
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Crimson Squad

Ryuji and Shijima make their way towards the mountain side; as they get close they begin to sense many different people , standing around waiting. Ryuji looks left to right examining all the different fighters around.

He can see a group of 4 wearing the same leather armor, with a logo on their chestplate. As Ryuji observed the 4 men he noticed the man in the front. The cosmo radiating off of him, is higher than what Ryuji himself possessed.

Ryuji smiles anticipating the battle to come.

"I looks like this won't be just a walk in the park, I'm going to have to go all out if there are fighters like him around."

Shijima puts his hand on Ryuji's shoulders.

"Let me teach you real quick about the levels of warriors in this world. At the lowest rank, you have the Initiate level fighters who haven't unlocked their cosmo yet. Next, is the Cosmo Warrior level where the warrior has unlocked their cosmo and have started training in it's usage. Above that, is the Cosmo Expert level these individuals have trained their cosmo, increased the amount and concentration of it within themselves and developed techniques to fight using cosmo. Lastly, you have the Cosmo Master, these individuals are at the peak of cosmo mastery; they have hit a point where one must uncover the mysteries of the senses to advance. Anyone stronger than those levels are masters of the sixth, seventh, and even the eighth sense or they are a god."

"As of right now you are at the beginning of the Cosmo Master level; that man in leather is at the peak of this level is only a tad bit away to unlocking his sixth sense so he is a-lot stronger than you."

"You must stay focused at all times, you will never know what your opponent will throw at you. Be ready for anything to happen, and always make a way to escape; you can lose a battle but if you die that's game over."

Shijima then moves his focus to the distant trees nodding his head for Ryuji to look. Small flickers of cosmo could be sensed hidden in the trees.

"Their will be foes that wait for you to lower your guard; keep some of your tricks hidden so you can defeat a foe that has observed your patterns."

"I will not support you in this excursion, you must accomplish your goals with your own hands. I will stop any unwanted guest from interfering, but other than that I won't help you."

Shijima walks away from Ryuji before vanishing into thin air. Ryuji turns back around and observes the rest of the groups.

Besides from the group of leather wearing warriors and the ones hiding in the trees. There is a group of 5; 3 men and 2 women, who wear the armor of knights with the dragon insignia. They are knights of the Eailnoth Empire in the east.

2 people in their group stands out; the knight in front who wears a cape and the woman knight in the back who carries herself with a noble esteem.

The man has blue hair like a calm ocean and has eyes that are sharp yet focused like a hawk. His cosmo radiates around his group like a sun in this quiet night. His strength is similar if not stronger than the man in leather.

The woman like a goddess descended from heaven, has light pink long hair, a beautiful face, and an amazing figure that can draw the eye of any man. Her cosmo while calm, carries a weight of oppression that can flatten any foe. The amount of energy she is giving off is similar to Ryuji's own strength.

The woman sensing Ryuji looking at her stares at him before nodding then looking away. Ryuji also nods back not wishing to offend anyone just yet.

He looks to the right of the knight group to the last group waiting. This group of three heavily built men wear clothes woven in the skin of killed prey. Their cosmo radiates with a feeling of blood oozing all around. You can sense the countless amount of lives these men have taken. The man in front stands with a sinister smile on his face watching the groups around him. His hair red as blood and the axes on his back are still bleeding from a recent kill. His cosmo just like the man in leather and the knight; are at the level of someone at the peak of Cosmo Master level.

After examining all the different people in sight, Ryuji begins to walk towards the men in leather.

"Let's see if these men can give me some information on the situation."

As he gets closer to the group, they begin to notice him getting closer. They turn towards him, their hands on the swords on their hips ready for battle.

"Excuse me, my name is Ryuji Shiba I was hoping to get information about the cavern we all are going to explore."

Their leader looks to the others nods his head then steps towards Ryuji.

"Hi, I'm Leon, leader of this tangled group of individuals.

He smiles rubbing the back of his head. After smiling for a second, he stops and looks at Ryuji seriously.

"If this was any other situation; I would help you out with what we know about the cavern; however, my group is placing a lot on this excursion. So the less people we have to compete with the better our situation."

Ryuji nods his head to Leon in understanding.

"We will see you inside, if we run into each other I expect a great battle from you. I can sense the strength you possess; you will be a worthy opponent."

Leon smiles to Ryuji then walks back towards his group.

Ryuji not seeing anything else to do finds a spot to sit; then meditates.

"I need to prepare myself, for the battles and challenges ahead."

Ryuji enters his soul world.

"I know your there come out I need to speak to you!"

"Petty bastard what do you want!? For the past 2 years you have been bothering me, I am getting sick of your presence."

Dark Ryuji appears behind Ryuji an angry scowl on his face.

"The current strength I possess is not enough, I will be using your strength in the coming battles."

Ryuji summons a pair of scythes for Dark Ryuji.

"Come let's spar real fast, I need the practice."

"Hell no, get your ass out of here and stop bothering me."

Dark Ryuji walks away before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

"For a soul living freely within another you sure don't like to pay your rent."

Not having anything to do in his soul world; Ryuji leaves his soul. When he awakens he senses a clash of cosmo, that threatens everyone around.

The head knight and the leader of the group of killers stand in front of each other, their cosmo locked in a clash of wills.

"Crimson squad shall be removed from the world henceforth, die vile killers!"

The knight gathers his cosmo towards his right hand creating a lightning spear. He jumps into the air and tosses the spear at the Crimson squad leader.

"Albert these weak ass attacks won't faze me, I know you can do better than this."

The Crimson Squad leader smiles then grabs his axes, coats them in cosmo, then slashes at the spear. The clash of their attacks shake the ground around, many trees are uprooted flying into the air.

"Orion I shall smite you for all the people of Eailnoth you and your group have killed. Come and face my spear!"