
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Rank SSS+ Recovery Potion

Taking advantage of its blindless Shi Liang used her full speed to go right underneath the Giant Fire Scorpion before making a huge cut on its abdomen using her sword.

Green blood and guts started gushing out of the cut before spilling everywhere on the ground.

Shi Liang had to move out of the way otherwise she would meet the same fate as the Giant Fire Scorpion.

When the blood made contact with the sand, it created a sizzling sound as green smoke rose.

The reason Giant Fire Scorpions were so tricky to defeat was because they had acidic blood.

Although the acidic blood may not be as dangerous as the venom it had at the end of its tail, if enough of it touched the body; it would have melted the flesh and bones right off its victims.


The Giant Fire Scorpion fell to the ground on its abdomen and around it was its own guts and blood spilled everywhere.

Making sure the Giant Fire Scorpion was truly dead Shi Liang rushed to Gu Teng's side to check his pulse to see whether he was alive or dead.

Coming close to Gu Teng, she could see his body lying down on the sand while a big bolder behind him was full of cracks.

His body looked deformed, his ribs were broken, and his left arm had fractures as broken bone could be seen coming out near his elbow. 

Near the shoulder, she could see a hole fully going through his body.

Putting her two index fingers on his right wrist she could feel an extremely weak pulse.

Her expression worsened with a look of hesitation and doubt. 

Taking a deep breath full of air, Shi Liang brought out a Rank SSS+ Recovery Potion.

The potion had an extremely beautiful appearance, the vial looked carefully decorated as two small yellow wings wrapped around it giving a sense of protection.

Inside the vial was a thin red liquid but it seemed like it had lost some of its luster

In high realms, items are ranked into different grades.

it is as they follow.

Mortal=>H=> G=> F=> E=> D=> C=> B=> A=> S=> SS=> SSS=> SSS+=> EX=> Immortal=> True immortal=>???

The rank SSS+ item happens to be one of the most powerful items that could be seen inside the 3rd realm where both Gu Teng and Shi Liang were from and it's also the highest rank item that Shi Liang is in possession of.

If not for her status as one of the female heirs to the Liang clan, a person with her strength couldn't even hope to touch it let alone use it.

[If everything goes smoothly this would definitely leave a scar in her heart] though Liam from some distance away where the battle had taken place.

Removing the top lid from the recovery potion Shi Liang placed the top in Gu Teng's mouth as the contents filled his mouth.

Slowly his body started to return to its previous form as his bones reattached back to where they were supposed to be originally, new muscles and skin grew out clearly visible to the naked eye.

It was truly spectacular to look at with the naked eye.

[Tsk!! I can't believe I have to use a Rank SSS+ Recovery Potion. If he had just moved out of the way of that scorpion's attack this would have never happened but instead is froze there like an idiot. Not to mention because of the laws of this world my Rank SSS+ Recovery Potion's effects became similar to Rank S at best. What a shame!] though Shi Liang with a bitter smile.

Moments later Gu Teng slowly opened his eyes and the only thing he could see was Shi Liang. 

" How am I still alive? I am certain I was in the afterlife," said Gu Teng to Shi Liang with a bewildered expression. 

" I used a healing potion," said Shi Liang in an irritated tone. 

" A healing potion?? what kind of potion was it that was capable of bringing me back from the dead?" whispered Gu Teng.

"Stop asking all these stupid questions. We have better things to do right now" replied Shi Liang in an irritated tone.

Moving back close to the corpse of the Giant Fire Scorpion Shi Liang took out her Void Token before storing its body in the Void Token's spatial inventory.

" Let's find a place to rest for the night." Gu Teng said the obvious