
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Confession pt 2

" Well... You see I am an actual angel and as I have told you many a time before I came to this world to help its people. I know you likely don't believe me..."

"Your right I don't." Llorva said crossing her arms a scowl on her face.

"I think that you are just a man who got some transmutation magic and is going around pretending to be this divine savior. The last time an actual angel appeared was when the church was founded over two thousand years ago. Your whole skit is not working on me. I can see that you are just trying to make your own kingdom by domination and mutilation. That's the reason why a man with your powers isn't serving any duke, prince, or king. That's why you seek to 'liberate' the slaves because they are easier to persuade into being your subjects than anyone else. You are nothing more than a liar who plays the hearts of others for your own benefit!"

With small nods Vinncent listened to Llorva before sighing.

"The fact that you say that makes me believe that others have tried to do exactly what you said. I am pained and angered not by what you direct at me but the actions of others that you have alluded to. You see unlike them I should have a way to prove it provided that none have tried using it in their lies." Vinncent said as he stood up and took off his shirt.

"How are you going to do that? Do you have some magic tattoo on your back in the shape of a halo? Do you have a birthmark in the shape of a pentagram?" Llorva asked sarcastically

With his shirt in his hands Vinncent looked to LLorva and shook his head.

"No, I have these." he said as his wings slowly appeared on his back

Llorva looked shocked; she had heard about imposter angels before from her master but none of the supposed 'angels' had any wings. Yet here she stood looking at a man who had wings. Llorva watched as the wings stretched and folded back to his back, their tips gently brushing the floor.

"Alright so you have wings. How do I know you didn't just use your transmutation magic? Or maybe you cast an illusion spell.?" She pestered prompting another sigh from Vinncent.

"Believe it or don't the choice is up to you. I imparted you with this information so our understandings were clear. However, I see that such knowledge is currently not wanted here. A time will come where you might believe my words but even if that time never comes I shall stay true to my word."

A portal slowly opened behind Vinncent as he spoke its blue/black constellational vortex expanding with every word. The wings on his back also began to disappear until no sign that they had existed remained.

"I should not be gone long so I shall lay my trust in you. Either safely await my return or make a life anew, for I now give you time to digest the new knowledge I have imparted unto you."

With two backward steps Vinncent disappeared into the portal leaving Llorva alone in the room with only the quiet murmur of speech and laughter coming from the bar below.



After exiting the portal Vinncent surveilled his surroundings. In front of him stood a massive cavern opening leading deep into the ground below. Under his boots hive resin covered the ground and the mutilated and mangled bodies of xenomorphs littered the ground along with bullet casings and a couple of humans either missing limbs or with claw marks across their flesh.

'Looks like I came at the best time I possibly could.' he thought as he took off his clothing and neatly placed them on a fallen tree nearby. After it was safely arranged Vinncent walked to the opening of the cave. The pungent smell of sulfur and rotten flesh swirling through the air. Deciding that the cave would likely be big enough Vinncent allowed his body to morph into a xenomorph king. Once his body stopped growing he stretched out to help relax his body as he entered the cave. A feminine serpentine voice echoed in his mind as he walked further in.

"What are you? You are not of my brood nor are you of the queen mothers. Do you come as friend or as foe?"

"I come as a friend however, I am not opposed to being a foe if you don't allow me what I seek." Vinncent rung back along the psychic link between him and the queen.

"Interesting choice of words. I wish we could talk face to face however, there are human warriors inside the hive attacking my brood if you could help my children kill them it would be much appreciated."

Vinncent stopped and a smile formed in his mind. He could have not possibly asked for a better situation to occur and it just so happened to fall right into his lap.

"If it shall expedite our discussion I shall gladly assist you and your brood. I need only know the location of the humans and your assurance that your brood won't attack me."

"Thank you for your support. The most concerning group of humans is on their way to my chamber, kill them and my brood should be able to handle the rest."

"How do I get to your chamber?" Vinncent asked

"I shall send one of my brood to guide you; she shall be at your location momentarily."

Vinncent waited at most fifteen seconds before a drone came out of a small channel in the wall and looked up at Vinncents towering form.

"The queen's chamber is this way." it said suspicion soaking its voice

The drone quickly turned around and began walking down the main channel. Not intending to waste this opportunity Vinncent quickly began to follow. In his massive form his strides quickly brought him to the drones side with little effort. Upon seeing his speed the drone began to run down through the cave system as Vinncent kept pace behind her.

Dead bodies both human and xenomorph coated the floor of the cave a thin blanket of acid blood coated the cavern floor only prevented from eroding it by the hive resin lining. They passed passageway after passageway some of them containing only dead bodies and others the screams of man, beast and the roar of gunfire. After passing the fifteenth of such a passageway the sound of gunfire became more and more prevalent. As the cave opened up into a spacious cavern the roar of gunfire consumed all other noise.

"Ahead are the humans making their way toward the queen's chamber. Now if you would excuse me I am needed elsewhere." the drone said as she ran back toward where they had come from.

Slowly walking forward Vinncent looked over a tall cluster of stalagmites into the cavern beyond. In the middle of the expanse fifteen humans stood firing into the tunnels leading deeper into the cave. Three of them stood perched on top of a fallen boulder while two used its sides and the remaining ten either stood or crouched. The bodies of xenomorphs coated the cavern floor, many missing any combination of limbs, head or tail. The culprit for a major part of the kills stood in the middle of all the marines, its army green body illuminated by the constant gun fire of its weapons and the sound of its dual chain guns drowning out the screams of its victims as bullet casings piled up around its feet.

'It's no wonder these marines are giving the queen such a hard time.' Vinncent thought

'An exosuit on its own is able to mulch a queen; these poor drones are nothing but lambs to the slaughter. If I don't take out that exosuit first I likely won't be any different.'

His mind made up and his potential deal on the line he emerged from his cover and charged toward the group of marines. His every step causing the ground to quake as he closed in. From the tunnels the xenomorphs of the hive screamed although not in pain or anger, but rather in celebration of the slaughter to come.

blood and gore galore comming next chapter stay tuned for the slaughter.

Unseen_Unheardcreators' thoughts