
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

There's no smoke without fire


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"You're late!" Tonks said with indignation.

It was a couple minutes after six.Tonks and co. were waiting outside before the main gate of the castle. Robert with a light skip closed on to the trio, whistling a happy tune.

"I had to ready a couple of things so don't sweat it." 'You're going to need that sweat for what I have in store for you.' He grinned maniacally.

"I don't think this was a good idea." Mindy whispered into Jasmine's ear. She sighed in return.

"Okay ladies. First we'll do some warm up. The two kilometer jog starts now!" And he was off. The girls begrudgingly joined the man's antics.

"Huff. Why do we do this, just to suffer?" Mindy was trying to catch her breath.

"I told you that you laze too much." Jasmine remarked. No signs of exhaustion visible on her.

"Come on Robert you have to rev it up or we'll snooze from this difficulty." Tonks said proud of herself.

"You got spunk kid. Well then. Let's see if this challenges you." Robert eyes twinkled mischievously when he handed out two wristbands each. He already had his two on.

"What's this?" The girls asked while putting them on.

"Oh nothing. Come on let's start the next two kilometers. Up up and away." Robert sprinted away.

For a couple of meters the girls didn't notice any difference. However as they ran farther they noticed it was becoming even more harder to pick up the pace. After almost passing out from exerting themselves they reached Robert who's casually standing before three shooting targets.

"Ok maggots. Now that our muscles are steaming ready we begin our target drills. When you are able to hit the target five times in a row you get a five minute rest."

"We can't stand not to mention raise our wands. What did you do to us?" Tonks asked while huffing.

"Me? I'm sorry but you brought this upon yourselves." He laught at their miserable faces.

"As for what happened. Those wristbands are the culprit. I asked about a month ago Flitwick and the runes teacher, professor Bathsheda Babbling to come up with a method to make our bodies heavier for training purposes. Instead of using weights as they are cumbersome to wear. And I also wanted them to encompass the whole body. Not just the the limbs. I've been using them for a week." He explained.

"And why aren't you tired like we are?" Mindy asked

"I train my body regularly. That's one thing. Secondly, the weight is unfortunately fixed to ten kilos. We're still trying to figure a way to change the weight at will." The girls looked in astonishment at the fact they were carrying such a heavy load on them.

"So of course it'll be easier for me to handle the weight than for you. As you're lighter than me." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Since you're beginning you can take the bracelets off. However, I expect you to be able to keep them on going forwards with our training."

The girls took off the added weight and after another couple of minutes of rest finally stood up and walked to the line Robert had drawn on the ground.

"Ok. I want you too use the stinging hex on the targets before you. You'll cast only when I tell you to. Single fire, no more no less. On your marks, go!" He ordered.

Not surprisingly no one hit the target which was standing ten meters ahead.

"What miserable accuracy. Especially since its a stationary target." He remarked.

"We're tried. Of course we will miss." Tonks said not happy with her performance.

"Hopefully the criminals will act nice and let you apprehend them." He said with a smirk.

"Continue. Ready, go!" And the barrage began.

The first to reach five hitted targets was surprisingly Mindy. 'It seems it's always the quiet murderous ones'. Robert thought. Tonks and Jasmine finished at the same time with Tonks.

"It's almost breakfast time and we aren't even halfway through." Robert said with disapproval.

"If you want this to reach anywhere near dueling standards then unfortunately you'll have to put in the work by yourselves. As I won't be instructing you everyday. For now thank you for your participation. Go and refresh yourselves." Robert said while leaving the famished and distraught girls alone.

"We're going to regret this aren't we?" Tonks asked.

"At least he seems to know his stuff. Maybe he evolved while we weren't watching." Jasmine quipped.

"Who knows? He has the making of a stern sergeant." Mindy smiled with content for some reason. The rest of the girls felt chills while looking at her unassuming smile.

Robert decided to do something about a green eyed boy. Harry was too scrawny and that's an issue that had to be addressed quickly. He asked the boy to come with him after breakfast to the infirmary for a check up. When Madam Pomfrey finished examining Harry, Robert took her on the side to talk about this issue.

"Miss Pomfrey I don't know what your spells show but Harry is too small for his age group isn't he?"

"Well he certainly is at the tail end of the norm. But what are suggesting? That I'm not doing my job right?" The healer wasn't amused with Robert's allegations.

