
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Summer tastes like chocolate.


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




After entering the store they separated. He went to look for his first year books. He quickly piled them up and checked if the coast was clear. He then took out his phone and tried scanning the second years material. Since he already had the advanced knowledge it didn't take long. Now he finally had all the books needed for his education on his phone. Minus the first year, but he had plenty of time for that in the future. He needed the physical copies anyway so no one will ask why he didn't buy them. Tonks waited for him at the counter after making her own purchases. Robert paid for his books and they left the store. Since it was already noon they went for some ice-cream at Florian Fortescue's.

"You can't go wrong with mint chocolate!" He exclaimed in delight.

"Only an old man would say that." She said rolling her eyes while eating her raspberry thunder. It tingled her tongue while she licked the ice-cream.

"It seems even electric shocks can't tame that potty mouth of yours." Robert said mocking her.

"Please, you love it." Tonks and in a flirty tone.

"With all respect young lady. You shouldn't say things that may break a young man's heart." He said while holding his hand on his chest.

"Luckily you're an boring and brutish adult." She said while raising her ever color changing brow.

"I would like to remind you that you're also an adult in the magical world. Having finished seventeen years and having sat through your OWLs." He remarked.

"Women don't like petty man, young padawan." She smirked

"Oh so now you're a woman. How despicable." He said while making a duck face.

"I'll teach you despicable when I'll hex your ass till next week." She menacingly said and moved her hand as if trying to reach for her wand.

"How unbecoming of a lady to tease and give propositions to a man which she won't keep." He laught while dodging her fist flying towards his face.

"As fun as this was I unfortunately have to head back home. Or my mother will go ballistic on me." She said.

After saying their goodbyes he wrapped up his shopping and collected his robes. He found Flitwick exiting Gringotts and they both returned to Hogwarts.

Days went by with Robert reading and learning the inner workings of the castle. One day he landed in Fitch's office where he also meet his cat, Mrs Norris. Argus asked him to help catalogue the confiscated goods from the previous school year. As he was currently setting yet another list of banned products. During this Robert remembered about an useful relic from the past, the Marauder's Map. When Filch had to leave for a while Robert searched the cabinets for any unremarkable pieces of parchment. After digging he found what he was looking for. It seems the Weasley twins still haven't got their hands on it. After saying the password the map revealed itself. Robert summoned his phone and tried to scan the map. The loading bar showed up, however it wasn't moving. While cursing Robert put the map into his pocket and continued with writing down the oddities on the list. After this Robert headed towards the library with single goal in his mind. Register as many books he can so he'll be able to expedite the scanning process of the map. Miss Pince wasn't happy to see him ruining her peace and quiet. After lambasting him with the rules of the library we went his merry way into the section that had books on enchantment. He picked a couple of books to take to his room at which the librarian looked as if she wanted to end him.

Before the end of august Robert finally made progress on the map. It'll complete scanning in just a couple of seconds. After the process finished he opened the main menu and another tab had brightened up. Tapping it opened a window where he could manipulate the size and scroll the map in each direction. He could even place indicators on it. What a boon. Now his job will be exponentially easier. And he can be more sneakier than even the twins because of one fact. It seemed that no one with him being the exception, could see his phone. He found it out by accident when Miss Pince took him by surprise at the library. He lost focus and his phone slipped from his grasp. Startled he awaited the divine punishment heading his way for disturbing silence. However that didn't happen. To check his theory he pulled out his phone during lunch at the great hall and no one said a word about it. It still made Robert smile knowing the advantages of this. He will be able to cheat during exams. How lucky indeed. If there only was a function to make it display information on his eye. Maybe after scanning enough books the option will appear.

On the last day of August during dinner Albus asked him to come to his office. Robert agreed while thinking what was the old geezer planning. And planned he did. The headmaster wanted Robert to take the Hogwarts Express. Since his job was to assist the prefects after all. And Albus also wanted him to keep an eye on any students that couldn't find the platform. After expressing his concerns he dismissed Robert wishing him a good night of sleep. He left the headmaster's office and headed towards an empty room he started using after he got his wand.

On the same floor where his room was his training spot. The room was practically empty. So he used it to practice his spell work. Only charms for now and some spells he found useful in case combat ensued. He started with the fan favorite, Lumos. Truly an illuminating experience. He tried wingardium leviosa and its combat version Levioso. Maybe because we was an adult the intent and visualization part of learning spells came much easier than the books made it appear. It was puzzling why wizards made it look so hard. Suddenly Robert felt as if something or someone was watching him. He looked left and right and there was nobody in sight. Finally he brushed up the feeling muttering about him being paranoid. The next spell he tried was Accio. It was such a useful spell and yet underrated for some reason. For now he was able to summon small pillows. Depulso was his main way of attacking. He learned it on the first try. Almost broke a window with that one. Seeing the aftermath he decided it'll be good to learn the mending charm, Reparo. All in all it was an intense month with good results. Hopefully he'll be able to keep up this tempo and finish his education earlier than in seven years. But that's a question for the future. Now was the time to sleep and prepare for tomorrow.