way you have this much power with water covering your body!"

"The other me told you didn't he..." Inner Eli said as he opened his eyes and the hybrid gave him an uncharacteristically concerned look, "That you were going to be killed?"