
Rising of a New Reaper

In this novel we focus on our Main Protagonist regressing to the past where it all started and trying to relive his new life and defeat new enemies. (any concerns or questions towards this novel please inform me about it and I'll respond accordingly to it)

unknown946 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 6: Are you trustworthy?

Strat was woken up by the loud cries of David and Strat was still in his outfit from last night. He slowly lifted his body off the couch he slept on and went towards David's crib. Once he's near the kid he slowly went inside to pick him up carefully. Immediately he was hit with the horrendous smell coming from David.

So, he immediately went with the kid in his hands to find somewhere to wash him. Then he remembered he could make one. So, he made one right beside the building. As soon as they came inside of it, he immediately went to wash everything on baby David. After 30 minutes of washing, he was done. As soon as Strat opened the door lots of steam came out.

" Now I don't have to smell the bad odor of the kid. Now time to eat!" Said Strat.

But before he went to get food, he saw the blood bath he had taken the night before.

" I'll clean that up later. Right now, I need to feed myself and this kid." Said Strat amusingly.

Strat went back to the building to start eating. In the far distance away from here 2 people in a truck riding towards the direction of a town.

" Hey, we're almost there so wake up." Said ** while shaking her friend.

" Alright. I'm awake. So how far out are we to the town to stop at." Said the friend of ***."

Just only 3 miles from there. Wait I see it in the distance." She said while looking at the town.

As she came near the town, she was terrified. The first thing she saw was the blood stains on the ground, walls, and windows. The same reaction came from her friend also who was right beside her. They were expecting to be in a fairly nice town where nothing happened, but we're deceived.

" The hell they told us that this town was thriving and was nice but look at this." Said ***.

As they were talking to each other both of them saw a human-shaped shadow in the distance. They both immediately stopped talking and they came out of the truck. When they saw the shadow, they started to get afraid of what it would do to them.

One of them yelled, " Come any closer and we'll... um, we'll shoot you." She said while getting her gun out.

The shadow persisted even with the threat. " I warned you!" She spoke. *** aimed her gun and shot a bullet toward the shadow.

As the bullet came closer towards the shadow it immediately dodged it like it was nothing. The shadow immediately came closer to them under a second then picked up one of them slowly by the neck.

" Who the hell are you guys?" says the shadow while looking at them.

The girl that was being held by the throat tried to speak." I'll...tell...you....just.... please...let...go.... of...me.... and....you...don't.... kill....us." she said while struggling.

The shadow let go of her for her to speak.

" Talk. Now." said the shadow.

It took all of her courage to speak and tell it their names.

" My name is Jennifer, and her name is Anna. Now that we told our names. Who are you? Did you kill the people that lived?" Said Jennifer.

The shadow sighed and then spoke. " One question at a time okay. I'll tell you what happened. Just follow me to my home and tell you everything there. It's only a few minutes from here." Said the shadow.

Both Jennifer and Anna looked at each other and then shook their heads. They both proceeded to say, " Alright." All of them proceeded to go to a small building near them.

As they entered, they heard the cries of a baby and then were met by a robot that greeted them with, " Hello. Welcome to Master's home!"

As the robot greeted them it proceeded to go towards a crib and carried the baby to the shadow person to calm the baby. The shadow went closer to get a good grip on the infant. Once he grabbed the infant his shadow-like figure slowly went away to a muscular, tall, tan-skinned male with the blackest hair color and dark brown eyes. Then after a few minutes of holding the baby, he put him back in his crib.

Afterward, he went towards a table that had three chairs ready for them. He sat in one of them and hand signaled them to sit down. So, they came closer to the table and sat down in the chairs that were ready for them.

As soon as they did the man started to talk. " Alright, it's time to answer your questions. My name is Sebastian Vasquez or what I call myself Strat. I didn't kill the residents here, but I killed the people who killed the people who lived here. Which answers the questions you asked me."

The women weren't satisfied with just those answers and asked more." We still have more questions to ask umm Strat. How the hell have you got those hands and all those robot-like parts on you? Also, who is that kid you have there in the crib?" Strat sighed at how many questions they asked at the moment then thought, " Could they ask nicely and not blurt everything out". Once his thought ended, he immediately talked, " Fuck. Could you calm down with the questions, please? I'll answer them." Said Strat annoyed then proceeded to talk again.

" Alright time to answer those annoying questions. First, I replaced my forearms and hands because I needed to make weapons to kill my enemies. Second, the kid that I had in my hand is my adopted son, David, he was here when I arrived here all alone with that robot that greeted you. Finally, I have all these cybernetics because I needed a body that I could push to its limits without dying. I'm only telling you this because I believe you're trustworthy and if you weren't I would have told y'all to get out of here."

Both Jennifer and Anna were speechless after the explanation that Strat gave but they understood him.

" Hey, Strat why are you here alone if Caster City is near here." Said Anna.

Strat's eyes opened wider after hearing that information.

" Wait you're telling me that Caster City is near here!" Said Strat with excitement."

Jennifer and Anna looked at Strat-like he was stupid.

" You didn't know that Strat. Like everyone knows that place." Said Jennifer.

Strat immediately responded with, " Of course, I've known about the city, but I didn't think it was near here. If it is, could you show me where it is?" Said Strat.

" Of course we can. Just go North 7 miles and you will get there but you'll need an ID to enter and then you're there. " Alright thank you I'll go there in a few days." Said Strat in a soft voice.

The girls immediately stood up due to something urgent they remembered." Dang it we're almost late to our next concert that we're supposed to be at. See ya Strat gotta go. Said the both of them while blowing him a kiss and then exiting the door.

Afterward, Strat went back to his comfortable couch and fell face down on it.

Strat thought, " I'm going to go live in Caster City. But I got to get ready for it. I'll do it tomorrow and go the day after."

During his thinking session, Strat slowly drifted to sleep.