
Rob's Multiverse Guild

A board ROB decides to entertain himself by messing with the multiverse. Like all of my other books, I write stuff like this whenever I have a spark of inspiration or just for fun. If you want to read this, that's fine but don't expect this to be finished or even get that many chapters for that matter...

GH0STS · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

3 First Real Member

Saitama was walking home slightly depressed after missing a sale at the store and not being able to buy anything for his dinner. 'Guess I'll eat out tonight.' He thought as he looked around for a food stall or something.

While looking for somewhere to eat, Saitama noticed a strange wooden double door. This was strange for a few reasons, not only had Saitama walked this street hundreds of times in the past and never noticed this door. There was also the fact that the door was standing up straight with no support in the middle of the street.

Saitama looked around and noticed the street was completely abandoned. This is City Z so it was very normal for nobody to be around, but this was different. Usually, he could hear the sound of the animals that have reclaimed the city or the cicadas that would be around on a hot day like this, but right now he couldn't hear any of them.

Pin-drop silence.

'Is it because of this?' He thought while looking at the door.

Saitama approached the door and tried to move it, but even with his enormous strength, it didn't budge. 'Maybe it's a strong shapeshifting monster!' He thought, quickly jumping back and preparing to fight.

But after a few minutes of nothing happening, he decided to strike first by punching the door. *BOOM*.

...Nothing. No dodge, no counter-attack, no cracks on the door, just the air pressure from his punch. Slowly, Saitama realized it was just a door. A very strong door, but just a door nonetheless.

Saitama cautiously moved closer to the door. Caution was very uncharacteristic of him. Usually, Saitama would never feel the need to be cautious but right now was different.

Saitama, after such a long time, felt an emotion he thought he would never feel again. Fear? No, of course not. He felt excitement. You see after his 3 years of training, the only thing that ever survived his casual punch was Boros, and even then he was still disappointed by that fight in the end.

But this was different. 'If this door can withstand one of my casual series punches, then whoever made this thing must be strong!' This was his thought process.

So without further ado, Saitama opened the door and walked in. Once he was inside, the door then automatically closed behind him and disappeared from the street.


Saitama was greeted by what looked like a tavern straight from a fantasy world. He liked the way it looked but the only problem was it was basically empty. There were only two people in there.

One was a handsome man who seemed to be perpetually wiping a glass, and the other was a loli with headphones on sitting at the counter stuffing her face with what seemed like a plate of endless sweets.

"Welcome to Rob's Multiverse Guild. Please read the rules on the board beside you and if you have any questions then feel free to ask." The handsome man greeted Saitama.

Saitama looked to his left and read the rules on the chalkboard. Nodding his head after reading them, he approached the man behind the counter and asked him a few questions.

"Are you the one who made that door? Who are you? What is this place?" Saitama asked calmly. After seeing the kinda mundane hall and the people in it, Saitama had lost most of his initial excitement.

Rob simply smiled and answered the bald man in front of him. "In order, yes, I made the door. My name is Rob and finally, I am the creator and owner of Rob's Multiverse Guild. In the guild, members can take on quests I issue to gain rewards that could never be obtained in their own worlds, or get guild points that can be redeemed with me for a reward of their choosing. Depending on if they have enough points of course. For example, if you had enough points I could grant you your hair back-"

"HOW DO I JOIN!?" Saitama yelled, cutting off him as he spoke and grabbing ahold of Rob's shoulders.

Rob gently took Saitama's hand off his shoulder while answering him. "Just write your name on this card and you'll officially be part of the guild," Rob said while handing Saitama a small white card and a pen.

Saitama quickly took them both and wrote his name on the card. As soon he was finished the card started to glow. Once the card stopped glowing, it had changed to now look yellow with a red border around it along with a picture of Saitama in the right-hand corner and his name next to the picture.

"Well, now that's out of the way, I'd like to officially welcome you to the guild. The card will alert you when any new quests are available. I don't currently have a quest for you yet because I'm still waiting for more members to join, but feel free to use any of the facilities here." Rob said with a smile. Saitama was about to look around but before he did, his stomach growled.

*Grumble* "...You don't happen to have any food, do you?" Saitama asked with a blank face. Rob just chuckled and snapped his fingers making a bowl of delicious-looking udon noodles and a pair of chopsticks appear.

"Ohhh, these are the best noodles I've ever had in my entire life!" Saitama exclaimed happily. Once he was done eating he pulled out his wallet and was about to pay before Rob stopped him.

"Normal food is free here. Also, I don't accept money here only GP(Guild Points)." Rob pointed out.

"Oh, ok" Saitama replied, happy he didn't need to pay.

"Well now that you are finished with your food, I suggest you check out the other things we have here. I recommend the arena or the recreation room. You'd probably like those the most." Saitama did as recommended and walked over to the arena door and went inside.

After entering the arena and seeing that it looked like an actual gladiator arena from ancient Rome, an artificial-sounding voice was heard from above. {Welcome Saitama. Would you like to choose your opponent or would you prefer a recommended one?} the voice asked.

"Uhh... Recommended?" Saitama answered uncertainly.

{Understood. Generating recommended opponent. Mirror Saitama generated.} As soon as the voice said that, an exact copy of Saitama appeared in the room. The only difference between the two men was the colours of their clothes.

Mirror Saitama wore the same costume, but the colours were reversed. Mirror Saitama had a red suit, yellow gloves and boots, a white belt, and a black cape. (Image here)

{Are you ready to begin?} The voice asked Saitama.

"...Ok." He replied.

{3...2...1... Begin.} As soon as the voice stopped, mirror Saitama attacked with a "casual" series of punches which Saitama quickly got hit with because he wasn't really paying attention yet.

*BOOM* Getting hit flying, Saitama ragdolled before hitting the indestructible wall. As he slowly stood up, he touched his mouth where he got hit and after he did, Saitama saw something he thought he would never see again.

'I'm bleeding?...' Saitama thought as a shadow covered his eyes and he trembled for a moment. Soon though, Saitama looked at his mirror self and said with a feral grin: "Finally, A strong opponent!"

The two Saitama then proceeded to beat the ever-living fuck out of each other.