
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs



Llorva watched Vinncent disappear into the portal with her arms still crossed and a scowl on her face. Although Vinncent thought that leaving her alone would help Llorva think it was not quite how she saw it. To Llorva he was simply running away from an argument after he got caught in a lie.

Sure it was rather bizarre that he could seemingly turn into different demons at will. However, she knew that strange magics existed in the world. Back when Albion was still a mighty Kingdom her father had a council of mage advisors. Each of the mages had been chosen by her father for their abilities and knowledge. Their names were Nakisiasha, Cyran, Methidil, Tiarsus and Allisa. Nakisiasha had the ability to grant plants and animals around her sentience. Cyran could heal the trees and control their roots. Methidil could change the materials of any item without it losing its shape. Tiarsus could use the light of the stars and moon to either smite the enemies of the kingdom or guide its people. Then Allisa who was like Llorva's mother could create portals and alternate spaces where she and Llorva would play when Llorva was a child.

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes when she remembered Allisa and her fathers court. They had tried so hard to protect her and her father when the humans invaded but only managed to stall the barbarians for an hour until they were defeated. Llorva wiped the tears from her eyes and gently shook her head.

Mourning them would not bring them back and even if it could there would be nothing they could do in these new times.

Her head low she found herself thinking about Vinncent again.

'He claimed he could change the world and help free the enslaved and raise a better world but why would he. After all he is human and all the humans ever sought was power and riches he is no different.' She thought her hands were forming fists on the bed sheets.

A part of her mind tugged at her as she remembered how they first met. Warin had been beating her when he stepped in he could have stood and watched or continued on like all the other humans but he didn't. He demanded that Warin let her go, seeming to risk his life and freedom for hers. Then when her master refused he killed him.

'No that was part of his plan to make himself known and try to brainwash me into thinking he was doing what he said.'

However, Llorva remembered the sense of freedom she felt when he took her out of the town and told her she was free. The idea of being free after thirty years of slavery still boggled her mind. Sure she still believed that she was being held captive but at the same time she didn't think so. Vinncent had told her many times that she could leave and do whatever she wanted, saying that it was dangerous to follow him. He even left her alone on occasions during which she could have easily slipped away. Her current situation even being the best example as he left her with the key and the seven silver coins.

Yet here she sat, waiting and thinking about Vinncent. Shaking her head Llorva grabbed the room key while leaving five of the silver on the nightstand. Then she walked out of the room and locked the door behind her.

Slowly and cautiously she began to descend the stairs to the bar area. The sounds of laughter and mixed chatter increasing in volume. At the bottom of the stairwell she looked toward the bar and saw that only two men occupied its seats on the left most side leaving the rest vacant. Llorva gingerly walked toward the far right of the bar and took a seat five chairs in.

The bartender from before quickly noticed her and walked over.

"What can I get for ya Lassie?"

"Water will be fine." Llorva said before her stomach growled.

"Sounds like you need more than just water." he chuckled

"And maybe a chicken salad." she said shyly

"Alright I'll have our cook get right on it then."

The man walked to the end of the bar where he opened a double door and walked through as it closed behind him. A minute later he came back holding a glass of water and gently placed it before Llorva.

"Here's your water, and the salad should be out in a bit."

"Thank you sir." Llorva smiled

"There anything else you need?" the bartender asked as he leaned on the bar top with his back to the door.

"I would like someone to talk to." she said timidly

"Alright then..." the man said as he pulled a stool from under the bar top and sat down.

"...I take it you wanna talk about the man who came in here with ya right?" he asked

Llorva didn't say anything and instead just nodded. causing the bartender to narrow his eyes.

"He ain't hurting ya is he?" the man asked in concern

"What!? No, it's just that I only met him a few days ago and while he seems like a nice man I don't know for sure if I should trust him or not."

"If ya don't much trust him why are ya travelin with him then?" The bartender asked an eyebrow raised

"Well when we first met I was a slave and he decided to free me. He said afterwards that I was free to go although he could protect me if I followed him." Llorva said nervously prompting a laugh from the bartender upon seeing she was nervous.

"Don't worry lass I don't much care for slavery. As for him protecting you has he been true to his word?" his words causing Llorva to relax

"He has, Rather aggressively even. But he keeps saying that he wants to free those who have been enslaved."

"From what you have told me and what I gathered from talking to him earlier I gather he's a rather good guy. So why are you so on edge about him then?"

"Well he is strong enough that he took out an entire squad of guards and even a camp of bandits. However, his power and motive don't seem to match up to me. I have seen many men with that kind of power and all of them either wanted to conquer or hold a position of authority. He doesn't exactly seem to want either."Llorva sighed

"If I'm being honest I think that you might be overreacting just a smidge." the bartender smiled

"Why do you say that." she said, slightly narrowing her eyes.

"Well ya see I used to be a Chaplain in the church..." he said holding his head in one of his hands.

"...I joined the church to try and restore order to the world and like your friend help free the slaves and help the oppressed. During my time I learned how to tell what someone was like simply by looking and talking to them. Your friend strikes me as probably one of the most sincere and honest men I have ever met and even seems to have a holy feeling to him like he's some sort of angel." the man continued

"If you were a part of the church why are you here?" Llorva asked confused

"When I joined the church like I said I did it to help those who were enslaved and mistreated. So imagine my surprise when eight years after I joined I found out that the church was the main cause of what I so despised." the man spoke with annoyance and anger swimming in his voice.

"How did you figure that out?"

"Well in the eighth year a man who I thought was a simple servant was revealed to be a slave. I found out because one day he was polishing a priest's shoe and sneezed spraying the shoe he was so diligently polishing. The priest became furious and ordered the chapel guards to take him to the crypts. After about an hour I began to hear the muffled screams, for two weeks I heard the screams and cries until they went quiet. On the day that the screams stopped our chapel was visited by other priests from the country and I learned of the fate of the poor victim.

The priest decided that he would share the story with the others after a few rounds of wine and didn't skip a single detail about how he flayed the man alive before healing him and starting all over again. I sought an audience with our cardinal the next day and told him of the atrocity that I overheard. He looked at me and laughed before he told me as though it was the easiest thing in the world to say that "the man you want to avenge was a slave his life has no meaning other than to serve the church." I quit then and there realizing that the church viewed the people as nothing but disposable tools. After I left the church I started this inn with the money that I made during my service and witnessed the cruelty of the church on several occasions." The man shook his head as he straightened himself.

"Your salad ought to be about ready, I'm a go check real quick." he said as he got up and walked to the double doors.

sorry for the wait I've been kinda occupied with my semester finals. I hope everyone is enjoying the story and remember feedback is appreciated.

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