
Rising of a New Reaper

In this novel we focus on our Main Protagonist regressing to the past where it all started and trying to relive his new life and defeat new enemies. (any concerns or questions towards this novel please inform me about it and I'll respond accordingly to it)

unknown946 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 7: Rewards!

" Hey, kid wake up. Sorry, it took a long time to talk to you. But I got the rewards that I promised." Said the subordinate of Athen in his head.

As soon as he heard the subordinate talk Strat immediately woke up and gave full attention.

" What took you so long? I got worried that I wouldn't get the rewards for the mission." Said Strat.

He heard the subordinate sigh in disbelief. " Alright, I'm sending you the system to your body. You know if any other person who got the system like yours, they would immediately die." Said the subordinate.

" Why would they die immediately if someone else got the same system that I got." Said the curious Strat.

" Well, the system you got is no ordinary system. That system is designed for God's only. Also, remember your body that you designed by the permission of Athen is made from him." Said the subordinate.

" What do you mean by made from Athen? He told me that I could design anything I wanted, and he would give it to me." Said Strat who was a little annoyed.

" Well, yes, he said that, but your body is special. The body design that you made was unable to be human and had to be made like a god. So, Athen used his own body to build yours for you to live. He had high hopes for you to be the next reaper. He also wished you to be the next god of war, knowledge, and engineering. So, he gave it his all to make you live again. I've...said too much so forget about it I'll give you your reward and get out of your business. You won't hear from me for a while." Said the subordinate.

Immediately after a screen showed up in front of Strat.

[ System Name: Reaper]

[Information about the user:]

[Level 1]

[Name: Sebastian Vasquez]

[Occupation: Reaper/ God of War, knowledge, engineering]


[Souls obtained:35]

[Special powers: (Locked until level 5)]

[Cybernetics made or obtained:

Reapers Time (RT)

Reaper blades (improved version)

Cyber eyes

Enhanced legs (improved version)

Cybernetic arms

Metallic skeletal body (improved version)]

[Souls needed to level up:5 souls left]

[ No other users of the same system have been detected]

After seeing the system, he questioned about the last thing he saw. But then the last reward came in the system.

[Blueprints of your choice]

[ Please say what your desired blueprint prints out loud]

Strat has to think for a moment before answering." I need to think of a blueprint that will be useful to me. But which one? Hmmmm. Oh! Yeah, that one. I want the blueprints to the machine I had made before dying in the past." Said Strat with a confirming voice.

[ The blueprints of that machine have been confirmed]

[Sending blueprints to system blueprints storage... Blueprints have been sent! please check your storage.]

" let's go! I got those blueprints. Since I got my reward time to pack up and go to Caster City, back in the past or future as we can say it, Caster City was where I got my first gig on being a runner. Man, those were the days until I started to go psycho. I miss my lil bro." said Strat who is a little down.

But that never stopped him from starting to pack up his things. First, he needed a car to drive to the city, so he made another car. Then he made a special seat to protect David in the car. Afterward, he went to get David to put in the car. Then he notified the robot to get in his car which it did. After he knew he got everything in the car he went inside and started to drive. Strat went 60 mph and arrived at the entrance to the Caster City.

The sight of the city was mesmerizing. When you have a look at it looks like it came out from the future. Tall buildings that reached the sky and city streets that were filled with people who had the prototypes of cybernetics. Once Strat was stopped at the entrance just to be checked if he was legally able to be there and he was. They then proceeded to let him into the city. As he drove forward, he was sent into a sense of welcome as he entered the city.

" Man hasn't it been a long time...dad or foster dad."

As soon as those words came out tears slowly came out of his eyes. But he immediately wiped them away. Strat drove towards a hotel since he couldn't afford an apartment yet. I got a room for 20 nights for about 3000 dollars once he did, he spent the rest of the money he had. So, he proceeded to go into his room with David and the robot. They never asked about the robot he had since it was normal here to have one.

As Strat entered the room, he immediately went to the bed to put down little David because he was sleeping. After putting down David carefully he proceeded to the shower. After 30 minutes in the bathroom, he then came out fresh and clean. As he came out he immediately went to the bed to take off the pillows and sheets because he never trusts hotel pillows and sheets. After taking them off he then proceeded to get on the bed. As he rested on the bed, he started to fall asleep. As he slept, he started to dream about someone.

" The hell were you thinking kid? You should know better by now," said the mysterious man.

" I know. I know alright. So please don't remind me." Said the kid.

The mysterious man proceeded to smile and pat the kid's head. " Don't worry about it. You know I'm not that harsh on you. Wait there's someone here let me go check it." Said the man.

After the man went you could hear gunshots and hear someone getting killed. The kid was curious, so he proceeded to go check on the man. But he saw the man on the floor dead.