
Rock birth : Golem Evolution

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/309824 What happens if the most mundane thing starts to evolve ? (If ordinary animals start to evolve what will happened ?) Follow the adventures of the pebble who awakened his consciousness thanks to the Evolution System given by a God. From Rock to the Strongest Golem follow to view the path our rock will take in order to get stronger.

Nekhrosia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

A strange creature in a strange forest

-An instructor's perspective-

Today test of the Academy. After arriving and forming the groups we ventured into the forest with the students teaching them how to spot and fight the beasts.

The instructor has several objectives such as giving certain basic knowledge that the students do not necessarily know such as tracking and tracking according to the animal's footprints.

The instructor challenges the group and shows them the mark on the ground

- See its shallow claw-like tracks. The two front legs are deeper than the two rear tracks, probably indicating a two-headed wolf.

Throughout the test the instructor give them the notions to track down an animal, teaching them in passing how to use certain grass to camouflage their odors or even to create small traps intended for small creatures such as Rabbits and Snakes. (Weak animals being widely spread among weak animals and can be used for food in the evening)

(When hunting many creatures were seen, most of them different from what it should be)

Small birds could be seen flying in groups. The strangest thing is that these creatures are territorial and never travel in groups like now. They are like a formation some go around and come back to change their trajectories. Something to change their behavior forcing them to put aside their differences to be able to move forward.



At first the group relax because they had heard that the forest is low level.

But after a few beast ambushes and minor injuries they became vigilant.

Taking turns to take short breaks because monitoring your environment to pay attention to the smallest detail is exhausting.

Along the way their coordination improved developing new strategies to distract and hurt the beasts faster and faster.

Watch out for the Two-Tailed Yellow Jaguar's ambush, find a way to break the Black Point Turtle's defense, beware of the Two-Headed Brown bear and to care of the Snake's venom of the Green Snake.


Thus our students gained experience and became more confident in fighting with monsters, learning new techniques.