
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Succubus

"She did it again!" Tsukune yelled as Moka bit him and Eli just shook his head before Tsukune ran away quickly, "I'm not your personal cafeteria!"

"Tsukune!" Moka yelled after him but he was already too far away to hear her and Eli watched the pink haired Vampire look at the ground in sadness. He remained silent as she sulked before she suddenly ran in Tsukune's direction and Eli shrugged as he followed after her. When he saw a strange girl holding onto Tsukune tightly and he put a hand on Moka's shoulder while shaking his head. Eli watched her run off in a random direction and he pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh before walking away himself. Tsukune didn't notice the wicked look on Kurumu's face as she looked at Eli and a moment later she went back to her facade.

'How long are you planning on ignoring our urges?' A voice from his white rosary asked and Eli stopped in surprise while he looked at the small cross, 'If you don't feed soon I'm coming out to do it myself.'

"Like hell you are." Eli told his inner vampire in a serious tone as he continued his walk to the main building, "I'm well aware of my hunger but what the hell do you want me to do? How the hell are you talking to me anyways?"

'Because I can.' His inner self told him blunty and Eli glared at the cross with an annoyed look. When he didn't say anything else Eli sighed and made his way to homeroom. The day went on normally until the final bell rang and Eli and Tsukune walked out of their last class to see Moka and Kurumu arguing.

"Oh there you are!" Tsukune said as he quickly walked up to Moka, "I'm sorry for running off like that. I also want to apologize for something else."

"Oh my hero!" Kurumu yelled as she cut off Tsukune by latching onto him and both Eli and Moka seemed shocked by that, "How can I ever that you!"

"What the hell is going on?" Eli asked as he tried to process what was happening as anger radiated off of Moka and Tsukune began to frantically wave his arms around, "I think it may be better to just watch."

"I want to apologize to Moka!" Tsukune yelled as he tried to get away from Kurumu before she looked him in the eyes and his demeanor, "Then again she only uses me as food."

"Dammit!" Eli said as Moke ran away and he glared at Kurumu as he followed after Moka to try to calm her down. Kurumu was shocked by the he gave her since no man had ever done that to her but she blew it off and dragged Tsukune to the infirmary. Eli eventually found her crying on a set of stairs outside of the school and she looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"Am I really just staying around Tsukune for his blood?" Moka asked him but he didn't get a chance to answer before both of their rosaries began to shake, "What?"

"Stoo being such a weakling!" Moka's inner self yelled at her and she seemed surprised by that, "That girl is a Succubus and she's been losing 'Allure' to keep Tsukune under her thumb!"

"It's a spell used to enslave men before a Succubus can kiss and make a man become her permanent slave." Eli's inner vampire explained in a matter of fact tone and he remembered reading about that in his compendium, "If you two don't hurry then that fool is going to be lost for good."

"Let's go!" Moka yelled as she quickly got to her feet and they both sprinted to the only place they could think the other two would be. Moka nearly knocked the door of the infirmary down as they reached them and they saw Kurumu trying to attack Tsukune. Moka immediately shoved Kurumu through the wall and it only took her a moment to recover before flying towards them. Eli hopped in front of Moka and Tsukune as they tried to get her rosary off and his own began to shake violently but both refused to come off. Eli's eyes widened when Kurumu swung her claws at them and he quickly pushed them through the hole in the wall just before she connected. He managed to narrowly avoid her attack but she managed to hit his rosary and it shot off immediately.

"What's happening?!" Kurumu asked as Eli and Moka's inner vampires revealed themselves and she examined them closely, "You're both truly vampires!"

"You've gone too far and I think it's time to teach you some humility!" Inner Moka told her with a smug grin as she grabbed Kurumu's tail and slammed her into the ground before raising her hand above her head, "Your attacks are too linear and angry. You're just a little girl and you'll never get any older."

"No!" Tsukune yelled as Eli caught Inner Moka's wrist and Tsukune stood between them, "Nobody deserves to be killed."

"Tch." Inner Moka clicked her tongue as she took the cross from him and both vampires returned to normal as they reconnected their crosses. Kurumu was surprised that two of the people she just tried to kill had saved her and she remained silent as Tsukune caught Moka as she fell unconscious.

"Eli!" Tsukune yelled as he began to fall backwards and Kurunu quickly caught him as he passed out as well. They looked at each other for a moment and quietly waited for the two the wake up. Once they were conscious again Eli dismissed their worries and went back to the dorms to get a good rest. The next morning the three of them were walking towards the school building and chatting about whatever came to mind when Kurumu ran up to them.

"Good morning!" Kurumu said as she got to them and the three of them looked extremely confused, "The whole reason I was trying to take over the school was to try to find a mate for life because the Succubus race is dying out and I did!"

"Who?" Eli asked with genuine curiosity and she pointed at him with a big smile, "Huh?!"