
Rock birth : Golem Evolution

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/309824 What happens if the most mundane thing starts to evolve ? (If ordinary animals start to evolve what will happened ?) Follow the adventures of the pebble who awakened his consciousness thanks to the Evolution System given by a God. From Rock to the Strongest Golem follow to view the path our rock will take in order to get stronger.

Nekhrosia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

A village welcoming students for a test (1)

I don't know how to remove these stray letters and numbers that I've been trying for a good hour but now I'm giving up, I hope that in the next chapters they won't appear anymore. Anyway, happy reading.

*Laglow Town* Today

During its ascent, our rock saw a shiny object.

Looking closer and entering the "hole" from which the object was seen, he approached and stopped in front of the object in question.

The object in question is a piece of stone. This piece of stone is completely one of a kind.

Looking closer at its surface you can see many silver colored spots that react to light causing a brilliant shine.

Looking at this particular thing, a feeling of attraction arises there. A reassuring feeling and persuading him that it will be favorable to integrate it into his body to become a little stronger. But he doesn't have enough Mana to do it.

Remembering his position, he prepared to descend.

With the help of the [Climb] skill, he was able to descend with fewer errors than when ascending.


Hurrying back home to the cave, he walked faster and faster. Following the path of the sun his walk took longer than expected. As the Sun is about to set, it had to stop a lot due to the appearance of more and more beasts. Rock also had to take a short break to recharge his mana to the bare minimum so as not to hang around outside for too long.

As night begins to fall, the system recommends returning to the cave as quickly as possible because the animals are more active and dangerous at night.


Due to its small size and the length of the journey. Rock was unable to go back in time so he decides to spend the night at the height of a tree.

Rock spent the whole night thinking of things that could help him seeing different beasts constantly passing by him.

It wasn't until the sun came up that Rock began to move around trying to move from tree to tree through the branches near the trees moving around for much of the day. He had seen that the path of yesterday could be followed by the path of the trees. Following this, a voice was heard.


[Climbing](Novice) > [Climbing] level 2

His movements become more and more agile and graceful, moving forward with speed.

After a moment of thinking he was a monkey Rock found in his vision the path he had previously taken to leave the cave by returning for about twenty minutes he arrived in front of the cave. From there, he has to go down to enter the cave because there is no other around allowing him to get close enough to the cave. He looked around cautiously for beasts remembering his previous night.

It's good, now that Rock is in the cave he feels relaxed and safer. He began to take refuge at a height, and to dig out part of the rock to make a "Shelter".


*Laglow Town*

Today is a special day. It's Academy test day. The Academy is a place where various people want to become warriors or adventurers fighting in close combat. Test Day takes place twice a year in a remote village far from the big towns in the surrounding Laglow Forest. Due to its location and the fact that it is quite far from major cities, the forest contains a lot of beast. This place is low-level, but due to the beasts fighting every day, it is not uncommon for stronger beasts to appear, but it is still quite occasional. It is into this environment that students who have achieved a certain level of mastery in the use of their weapons are sent to prove themselves. Chaperones are provided and students must form groups. Thus, for a group of 4-5 students 1 or 2 teachers are provided.


Students and chaperones head to laglow to take the test. They board carriages near the Academy. IthThe convoy contains around 300 students who will be transported by 50 carriages. At the moment, students do not yet know how long the test will last.


The trip lasted 3 days before the students could see their destinations.

- Wow that's scary, it's an isolated town.

- They are so primitive. said a student when he saw the village made entirely of wood.

- Look how he relies on wooden barriers to stop the monsters what bullshit. said another, seeing a thin wooden fence surrounding the village. the size of the wooden fence is large.

Most of the comments were aimed at making fun of the living conditions of the villagers. Living in two different towns, the "Nobles" belittled the "Peasants" by describing their low standard of living, because the village

During the next days you will collect points

Monster kills are worth a certain number of points depending on the strength of the monster.

All the monsters present in the forest after a careful investigation are below the 1st Kingdom.

The rules are simple:

The groups must be 4-5 and will be accompanied by a teacher ensuring their safety during the hunt.

The food that the students can eat are the own animals that you have killed.

