
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Preparations for a new day


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




While Harry was getting started with his disgusting potion regime Robert was walking and thinking about the revelations.

'Dumbledore surely has now confirmed that Harry has a piece of Voldemorts soul. He unknowingly became a horcrux. I saw Albus hesitate when the mind arts were mentioned.'

The soul is a curious thing. The true essence of being. It's what makes us do the impossible and ethereal in nature. It defines us and holds our meaning. The unfortunate boy had a piece of an another's soul within him. Most certainly placed in that scar of his. The will of Voldemort contains his parselmouth and mind abilities. One of them is benign, but the other not much so.

'At least it explains a couple of things in his life. The horcrux can influence others. It remains uncertain if it also can do the same with Harry.' Robert wasn't happy with this. Until the piece was removed Harry will have to deal with many unpleasantries. Bringing the worst out of people being one of them.

'It was always suspicious as to why people easily turned their backs on him. Why were his friends leaving him? Sometimes even in crucial moments.'

"Mr. Crow?" Robert was brought out of his running thoughts.

"Yes Harry. Is everything alright?" Robert asked with concern and headed towards the boy.

"Yes. But I'd like to thank you. For everything." The boy was starting to tear up. Robert started patting Harry's unruly hair.

"It's what I'm supposed to do. Liking you of course helped." He winked and Harry had a grin slowly forming on his face.

"I know this is too sudden. However, everything's going to need to change Harry." Robert said with some seriousness in his voice.

"What do you mean, sir? I'm already taking the potions to help me." Harry said with confusion in his eyes.

"I've seen your academic results. And leaving your potions shortcomings aside you need to start training your magic prowess." Harry flushed from embarrassment.

"But why sir?" Harry asked.

"Talent can only go so far and you have much of it. Don't waste what you have. And I won't allow it either." 'Especially since fate won't let you rest for a single minute.' He thought.

"What will I have to do?" Harry asked with caution.

"Training. We'll start small taking in consideration your age and experience. And we'll go from there. I'm going to prepare you for combat and maybe even espionage."

'A couple of fluffy tails and a catchphrase and I'll have myself a ninja. Believe it.' Robert chuckled inwardly.

"Why would I want to fight?" Harry didn't understand.

"I can't say more for now Harry. However, I have a feeling that sometime in the near future you'll need it. To save those you hold dear."

'And yourself if it comes to that. Hopefully I won't let that happen.' A murderous glint flashed through Robert's eyes. Thankfully Harry didn't see it. However he did feel chilly for some reason.

While they were chatting Dumbledore returned with a box.

'What's in the box?' Robert felt a little ashamed when that reference popped up.

"Within lays the answer to our problems, Robert." The headmaster winked.

'I think I'm going to hurt somebody.' Robert banged his head on the wall.

"Leave my infirmary alone Mr. Crow. Or I'll use long forgotten methods for healing on you whenever you come by in need of my assistance." Pomfrey wasn't so forgiving it seems.

"Although I'd like to stay and watch the ongoing humorous activities we have a young boy nervously waiting for us." Albus said.

Dumbledore walked to Harry and opened the box. An unassuming ring laid an a red cushion. However if you looked closer you'd be able to see runes swimming within the golden metal.

"What's this professor?" Harry asked while being mesmerized by the object.

"This is a ring Harry. It has some enchantments that can help you keep your mind unattainable for those with prying eyes." He replied.

"And just how does it achieve this, headmaster?" Robert asked curiously looking at the runes.

"It'll use the innate magic of Mr. Potter to fuel itself. It acts more like a resonator. So it'll focus some aspects of his talent. The one to be unnoticeable to be more precise." He explained.

"So it'll focus and magnify the effect of his magic to keep himself hidden. In return occluding the mind with somekind of magical barrier?" Robert said while being unsure.

"Indeed Mr. Crow. It's as you said." Albus was happy someone was on the same page.

"That's quite a piece of magic professor. How's it possible that it isn't as wide spread as it could be? I'm sure many would like to have something to boost their magic." Robert scrutinized the man before him.

"As handy as this piece of equipment is, unfortunately it has a flaw."

"That being?" Robert asked.

"There's only one man able to make the material needed. Gold that's liquid and yet solid at the same time." Albus said with reverence.

'So it's the maker of the Philosopher's stone that he went to see. How suspiciously convenient and quick. Especially since the stone is now at Hogwarts.' Robert thought.

Dumbledore began explaining the binding process to Harry. After two hours the ring disappeared on his right ring finger. Nobody would ever guess that there was something there. Robert and Harry left the infirmary to get something to eat. Lunch time ended an hour ago. So they headed towards the kitchens. Harry was dumbstruck as the elves began wailing, bawling their eyes out and thanking the boy for getting rid of the dark lord. Harry tried to calm down the elves by underplaying his involvement but that just made the things worst.

'Modesty of a wizard truly brings the sprinklers out.' Robert said feeling that a headache was incoming.

After eating the duo went their own ways. Robert told Harry that tomorrow he starts training with him and a couple of girls from seventh year.

Reaching his room he jumped on the bed and exhaled. Zephyr flew to his side from it's perch. After laying for a while Robert began talking to the owl.

"Am I doing what's right?" Zephyr just looked into his owners eyes. A comfortable silence spread through the room.

"I know that I am. However somethings I feel as if it was for my selfish needs. Not because I'm willing to go an extra mile for someone." Robert turned to the side and glanced through the window. Zephyr was calmly watching him.

"Sometimes I feel as if I was becoming anger incarnate. And that I had to fight. To not let something not go my way." The owl climbed onto Robert's side and made itself comfortable.

"Thank you for being there by my side Zephyr." He looked towards the nonchalant owl using him as a luxurious cushion. His talons just slightly away from the force necessary to sink in.