
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs


Her laughter was quickly cut off when a drone covered her mouth in hive resin. Satisfied that the situation was under control the queen could be seen visibly relaxing what sounded like a sigh coming from her direction. Straightening himself from transferring custody of the humans, Vinncent looked briefly to the queen before watching the humans being dragged away.

"What do you do with the weapons?"

"You mean those devices that the humans carry? we take them deeper into the hive where our dead are placed. Why are they of some importance?" the queen asked, extending her head trying to invite Vinncent to give her more information.

"It may be unlikely but there was once a man who sought to weaponize your kind. Although the queen of that hive backstabbed him he had some success in teaching your kind how to fire human weapons. While it may be unnecessary it may be a worthwhile endeavor to try and teach some of the warriors how to use the weapons."

The queen retracted her head thinking of what Vinncent purposed.

"It is an interesting idea, using the humans... Weapons... against them." the queen analyzed slightly caught on the new word

"Also while we are on the topic of weaponizing the hive do you keep the elderly with the dead?"

"We do as they are not far from death."

"Why don't you move where the elderly and the dead are placed so that instead of being located deeper into the hive where they cannot help defend they instead can? As some humans may fire at anything that so much as bears a resemblance to one of your brood, why not have them waste their weapons on the corpses of the fallen and let the elders attack them as the first line of defense. This way when they progress deeper into the hive they may eventually be unable to kill your brood. Additionally if you wanted to you could have some of the hive hide amongst the dead and ambush the humans when they least expect it."

"You are right. It would be far more beneficial to do as you say, I thank you for your insight."

"It's the least I can do." Vinncent nodded as he began to walk out of the hive.

As he passed through the caverns the floors were being cleared by drones and warriors. The humans being dragged further into the hive to the food piles and the dead brood were dragged toward the entrance. Two chambers from where he entered Vinncent saw dead xenomorphs piled around the area. Although they appeared to be in random locations at a human's eye level from where Vinncent stood it was different. He could see that the corpses made an intricate maze like area. Some of the bodies were even covered or being covered by hive resin to help prevent them moving and create a wall. A few of the bodies were even positioned on the wall so as to give them the illusion of being alive still. Channels and holes were made in the walls and piles to allow for living xenomorphs to ambush any intruders. However, the main danger was not the hidden xenomorphs. Vinncent witnessed a couple of drones digging holes, lining them with hive resin and then guiding the acid blood on the floor or using their own to fill the bottoms. One of these holes was even being covered by a thin layer of hive resin by a drone as it delicately wove the strands to look like the surrounding walls.

'That's a rather impressive idea. I'm surprised I didn't think of it before. It's a good thing that a queen this smart accepted my offer.' Vinncent laughed in his mind as he passed through the maze.

Once to the entrance he pulled his body out into the light of the full moon. The area around him once again forest that showed no signs of battle except for the blood and holes spread around randomly. When at the log with his pants Vinncent realized something.

"Before I leave I forgot to ask, What is your name?" he said in his mind, reaching out to the queen.

"What is a... name?" she responded confused

"A name is what distinguishes a being from others; it also allows for a proper way of addressing that being. In your case it would be queen and then your name."

"My kind do not have names as we only live to keep our species alive. Why is it that important to have one?"

"It's not important. I just feel bad to only call you Queen or the Queen."

"That is what I am though is the queen there is nothing bad about that. I live to propagate my kind."

"I know however it feels improper." Vinncent said

"Would you want to give me a name then? I don't see any value in having a name. However, if you want I shall have one."

"If it is alright by you then I think I shall call you Kali. As she is the goddess of Death, Destruction, Time and most importantly Change in one of the human worships. A name that I am sure you shall give proper merit."

"Kali... I think it does indeed suit me. But what shall I call you?"

"Please feel free to call me Vinncent."

"Vinncent... I thank you again for your aid."

"No problem Kali, I will be back in a week to fulfill my remaining debit."

Vinncent changed back into a human and began to put his pants back on.

"Goodbye Kali." he thought as he opened a portal back to the hotel room only to be greeted by silence.

As he passed through and stepped onto the wooden floor Kali's voice rang in his head.

"Goodbye... Vinncent."

Momentarily stunned Vinncent shook his head thinking that she said what she did while he was entering the portal, not when he exited. Deciding that it was a subject for another time he surveyed the now dark room. Although his eyes had yet to adjust he could vaguely see what appeared to be the outline of a woman laying on one of the beds.

'I am rather surprised that she decided to stay. With how she was talking earlier I thought for sure that she would have left. I suppose it is of little consequence though.' Vinncent thought as he continued to look at the figure for a brief moment before walking to the vacant bed.

Vinncent slowly sat on the side of the bed before fully laying on its surface in an effort to not wake Llorva by making too much noise. As he laid on the bed staring at the ceiling Vinncent began to think about how to best declare an attack so as to allow time for those unwilling to fight to escape. The main idea that came to mind was to simply declare his attack to the citizens of the city by using his psionic communication to warn them of what was to come.

As he continued his thoughts the urge to sleep floated on the sides of his mind. After planning for the following day Vinncent decided to succumb to the urge.

sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't really think of a good way to continue after the portal closed and Vinncent found Llorva asleep.

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