
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Starting off with a bang


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Robert knocked on the door to professor Flitwick's office after coming here with the help of Mipsy. The small and weirdly enthusiastic man was already waiting for him. He explained how to use the floo system and handed him a pouch with powder. Robert headed into the fireplace and shouted the address of The Leaky Cauldron. It was a pub located in London. With a flash of green he arrived at the tavern making way for the professor. After exchanging pleasantries with the owner Mr. Tom they headed towards the alleyway which was the hidden gate to his destination. Flitwick showed the method of tapping the bricks to open the wall for entry. Since Robert already has seen a magical settlement the view the Diagon Alley didn't make a big impression on him. He rather liked the nature and tranquility aspect of Hogsmeade much more. However it didn't mean he wasn't excited. For today he'll finally become a wizard. The metaphorical first step into his new life of wonder. Flitwick firstly had shown to him all of the places he had to go for his equipment and other miscellaneous needs. He left Robert at the footsteps of Madame Malkin's shop. After all, clothes took the most time to prepare and while waiting for his clothes to be finished he could also do shopping elsewhere. Done with his measurements he went to buy his potion set and telescope. He'll buy his quills and parchment in Hogsmeade.

A store with a withered sign with Ollivander's written on it stood before him. After taking a deep breath he entered the shop.

'Of course he isn't here. Probably trying to get me from..'

"Hello there Mr. Crow."

"...behind. Hello to you too Mr Ollivander? It's a pleasure to met you." Robert said with embrassment. He really should start on controling his unapologetically blabbering mouth.

"Interesting." The wandmaker said with some hint of understanding. "You'll be hard to fit, won't you?

"I thought you like to on take challenges, Ollivander sir." Ollivander made a small laugh at that. Walking to the counter he said to Robert. "Indeed I do, Mr Crow. Not everyday I can get a puzzle to tickle my mind. But enough about me. Let's talk about you. Are you right or left-handed?" The man asked.

"Right, sir." Suddenly tape measures flew towards him and started taking measurements. Why were they measuring his shin to leg ratio he didn't know. Better that than assaulting his groin area with sentient pieces of flexible rulers. After this torture Ollivander pulled out a couple of boxes from various shelves and the wand selection began.

And began it did. With a bang no less. The only silver lining being it didn't destroy any of the other wands. However the counter had more holes than swiss cheese. Robert held a burning remnant of the wand, if you could call it that. It resembled a fired off Christmas cracker on steroids. The end separated into multiple strings of wood which bent towards him. Hopefully, he won't have to pay damages. Stingy headmaster.

"Not that one it seems." Ollivander flicked his wand and the counter repaired itself. Without batting an eye he gave Robert another wand to try. At least it hadn't had the same enthusiasm as the first one. Only sparks appeared. The wandmaker quickly took it and started handing the next wand. After a few dozen of magic sticks not responding or setting the store on fire finally a wand laid comfortably in Robert's hand. There were no flashy fireworks. No signs deeming him to be the next Merlin in the making. Soothing and warmth spread from the wand to his fingertips and then through his whole body. The wand seemed to be humming in satisfaction, but so did Robert. The pairing was over.

"We finished on an unassuming note it seems. 11 inches, ash and unicorn core. A little bit flexible but not much. You're full of surprises Mr Crow." Ollivander remarked.

"It that good? Or should I be worried?" Robert gulped nervously.

"At my age it's all about perspective. And I can't wait for the winds of change that are brewing to unleash." He said wistfully. "That'll be seven galleons."

"Can I also get a wand holster?" Robert asked

"That'll be nine galleons and two sickles for your purchase. Thank you for your patronage. Until we meet again, Mr Crow."

Robert felt uncomfortable under Ollivander's scrutinizing glare. So he quickly left the store only to bump into somebody.

"Watch where you're going bub!" A female voice exclaimed. Regaining his balance he bowed and said his apologies. Coming back up he looked over the stranger. She had pink short hair. Moxie written on her face. A mishmash of muggle and wizard clothing. A biker jacket with The Weird Sisters logo. Nimphadora Tonks in the flesh. What a small world we live in. From what Robert remembered she was going to attend Hogwarts for her seventh year starting september. He wouldn't say no to awesome eye candy from the canon story.

"Are you done staring?" She said wryly. "You like what you see?" She said with a mischievous grin. But two can play at this game.

"Oh beautiful flower. I insist that you let me continue appreciating the goddess before me. I'm afraid I'll wilt without the blask of her brighter than the sun smile." He said with so much cheese that he would have been able to feed a nation with it. Stunned, the girl stood for a while processing the individual before her. She started laughing not believing that someone can be so shameless. Robert joined her in laughter rubbing his head from embarrassment. After introductions had been made they found out that they'll be heading towards the same place, Flourish and Blotts. Agreeing to go together Robert said his side of the story. Tonks blinked with astonishment at how did he not get his Hogwarts letter at the age of eleven. But thats not all, he'll be working as an aide as well. She also told him if he ever needed any advice then her father was a solicitor who could provide assistance. He thanked her and in the meantime they had reached the book store.