All students will be required to wear a "Point Counter". (Machine to calculate the number of points according to the animal)

We will form the groups tonight or if they have already been formed you will inform the teachers.

We will start the hunt tomorrow.

--Group 11--

Today begins the group hunt. After spending a night in the village the groups gathered to prepare to leave.

Group 11 is made up of 2 Mages and 3 Body Fighters.

That is to say close combatants, this can be Martial Artists, users of weapons such as swords, daggers or even

He doesn't know himself any more than that. The Academy decided to form groups with people who do not know each other in order to see their behavior within the group. See how some people will fit in or try to control everything.


Hey there, said Chase, rushing towards his opponent sword in hand.

His opponent a Brown Wolf.

The Brown Wolf is a beast that is larger than the normal Wolf sometimes reaching up to 1.5 m and more, they have sharp claws and brown hair allowing them to blend in better with nature. They are known as the "Lone Wolf". Most of them live alone and meet only for mating. Adept at deception and sneak attacks, they use their powerful claws to wound their proids and retreat until the prey is weakened to bear the final cost.

The Brown Wolf here is quite young because it is small. He was injured by the group. His fur tinged with blood and dust, the rapid breath shows his exhaustion despite his apparent fatigue he does not take his eyes off Chase who approaches him quickly.

Seeing him coming at high speed towards him he growls showing his teeth and backs up to prepare his jump.

Chase arrives in front of him and swings his sword, the Brown Wolf steps back remembering the dangerousness of the weapon and advances his body to give a claw aimed at his legs to make him fall.

Seeing Wolf Chase shifted slightly to the side letting the claw pass relatively close to him. Chase takes this opportunity to land a blow on the Wolf's paw.


The sword slashed through the Wolf's paw with very little resistance instantly severing his paw.

The Wolf seeing and feeling his severed paw howled in pain before rushing angrily towards Chase intending to injure him fatally before his last breath.


After a few minutes of fighting the Wolf fell dead to the ground. Due to the previous fight and his great loss of blood he could only hold out for a short time.


The sound of a vibration is felt. The group then watches their wrists as the point counters fluctuate before displaying a new value.

|+74 ¤ For the Murder of a Young Brown Wolf|


The Party totals 152 credits after having some weak beast from the first level and below.


Point of view of Lady Carmelina (Magus)


Something strange is happening a few meters from her.

After using her skill [Mana Location] she could see where the mana is collected and she witnessed a strange phenomenon.

The Maiden Mage senses a small batch of mana moving very slowly. The weirdest thing about it? She couldn't recognize the shape of the body. Every animal possesses and emits mana. This mana is used by the Maiden Mage to locate them.

Sensing an embiant mana distortion.

- Hey, this little rock is weird, it has like two arms.

Looking closer she felt a familiar feeling attached to this rock.

- IMPOSSIBLE, this rock emits a little mana. How is it possible ?

Intriguing, she decided to get even closer to La Roche.

Approaching this rock, the student touched it and the rock began to move. When Rock saw the student's hand ready to touch him, he took a few steps back.

Surprised by the movement of the Stone, she panicked.

- Ahh the student screamed in fear falling to the ground pulling the rest of his group to his position.

Shortly after the group the group arrived. The overseer, worried about the cry, asked him a question.

- Why did you scream? Have you been attacked by a beast?

- No, I saw that weird rock move.

Seeing everyone else start to surround him, watching him intensely he started to be in a dilemma.

Should he move?

Shouldn't he move?

Seeing the girl pointing at him and then being watched by so many people he panicked and suddenly started climbing the tree right behind him. And to hide he reached his summit.


Everyone present was surprised. It's not every day that you get to see something out of the ordinary. They were completely amazed to see this stone move and climb a tree so quickly.

They were all surprised by the discovery of this creature. They discovered something that could change the perception we have of inert objects.

They came to the conclusion that this is the birth of a unique breed of stone that can move. You should know that the inhabitants of this world name most things according to their appearances. So the name of this new race for them will be "Arm Stone".


This is how our "Rock" to begin its first steps in the discovery of the World. And so the legend of the armstone began to circulate. Some of the people who saw him move.

Categorized as a rare rock-type beast.