
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Club Time And The Werewolf

"So we have to pick a club?" Eli asked as he and Kurumu walked down the hall where several groups looking for students to join were set up, "These all seem stupid though. Not to mention most of the people here annoy me."

"There has to be at least one you're interested in!" Kurumu said as she stepped in front of him and he glanced at the different clubs before shaking his head, "You're too picky!"

"You're not picky enough." Eli said as they made their way outside and he sighed as he leaned against the wall, "What club do you want to be in?"

"I don't know because you refuse to even look at any of them." Kurumu told him as she poked him in the forehead before he turned to the group of boys glaring at him and they quickly left the area when they seen the look on his face, "The other boys really don't like you being near me huh?"

"It's getting annoying." Eli told her with another sigh and they continued to roam campus until they heard a group of students talking about Moka joining the swim club, "That doesn't sound good."

"We should probably check that out." Kurumu said as they began to walk towards the swimming pool before she noticed the serious look on his face, "What's wrong?"

"I can hear people yelling." Eli told her as he started to walk faster and when they made it to the pool they saw Mermaids attacking the other students. His rosary began to shake violently when they realized Tsukune was in the water as well but the moment they ran into the pool area Moka jumped into the water, making both of their eyes widened.

"Why did she jump into the water?!" Kurumu asked at Tsukune and the teen seemed confused by her words, "Vampires can't go in water Tsukune. It'll kill them!"

"Kurumu take off my rosary!" Eli yelled as Tsukune immediately swam down to get Moka and she didn't question him as she yanked on the white cross, causing it to come off without resistance. The mermaids froze when they felt the demonic power of the vampires skyrocket and Inmer Moka burst from the water.

"How dare you treat me like this?!" Inner Moka asked with anger in her voice and two mermaids came out of the water to grab her before they were both knocked to the bottom of the pool by Eli. He landed in the water next to her and after getting accustomed to the pain he raised a hand above his head, allowing Inner Moka to get out of it.

"Why won't you two just get out of they way? I had my eyes on Tsukune and I won't let you take him away!" Tomao yelled as she had several more mermaids swim towards them and Inner Moma smirked as Eli brought his free arm across his chest. She lept off of his hand as the mermaids reached him and he swung his arm with enough force to send them flying out the water before she kicked them to the side of the pool.

"Idiot." Inner Eli said as Tamao lunged towards Moka as she began to fall back down only to be punched across the jaw by her and he launched out of the water to finish off the last of the mermaids that were around Moka before they both landed on the ground beside the pool, "Learn your place."

"Moka!" Tsukune yelled as he ran over and when he reached them Inner Moka slapped him in the face. Kurumu threw Eli's cross to him as he glared at Tsukune before he walked away without a word and once he was far enough away from the three he put the cross back on and stumbled as he tried to stay conscious. He managed to get back to his dorm room and after a few days he and Moka returned to school with their energy fully restored.

"Oh good you two are here to!" Ms.Nekonome said as she saw them walking down the hall and Tsukune turned around in surprise, "Would you like to join the Newspaper club as well?"

"I guess so." Eli said as he out his hands in his pockets and listened to Moka explaining why they weren't there to Tsukune.

"I'm joining to!" Kurumu exclaimed as she seemed to come out of nowhere and startled the three of them. Ms.Nekonome seemed excited by the news and led them to the club room.

"Are we the only four members?" Tsukune asked as he looked around the room before the door opened and an older student walked in with two bouquets in his hands.

"Sorry I'm late on the first day. I'm the Newspaper Club's president, Gin Morioka." He explained as he quickly walked to Moka and Kurumu to give them the bouquets and Kurumu noticed Eli watching Gin closely, "Red flowers are the best for young ladies."

"Gin is the only second year club member so just ask him anything you need to know. I need to get to a staff meeting so take care of everything Gin." Ms.Nekonome said as she quickly left the room and Gin grabbed two papers off of the desk with a smile that Eli didn't like.

