
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Little Witch And The Truth

"So I got fourteenth huh?" Eli asked as they read the board with the exam scores and he realized that Moka had barely beaten him, "Damn."

"Fourteenth is really high though." Kurumu told him before they heard commotion behind them and turned around to see a group of boys talking down to a little girl in a witch outfit, "There really are some disgusting people here."

"You really just tried to hit a little girl huh?" Eli asked as he caught the leader of the group's wrist the moment he swung and Moka jumped in front of her, "If you want a fight that badly then I'll be more than happy to oblige."

"Whatever." He said as he pulled his arm free and the group walked away with anger in their eyes. Kurumu came out of nowhere before hugging Eli tightly and that was the first time anyone, other than Kurumu, had seen him embarrassed.

"Well aren't you just the hero?" Kurumu asked as she let him go and he rubbed the back of his head before they watched Moka, Tsukune and the girl walk away, "Her life must be difficult."

"Why's that?" Eli asked with a confused look and he thought back to his compendium of monsters, "Is it really that bad being a witch?"

"Well witches are known as a hated race since there's no way to tell whether they're human or monsters and they're discriminated against because of that. She's probably been alone her whole life." Kurumu explained as they began to walk to the club room and she noticed that his face turn turned serious, "I guess you were just as alone before you came here right?"

"Kurumu I'd be alone if you guys knew more about me." He told her in a sad tone and she wasn't sure what he meant, "You saw for yourself that my vampire half is split in two and there's a good reason for that."

"If you don't want to talk about it then don't." Kurumu told him with a smile and his face seemed to lighten up before she heard his stomach growl, causing her to become concerned, "When was the last time you fed?"

"I don't know to be honest." He told her in a calm tone and she became more concerned for his well being, "It's not like I have a steady flow of blood like Moka does and I've never had to resources to get transfusion bags."

"Are you telling me you've even going hungry for God knows how long?! How are you even able to stand?!" Kurumu asked with a glare and Eli just looked at up the clouds with a sigh. She suddenly grabbed his wrist and began to drag him into the school without another word. Ms.Nekonome was startled when Kurumu nearly kicked the club room door down and she saw the worried look on the girl's face.

"What's wrong?" Ms.Nekonome asked in a calm tone as Kurumu let go of Eli and he just looked at the floor to avoid Kurumu's gaze.

"Eli's a vampire and he's been starving since before he can remember!" Kurumu yelled in a worried tone and Ms.Nekonome didn't know what to say, "Is there anyway he can get blood?!"

"Fo you have any idea the consequences of a vampire not feeding is?!" Ms.Nekonome yelled in am angry voice and both of them were surprised because they had never even seen he remotely upset before, "You could have gone berserk and we would have had no choice but to stop you by force!"

"I don't know anything about being a vampire." Eli admitted with a sad look in his eyes and they both gave him a confused look, "I've been alone my entire life so know one has ever explained what it means to even be a vampire."

"Well it's a good thing this is a school for monsters because the nurses office has plenty of transfusion bags and I'll have them send one down." Ms.Nekonome told them in her usual tone as she walked over to the phone and after waiting for a few minutes one of the nurses came in with several blood bags for him. He bit into one and both of his rosaries began to shake more vbyiolently than in the past as he drained the bag. Eli could feel his body become stronger the more he drank and he put the empty bag down with a sigh of relief.

"Now don't you ever do that again." Kurumu ordered him before he suddenly looked out the open window with a serious face and he lept out of it without a word of warning. Kurumu ran to the window in time to see him burst into a sprint towards the forest and she quickly chased after him.

"Tsukune!" Moka yelled as he pushed Yukari put of the way and the leader of the Lizardmen slashed his back. Tsukune tried to go for Moka's but one of the Lizardmen stepped between them and swung at him before it was shoved to the ground.

"Eli?!" Tsukune asked as he walked towards the other Lizardmen and Tsukune took his chance to remove Moka's rosary. Eli's white cross began to shake as Inner Moka was released and Kurumu suddenly flew in and pulled it off.

"Legendary Super Vampires?!" The leader asked as he took a step back before the others were taken down in an instant by Eli and the leader growled as Moka slowly walked towards him, "I'll tear you weaklings to shreds!"

"The only weakling here is you!" Inner Moka yelled as she kicked him in the mouth and several of his teeth flew out, "Nothing but small fry that can only take down other weaklings."

"Why did you come save someone like me?" Yukari asked with her head down and both Moka and Eli stood there in silence as Tsukune stood up, "Why?"

"You're not alone anymore Yukari so let's be friends." Tsukune told her with a smile and the young girl began to loudly cry, startling all of them.