
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED -------------------------------------- Inspired by GREED

Primordial_Devour · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Giant Fire Scorpion

On a desert Plaine, both Gu Teng and Shi Liang could be seen facing off against a beast that had the appearance of a large red scorpion the size of a house. 

It had six red giant legs, two claws, and an enormous tail that had a purple stinger to it at the end.

That scorpion was called a giant fire scorpion, it was a rank 1 Body Transformation Realm layer 5 beast. 

like every other intelligent being, all beasts alike had to go through the same cultivation process as any other.

You might think that because of the crude cultivation they go through they might be weaker compared to other beings with higher intelligence.

But on the contrary, they were likely to be stronger than the average practitioner.

The higher cultivation you had didn't mean you were the strongest in the room. Anyone who has more experience and skills could easily trample on you even if their cultivation happened to be lower than yours. Cultivation alone doesn't decide the outcome of a battle.

What makes beasts stronger than most practitioners? Their bloodline did.

Bloodline is the passive of physical traits and skills that a person or beast inherits from their ancestors. 

Most beats gain a strong body at birth giving an edge right off the bat and as they mature their body get stronger alongside them making them truly frightening. 

When they start on the road of cultivation the instincts, they gain from their ancestors would guide them on the right path even if their cultivation might be crude and not the best for them.

However, a person with an extremely strong ancestor could even acquire heaven-defying skills and techniques depending on their bloodline concentration. 

It has been debated across countless eons on how you gain those skills through bloodline but the most believed to be true is their ancestor intentionally passed them by a power that could be lost in time.

But one thing was for certain, Bloodline is one of the most complex forms of power to exist in their generation.

Now back to the Giant Fire Scorpion.

It was known by the previous contestants to make the bodies of the victims burn until what only would be left were the ashes after they were stung by its poisonous tail thus giving it its name.

 And anyone who was to fall victim to its stinger would never be able to see the end of the trial making it one of the deadliest beasts to encounter. 

Gu Teng and Shi Liang weren't fighting the giant fire scorpion aggressively they knew better than to fight a poisonous beast without any plans for potential countermeasures in case something were to go wrong.

Both of their movements were well organized and swift like a team who had each other backs.

While the Giant Fire Scorpion tries to get hold of Shi Liang with its sharp claws, she would easily dodge them because of how agile she was.

Making the Giant Fire Scorpion feel annoyed because of how slippery they were. 

The Fire Scorpion straightens its tail creating a large amount of force ready to swing at the person nearest to its body who happens to be Gu Teng.

" Gu Teng watch out!!" yelled out Shi Liang in a hurried tone. 

However, it was already too late. Gu Teng could only look up at the threat as the tail got closer and closer.

His body refused to move even a single inch for some reason as he could only daze over what was to come.


When the stinger made contact with Gu Teng's body it created a shockwave that stirred up the sand on the ground because of how fast it was moving.

Dust was everywhere making it hard for anyone to see.

Gu Teng flew backward at full speed before smashing into a large rock creating cracks on it.

Sand flew in all directions where Gu Teng crashed, Shi Liang was unable to tell if he was still alive.

While the Giant Fire Scorpion was momentarily paralyzed from creating such force Shi Liang wasted no time before leaping on top of its body and using her sword to slash both of its eyes.




The Giant Fire Scorpion screeched in pain while it no longer had the ability to see.