"This is our poster ad." Gin told them as he handed the papers to Moka and Kurumu, "Let's put them on the back wall."

"Eli could you grab two chairs?" Kurumu asked as she walked to the back of the room with Moka and he nodded as he carried them over.

"We need them high up so they'll be easily seen." Gin explained as he pointed high above their heads and Eli watched as they tried to get them as high as possible before he and Tsukune both saw Gin looking under their skirts. Tsukune immediately called Gin out for it and Eli glared at him as he managed to pin it on Tsukune. Eli felt his rosary begin to shake again as the girls got mad at Tsukune and he was surprised to see that both crosses were trying to break free. He looked up again when he heard two slaps and saw the girls running out of the room with Gin laughing at Tsukune.

"You really are a moron! Thanks to you the club ended early today!" Gin laughed as he patted Tsukune on the back and Eli decided it would be better to find Kurumu then to confront Gin at the moment. When he saw Gin grinning at him as he left the room and he shook his head as he began his search.

'You need to be careful around him.' The white cross suddenly said as it shook again and Eli stopped to give it a confused look, 'That Gin guy is powerful so don't take him lightly.'

"I'm aware." Eli told his other half as he continued looking for Kurumu and after a few minutes he found her waiting for him, "I don't trust Gin."

"He seems like a good guy though?" Kurumu said as they walked out of the school and Eli wasn't completely sure himself. When they got to the dorms they went their separate ways for the day and once Eli was in his room he began to examined the black cross on his second rosary. He was accustomed to the other one acting strange but never the black one and he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing for that it was. He sighed as he climbed into bed and it didn't take him long to fall asleep. The next day went by with the usual boring classes and once the final bell rang Eli met Kurumu in the hall where they saw Gin talking to Tsukune.

"Where do you think they're going?" Kurumu asked as the two began to walk away and Eli narrowed his eyes before Kurumu motioned for him to follow her.

"Go ahead and trail them. I'm going to find Moka." Eli told her as he quickly walked the other direction and she followed after Gin and Tsukune. He searched every room of the school and even the girl's dorm but still hadn't found a trace of Moka anywhere and he was beginning to get worried as he stood in front of the main building.

"Kyaa! Let go!" Eli heard Moka yell from the roof and he immediately sprinted to the roof access stairs at full speed. His black cross began to shake violently as he made his way up the stairs and when he reached the roof he saw Inner Moka dodging Gin's high speed attacks in his werewolf form.

"Kurumu!" Eli yelled as he held his rosaries out to her and she grabbed the black one since it was shaking so much. Eli's inner vampire came out but something seemed different about it when they noticed that he seemed calmer than usual and he quietly walked up to Moka as if Gin didn't exist.

"It's my turn." Eli told Moka in a cold voice and she smirked as she lept away from them, "Now you're fighting me Gin."

"Where are you looking?!" Gin asked as he slashed Eli's back and Kurumu almost flew in before Moka stopped her immediately. Gin slashed him several more times, causing his top to be almost nonexistent and they saw Eli calmly watching the sky as Gin came in for another hit but the moon got covered by the clouds and he stopped in his tracks.

"About time." Eli said with a cold tone and the moment Gin opened his mouth to say something Eli slammed his fist into his jaw and sent him rolling along the roof, "You've been causing my friends a lot of trouble you damn mutt and it's about time you learned you place."

"My place is at Moka's si-" Eli cut Gin off with a swift kick to his chin before he used his hand as a muzzle and pulled Gin closer so he could look him in the eyes.

"Stop playing with your food and wrap this up." Immer Moka told Eli with a sigh and he threw Gin over the edge of the roof with an uncaring look. Eli walked up to Kurumu and motioned for her to give his cross back, which she did without hesitation.

"I haven't gotten to use this part of my power in a long time so it was good to be set free for once." Eli told her with a small smile before clipping the cross back on and he went back to normal with a sigh, "I don't like him."