
Rise Of The Primordial Devourer

Liam, who used to be an average 21-year-old guy from earth dies and get reborn in another world. Facing challenges and hardships for thousands of years, Liam was about to reach the end of the road. Unsatisfied with the way he was about to reach his end. Liam makes his way back in time before the beginning of an apocalypse vowing to take everything that was originally supposed to be his. The Cover Doesn't Belong To Me, All Rights Belong To The Original Owner (grimmstein). If the owner would like me to remove the cover, please let me know. ____________________________________ -WARNINGS- -EXTREME GORE -EVIL MAIN CAHARCTER -MANIPULATIVE MAIN CHARACTER -NOT FOR KINDHEARTED --------------------------------------

Primordial_Devour · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Survival III

Next morning 

Both Gu Teng and Shi Liang were heading further away from the forest and eventually, they would find themselves in a desert but that was still a few miles away.

While they were moving at full speed both could see a red flower from a distance floating above a lake.

that flower had the appearance of a lotus, and the color was full red like the color of blood.


Both Gu Teng and Shi Liang had no idea of what kind of flower it may be but still chose to come close to collect it thinking that they could trade it after the Tournament for merit points.

Sensing no beasts around that lotus flower Gu Teng used his Void token to store it inside its spatial inventory.

Most flowers or any consumable items would have a beast guarding them so when its fully mature they would devour it to increase their strength.

But the issue was that there was no beast there to protect it especially when it was such a treasure because of the aroma it released. 

That lotus was called the blood-feeding lotus. And as that name implies it grows by feeding on the blood of any dead being nearby by using the roots to get nutrition from the corpses.

Anyone who ate it would have gotten enormous benefits. 

If one were to do so, one could have their life span extended, their body fully cleansed, and a sharp increase in body strength.

However, if one were to refine it into a pill the benefits, they could get from it may even increase dramatically under the conditions of being refined by the right person.

Anyone outside would kill just to even get one pedal off that lotus let alone the pill. It was truly a treasure in its own right.

For some reason, Shi Liang started to get a bad feeling while watching Gu Teng store the blood-feeding lotus inside the Void token. 

Just to be sure Shi Liang checked the surrounding environment once again just to be on the safe side.

Feeling no living beings in the proximity of her range Shi Liang chooses to suppress that feeling thinking that it might be her illusion. 

" Shi Liang is something wrong," said Gu Teng feeling concerned. 

" It's nothing, I was just trying to check the surroundings just to be on the safe side," said Shi Liang

" Oh! alright then let's quickly leave, if there is a beast protecting that lotus it might have gone somewhere let's not be here before it comes back," said Gu Teng.

Returning back to their original path both picked up their haste like they were in sort of a rush.

While both Shi Liang and Gu Teng were getting further away Liam could be seen near the edge of the lake that once used to host a blood-feeding lotus.

There was an odor coming from Liam that smelled like remnants of blood but his clothes on the contrary were as if they were brand new, not a single speck of blood or dirt could be seen on them.

[It went just like according to the plan] though Liam with a cold face.

[That woman Shi Liang would have definitely become specious if I hadn't left some footprints of a beast some distance away]

Shi Liang thought that there was a beast protecting that lotus, but she was half correct.

There actually was a beast protecting the blood-feeding lotus, but Liam had killed it before Shi Liang and Gu Teng even knew that the blood-feeding lotus existed.

Liam could have taken the blood-feeding lotus for himself but if he did, he would have a harder time creating a rift between them later on.

Gu Teng was stronger than Shi Liang and when they would have fought the beast to get the blood-feeding lotus Gu Teng would have contributed the most in the fight even if he was now in the same realm as Shi Liang.

After they emerged victorious Shi Liang would have no problem giving the blood-feeding lotus to Gu Teng as he was the one to contribute the most.

However, if Gu Teng suddenly took the blood-feeding lotus for himself when no beast was guarding it, Shi Liang would start to think he is being selfish for getting something without even doing anything to earn it. 

(Woman psychology)