"No Madam. I just find it odd that an abused boy with shabby clothing is overlooked. Especially since he is seen as the the magical Lord and Savior." Robert said with a raised brow.

"My spells show that there is nothing wrong with the boy." She rebutted.

"I hope Madam that those two eyes of yours aren't just for decorations. Does that boy scream healthy!?" He raised his voice in disbelief that someone could be so blind.

"His scar even looks as if blood will flow out of it at any moment! Doesn't this concern you!?"

"I, I didn't know." Madam Pomfrey's eyes suddenly snapped as if something let go of her.

She quickly reached Harry and began inspecting him without magic. She done the physical examination and tried again her spells. But they still didn't show anything. This vexed the mediwitch.

"Why aren't the spells reacting?" She was confused.

Robert thought why would nothing show up. Why did nobody even see what's happening. What is the source of this problem? Robert looked towards Harry's hair and an idea popped into his head.

"Madam, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it,dear?

"Is there a way to check if magic is interfering with your readings?" He asked.

"Nothing specific unfortunately."

"Truly interesting. Harry could you tell us what types of accidental magics you have done before coming to Hogwarts?"

"Eh, sure Mr. Crow. I changed my teachers hair color once. There was that time when I was running away from my cousin and I suddenly found myself on top of my school." Harry said.

"You apparated with your magic?" Pomfrey was stunned.

"That's quite impressive Harry. Good job." Harry felt a little bit embarrassed by the praises and shocked expression of the witch.

"So is it possible his magic is resisting yours?"

"But when you came after the troll fiasko the spells worked properly." Madam Pomfrey was even more confused than before.

"Oh. Once when my aunt tried to cut my hair it just growed back over night." Harry added.

"Wouldn't that be some kind of human tranfiguration Madam?" Robert asked.

"Quite so Mr. Crow." She didn't know what else to say.

"So it seems his magic will subconsciously cast what he wants to happen. That's some wandless talent you got there Harry." Robert said with an appraising gaze.

"How did come to that conclusion Mr. Crow?"

"Let's look at the facts. Ignoring the teacher accident as we don't know what actually caused it. The teleportation, the regaining of his natural hair style. These feats of magic are already hard by themselves."

"But that still doesn't explain why I can't check him right now. And why I couldn't see all of his health issues." She said with skeptically.

"Quite the contrary Poppy." An aged voice suddenly appeared. As the adults looked back they saw Albus Dumbledore standing there while stroking his beard in thought.

"Hello headmaster." Harry said awkwardly.

"Good day to you, my boy." Albus said with his grandfather smile.

"Hello professor. It's nice of you to join us." Robert said with a subtle hint of sarcasm. Snape would be proud.

"Would you like to continue your explanation Albus?" Pomfrey wasn't amused by his butting in from nowhere.

"Of course Poppy. It seems Harry unconsciously can cast other two frightening pieces of magic. One that can slightly bend the will of his adversary." Dumbledore stopped for a moment.

"And the second one?" Pomfrey was truly shocked.

"He either has a talent for illusions or he's naturally gifted in espionage. It's almost as if he was able to make himself unnoticeable or even invisible. Until somebody truly wants to see him of course. And has a stronger will than Harry himself." Robert said his take on the matter.

"I can't be. I'm just Harry. I can't possibly have those." Harry let his head down. Trying to hide himself from sight. Pomfrey began losing her focus on Harry. As if something was making her look the other way.

"Stop Harry!" Robert's shout jolted Harry from his melancholy.

"It seems Robert your theory was indeed true." The headmaster's eyes twinkled in excitement seeing this phenomenon.

"You have a gift Harry. Some are able to change their bodies to their whim. Other's are potion savants. And then there's you. You have a magnificent gift. Knowledge which I hope will never leave this room." Robert looked somberly.

"As you said Robert. I fear what will happen if this gets to some people with nefarious thoughts." Albus added.

"Is there a way to guard his mind professor? Even if he never says anything someone will be able to take this information by force. And he's too young for occlumency. He won't be able to concentrate enough." Robert remarked.

"I think I have a way. However I will need to check it's plausibility with someone. Poppy would you be so kind to stop anyone from coming to Harry for about three hours?"

"As you wish Albus." The headmaster exited with a flash of fire. Who knows where he went.

"How about we try fixing what we can. Especially his malnutrition and stunted growth Madam Pomfrey." Robert said with a calculating smile.