
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

Confession pt 1

The inner city was far more organized than what they had seen before. Where buildings once stood only a story or on occasion two tall those past the second gate commonly reached the second or even third story. The buildings were almost exclusively made of stone with the only visible wood being their supports. Walking down the cobble street signs appeared on various buildings designating them as shops, smithies, apothecaries, etc. an almost pleasant feeling spread through the air as people bargained and chatted. However, the atmosphere was easily pierced once anyone took a closer look around them.

Slaves and prostitutes stood amongst the heaps of garbage and debris in the alleys, slaves stood or sat chained to merchant stalls and buildings. The sight repulsed Vinncent even as his headache worsened the further into the city they went. He could not help but ignore it as he knew what would come should he give in to the pain.

Llorva simply walked with a frown, she had seen this all before and even experienced it herself on occasion. Although the sight brought back bitter memories she stifled her emotions. This was no longer her life and she hoped Vinncent would stay true to his word to free them as he did her.

A short while after entering the gate Vinncent found what he was looking for. On one of the two story buildings a wooden sign with a bed engraved on its face came into view.

"There's an Inn, let's go and rent a room for the night." Vinncent said pointing to the sign.

"I would have thought that you would want to wait until after you have helped the people in the city?" Llorva asked

"First I need to make my declaration of an attack to allow time for the innocent to escape and then I need to gather my army however I can't do either task if I have you with me."

"So I would just get in the way?" she asked an eyebrow raised

"For the first part it is possible however if I were to take you when I went to gather my army I would likely have to fight against my soon to be allies to protect you. I also could almost guarantee that you would not make it back alive."

"You just want me to stay in a room while you go about your business?"

"No, I want you to stay someplace safe and although I would have prefered you stay in the hollow I can't guard you and execute my plans at the same time."

"Wouldn't it have just been better to leave me at the hollow then? I would be safe and out of your way."

Vinncent shook his head

"Had I left you there I would be unable to guard you in the event that a search party found you. Because of that it's a better idea to have you accompany me until I begin execution of my plan."

Vinncent said as he opened the door to the Inn.

With a meager "Thank you" Llorva walked inside as Vinncent followed close behind her. In front of them a large room with a bar and fireplace stood. People meandered about as they went to get drinks or talk to others. Some sat on stools and chairs gathered around the fireplace and traded stories. Behind the bar a burly man looked at the duo as they entered.

"Can I 'elp ya wit somethan?" he said in a gruff voice

"Yes we would like to rent a room with two beds for the night please." Vinncent said approaching the bar.

"Sure thin' that'll be three copper."

fishing into his pocket Vinncent pulled out the last of his copper and placed it on the bar. Nodding the man behind the bar grabbed the coins and went off toward a cabinet at the end of the bar. Opening the cabinet he placed the coins inside and pulled out a key with a rabbit's foot attached before wandering back over to Vinncent and Llorva.

"All right 'ere ya go." he said placing the key on the counter

"Your rooms up the stairs down the right hallway, it will be three doors down on your left with a matching rabbits foot on the door."

"Thanks, I was also wondering if you knew of any abandoned mines nearby?"

"Yeah there's an old mine over in the east hills. It's been closed down for about thirty years now. ... not that it's any of my business but I'm curious, Why do ya wanna know? Ya wouldn't be up to somethan would ya?" The man said as Vinncnet grabbed the key

"We recover abandoned equipment and re-sell it." Vinncent pointed toward Llorva and himself.

"I see, If thats the case you should have an interesting time. I do believe that the miners took out everything when the mine closed but I could be wrong." the bartender shrugged.

"We better go check out the room, I wish you a good day sir."

"Same to you lad and best of luck in the mine."

Vinncent walked away from the bar with Llorva leading the way to the staircase before slowly ascending. Mid way up she looked behind herself to find Vinncent walking up the stairs behind her causing her body to visibly relax. The action intrigued Vinncent however, he chose to remain quiet; it was not an issue that needed too much attention. At the top of the stairs they followed the bartenders instructions and found the room with a matching rabbit's foot hung on its face.

"This should be the room." Vinncent said inserting the key into the door lock and twisting it.

An audible click resounded through the hall before he opened the door and looked into the room behind it. The room had a stained oak floor and matching walls. Toward the center of the room two beds were spaced from each other. Both beds were filled with straw and covered by two wool sheets at their head a single cotton pillow. On the outer side of the beds two wall mounted candles gently glowed illuminating the room in a dim flickering light. To the immediate left of the entrance a second door stood its open entry leading to the washroom containing only an iron bucket and a wash basin with a wall mounted candle above it. Stepping through the threshold Vinncent could not help but remark

"Somehow this room still beats most of the hotel rooms I've seen."

"I agree although it was rather cheap it has a nice layout."

Llorva walked in past Vinncent and sat on the end of one of the straw beds.

"So what's your plan Vinncent? I know that you want me to stay here but what are you going to do?"

Closing the door behind him Vinncent walked over to the other bed and sat facing Llorva.

"Well you already know about how I'm going to raise an army and free the world however, there is something that until now I think didn't know about me that I feel you should."

Llorva was intrigued now she had expected Vinncent to leave but now it seemed like he would make a confession.

"What would that be?"


Short chapter and fun cliff hanger hope everyone is enjoying so far. I must warn my readers that when Vinncent goes to subjugate the xenomorphs that things are going to get gruesome so If your weak to blood I would recommend that you find another novel. Since I don't plan on skipping details like I did with the chapter "Ambush" and leaving it up to your imagination. That said for those of you who enjoy blood, gore, and war your in luck because thats a majority of what this novel should become if I decide to stick to my intended path.

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